General Discussion

General DiscussionBrand new players

Brand new players in General Discussion

    What’s up with unranked and new players being matched with people that already have experience? I played a game as rubick and this Luna on my team was a new player, with the account level being level 1. This has been a trend I see lately and honestly it’s frustraiting because it makes it difficult to win with someone who is brand new and has no clue what they’re doing. Currently right now I have 1335 hours and i hate when stuff like this happens.


      Yeah it’s definitely down to a change in the matchmaking settings.

      In 2015 when I was making new low MMR smurfs after about 2 games of afk Riki to ensure you had low GPM and 0 KDA you would get up against legitimately new accounts zero games played (with the accompanying hilarious misplays and item builds).

      Started one up again a few weeks ago and despite losing 5 games on it with low GPM and KDA (realised my riki KDA is 14 since I had a few kills and assists with no death so far) it’s still being matched with people who have hundreds of games. So even if they are low skilled they still know how to play, buy sentries against me in lane etc. it’s not very fun at all.


      Enemy and allied player have around 400 and 350 games, herald 5 and Guardian 0. And they expect new players to play with/against that? In my first game one other player who seemed to be genuinely new abandoned after dying 3 times.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Agree. It's fucking terrible for new players. If you truly play bad you end up getting reported although it's entirely because you are New and suck at the gAme. My first few game were terrible I was getting reported every game.

        Story Time

          i wanted to bring my brother to this game - but this unfriendliness of dota2 communicity base is pretty bad. But how are we going to maintain the player base at all?

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Endure it because we love dota


              The irony being that, if people didn't try to make low mmr smurfs, then there could be a welcoming environment for new players......

              Wouldn't surprise me if something approaching 10% of new accounts actually are new players.

              Potato Marshal

                Not a lot of new players nowadays, plus nerds who don't understand MMR/VHS/medal system keep making new accounts.


                  the idea was to match you with players who are friendly aka good behaviour score players. but this actally back fires because even a guardian 0 experienced player plays very differently from a completely new player who will afk in lane for 5 mins figuring shit out.

                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!