General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are all my pango games the same

Why are all my pango games the same in General Discussion

    I win the offlane, or even roam a couple times, get high networth in midgame and stay relevant in late and end up with high/highest kda. But somehow we cannot end and I have to (slowly) watch the lead go away and eventually lose. I never hit a neutral creep unless there’s absolutely nothing else to do I push waves effectively and die minimally. Is this just a flaw of the hero? Or my build or something? I love this hero easily one of the most fun for me but what should I do to make those losses wins?


      Because you cant siege highground effectively with pango, you are just a nuisance that can be dealt with once enemy cores are farmed enough.

      If you want to effectively carry your shit cores to victory play some sieging hero like DK, Clinkz or beastmaster/brew if you prefer offlane.

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      Story Time

        you should get the necromicon for push (kappa?)


          I say you can pick centaur offlane get tranq -> blink -> hood -> bm -> heart then you walk up to the tower range with your team close to you (so enemy can see or your big ult to use if you get jump on) with the return damage talent you can destroy the tower pretty fast with heart you don't really take damage and if you get jump on juust activate your blademail and hood but you should already have 50% magic resistance with the talent at lvl10 + hood. You might lack a bit of armor but that can be fix pretty easily by getting shiva or you could get aghanim to get the damage reduction for your whole team. You can even split push with this and you are almost unkillable with 5k hp + magic resistance + ult. Well this work for me atleast


            Its just how normal skill dota 2 works... All you can do is pray to get matched with people playing dota playing game about destroying ancient not wandering around searching kill or play farming simulator
            All you can do is pray And learn from your mistakes

            I too have sf building magic build with etheral blade....

            SASA POPOVIC

              ^ OR!!!!!!!!! You can pick pusher yourself and melt towers while everyone dicking around playing farm simulator?

              Sure Pango is hell of a fun to play but in this teamclash meta it doesnt provides anything for the team other than anoying ult and yeah you can oneshot a support hero, big deal... There are far better offlaners with larger impact, thats why Pango is strugling with slightly above 40% winrate in all brackets from low to highskill. He was winning games at start when nobody knew what he does or how to play around him, people figured out he is a one trick pony soon enough.

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                At the end of the day if you don't play a pusher you do have to put your win in other peoples hands...


                  Ok, I know I can play the hero effectively now and I guess it really is his weak point. But he’s fun and cool thats why I love pango, but I don’t want to blame my team so much because I want to get better myself. And I feel he’s better than what people think. He can flash farm and is distruptive as hell


                    centaur is a weak hero and cant stay in lane solo in 90% of matchups, he also cant really fall back to jungle. really bad hero to pick since months i think


                      ^tbh i haven't been winning with him for like 2months but thats also because i only picked him 3 times but i do have 70%+ wr on him.

                      SASA POPOVIC

                        Ok, I know I can play the hero effectively now and I guess it really is his weak point. But he’s fun and cool thats why I love pango, but I don’t want to blame my team so much because I want to get better myself. And I feel he’s better than what people think. He can flash farm and is distruptive as hell

                        Dota is a team game, sure 1 player can decide the faith of the match and carry the rest but only if he is 2 brackets above so oposite team cant shut him down and his teammates cant obstruct him with bad decisions feeding etc.

                        Yes Pango is disruptive, but if you do a perfect ability rotation and you fail to kill at least 1 core and 2 supports you have disrupted for nothing. Also if you create space with and your team doesnt use it for taking objectives you have also did nothing. Eventualy you will be 6 sloted, good for you, but so will others and lets be really honest hero Pango is not really top notch late game core.

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                          His ulti does so much in teamfight but if you fail to efficiently stun them then your team will be in a disadvantage. 70 sec cd is already long and 1st won't help you rather then escape or if you got a basher in your inventory. Your second relies on how many enemies are and if you 2nd with 1 enemy it would be not much to sustain yourself. These are the problems in late game since carries (and even supports) are stronger in late game than in early game (of course lol). Basically pango's primary job is to shut down enemy team and let your team snowball to let them finish the game.


                            try to put yourself at risk more. imagine me picking bristle back and trying to stay safe with high kda, staying in the back lines all the time. well you get my point


                              whats the point if you are alive and your whole team is dead? you cant take objectives by yourself. just a suggestion.

                              i have 5 reports to use

                                Buy dagger hex and basher u fking noob shit

                                i have 5 reports to use

                                  Pango is a better underlord mid and late game in terms of damage output. Pango can also tank But of course pango needs to not be initiated on to get his crash buff.
                                  Also pango has a really shitty laning phase. it's a joke compared to underpants. And also requires lvl 9 to full clear a wave while underpants just need lvl 7 or 5 idk I don't play him much.


                                    Well han I believe pango is played different from a bristle or an u derlord, so I can’t really compare them so directly. And I don’t think martyrdom and dying with honor with your team is the way to go. Not from a core who, like my pango games in question is the highest networtg and would feed a considerable ammount of Gold to an enemy core, whilst halting my snowball and high uptime with my skills. So yeah I’d rather not enter this lost teamfight sometimes to save my supports that are out of position excuse me if I get better kda because of it.

                                    Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                                      I buy a meteor hammer on Pango if we don't have any pushers... or if I feel safe enough from enemy ganks to be able to escape easily while chipping their structures.

                                      Pango is an agi hero, You can rightclick build him if you think you can pull it off ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                      And try not to limit your item choices.


                                        Pango is a shit hero for winning games and you are an annoying guy who fails to realise that!


                                          Divine 1 Ancient 3 player

                                          La Dz

                                            Idk im scrub and i dont play that hero but let me tell u my idea, you gather your team and you go ult and blink and stun enemy on their hg and then your team comes in and fight goes wild and then when your ult ends you go with q and that shit jump and you have massive advantage?

                                            jugando desnudo

                                              idk, play pango when you know your team has push potential, if not he's just dumb and not really the biggest threat on lane, i think there are far more scary offlaners than pango