General Discussion

General DiscussionJavelin on wr?

Javelin on wr? in General Discussion

    Is a casual javelin before any big item good on wr? Because it seems like a decent ammount of damage with focus fire. But is it worththe price?


      Yes. It is better than the usual maelstrom. Even a pos 4 WR with Javelin can kill carries.


        Kinda depends on the game I guess.....

        Maybe if you need to rush mkb?
        I don't see why you would only settle for a javelin tho. (I still prefer to get a mobility item)

        #how about sb as a mobility item? (Personal question)


          Just go javelin blink or even jav jav blink or smth

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            situtational i think, maelstrom give u flash farm xd


              Maelstrom isn't even that good for farming on wr since u have powershot and it's dmg doesn't compare to javelins since it's like twice the gold too


                Just pick another hero?

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  2 Javelin does pretty much the same damage(a little less) compared to Maelstrom
                  I guess it's good


                    Maelstrom is taking too long to build and neither item to build it gives you significant damage. While even one javelin almost doubles your damage in ulti. It is your first peak.

                    With one javelin you can actually kill a support and with 2 you just kill anybody except tankiest heroes. And mkb is great for wr as well - ms is useful for farming and pure damage as well. My feeling is that the farming speed with mkb is similar to maelstrom.

                    Even In guides you can see it. People go for 1-2 javs, maelstrom, mkb or directly mkb. Usually when I see wind with maelstrom she has issues doing anything in game and need another 10 minutes farming to be able to produce something. And lose its peak, when nobody has glimmer, force, eul or other saves.


                      what a beautifully prescient thread

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