General Discussion

General DiscussionNew player - Calibrate now or wait

New player - Calibrate now or wait in General Discussion

    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to dota, and I am about to complete my first 100 games. I'm wondering if it is wise to calibrate my account now, or hold off until I have more experience.

    As it stands, I would guesstimate my hidden mmr to be around 3k +-, as I'm mostly against legend players, with a few ancients in between. I have extensive experience in another moba at high level, so the primary thing I struggle with in dota is understanding the heroes (limits, balance, and meta). This takes time and is something I know I need to grind out - there is no shortcut. Once I have a better understanding of the game, my goal would be 4k mmr in the immediate term, 5k in the medium term, and 6k in the long term (stretch target). This would be reasonable given my standing in other similar games.

    The question at hand is simple - is it better to practice in a more competitive environment (ranked), or given the nature of my shortcoming, should I continue to grow my experience in unranked, where I can try new heros without needing to be so outcome focused?

    I should also point out that my ability in this game is heavily skewed towards mid and offlane, and whilst I can spam mid without too many objections in unranked, can I expect this is in ranked play? Playing other roles would discount my mmr by about 500-1000, which is again an example of lacking experience.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      it doesnt matter rn. the new matchmaking season is very close, so MMRs/medals will be reset and everyone will recalibrate. though the new calibration will be based on your old MMR

      flourishing new leaf

        Doesn't matter, valve will make sure to pair you with ruiners and people that abandon, and more ruiners... You're fucked anyway


          You seem to get fewer leavers and assclowns in ranked. I just play ranked all the time for that reason. Some people frown upon that for experimenting with new heroes and such, but... well I ain't exactly on the leaderboard, so it's all practice. If anyone on your team really thinks otherwise they might have some delusions of grandeur.

          Win now and face teams better than me and lose later, or lose now with poor execution of new heroes and win other games against lesser opponents later, it's all the same. My goal is just to get better; with improvement the MMR and all that will come on it's own. The experience gained and the skills honed are more valuable than +/- 25 added to a number.

          People leaving in the middle or a game though: while I suppose you still gain experience and practice, it is a frustrating thing to deal with and I don't like it. I'm not saying it never happens in ranked either, but it seems less common.

          That's my thoughts at least. Maybe if's different if you're a top player. There's probably a little difference between getting your MMR as high as you can with the skills you already have by leveraging heroes and play styles you are the most proficient in, and broadening your skills to become a stronger player in the long term even if you lose some games in the learning process.

          So I guess it depends on your goals, but if you're in it for the long term I'd just play ranked all the time.


            It is easier to increase hidden mmr but calibration is capped at 3.5k so if you are really 3k you might as well calibrate.


              Wow, I wasn't aware the season was so close to finishing. I might wait until the next season is in full swing, giving me a few extra weeks to polish.

              Snerdy - I'm similar to you in that I'm playing to improve, rather than being externally motivated. From your description, it sounds like ranked will be a better venue for this. Fingers crossed I don't tilt my team mates too much with my derpy plays!

              Rocket - slower mmr gain wouldn't bother me. If anything, I'd value playing lower tier games for longer, rather than sitting at a rank where I have to comfort pick to win games. With that said, we're talking 500 mmr here (or less), so possibly not a big deal. Not sure how accurate is, but my opendota estimate hovers between 3.3 and 3.5k.

              Player 345996680

                You should calibrate, simply because of your extensive experience in other moba.


                  u will calibrate archon bro since ur normal skill play more


                    itll be the same no matter what coz u will struggle climbing up, playing ranked mmr is like college, sometimes even if you put it all it wouldnt give you the results u expect

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!