General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat should I focus on to improve most?

What should I focus on to improve most? in General Discussion

    Hi all, I’ve played casually for years and well I’m pretty bad. I’ve had a combination of being bad at dota + playing on an iMac that can’t handle the game + bad internet for a long time, but I’m fixing the hardware and internet aspect so now it’s time to fix me!

    If anyone has a moment to glance at my account and notices major obvious fuck ups that I miss I’d appreciate it.

    I’m actively working on last hits and mechanics and things like that, but is there any obvious constant issues I’m unaware of?

    To be clear, this isn’t a thread of a delusional player blaming teammates. I suck, I know, so if you feel the need to flame you’re wasting time.


      Stop playing Techies?! Awful hero... But to answer more seriously... Watch BSJ's coaching videos on YouTube. Not from the must recent patch but the basic principles of the game still hold true imho...


        Learn basics like how to lane and not to feed and stuff that should be enough to get u out of guardian and learn what to pick

        Dire Wolf

          carry or support? If carry just focus on getting cs in lane and then having good farm throughout game, finding farm even in the games when you are pressured.

          If support focus on zoning out offlaners, winning the lane, warding well.

          Easy things to start with.

          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!