General Discussion

General DiscussionRetard Alert !!!

Retard Alert !!! in General Discussion
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    So in my last AM game, within 15 mins of the match, my supp WD decides to go mad coz I was 0-3 with AM (not bad considering that QoP had Orchid while I had just done BF and Manta was a bit longer to get) and started blocking all my jungle with sentries making my BF useless since I couldn't even farm in lane w/o manta for the fear of orchid QoP, anyways we won somehow with the help of other 3 members who were good...
    But the real question is how do u deal with scrubs who go on a whole different mission of reports by blocking all ur jungle camps with sentries (which is worse than feeding imho)...


      Mos Likely

        you ignore them and just do you.


          Machado98 #xatubaking

            Just report and mute, that's it. Honestly if it happened with me I would've given up. Congratulations for your mental resilience, unfortunately doctor got mmr he doesn't deserve, fortunately he will lose it soon anyway

            How were your lanes? 3 invis heroes and a gem vs a WD solo supporting, I would be tilted as hell, specially if a last pick AM was feeding, if that's the case...
            If undy went offlane then either you or jugg picked the hero even though you already had a carry. In that case I blame this last picker for all the disgrace that fell upon your team psyche

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              My laning phase was good coz I had Undy supporting me in Off... Had a decent timing with BF, but just after my BF completion when my real time to farm manta and split push starts, my WD blocked all my jungle with sentries and my farm got stopped like hell... And yeah this is 3k where 2 carries 1 mid 1 tank and 1 supp is the usual drafting...
              M not complaning about anyone playing bad... Even WD wasn't playing bad or feeding, but he just blocked all the jungle camps forcing me to lane w/o manta when enemy slarky and qop had orchid :(

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              Machado98 #xatubaking

                Dude if I understood correctly you picked AM offlane after the safe lane Juggernaut, this is just dumb. Yes, our bracket is pathetic but if you want to win by picking an ultra farm dependent hero when your team needs another support you won't get anywhere
                Play what you know is good or at least you can work out. I am spamming LD offlane, it's not optimal, LD has a really low winrate but I know I can own the lane with it even in higher brackets when I play with friends. MMR just cashes in when you play at your best
                If you really think AM offlane after a jugg pick is good you deserve this cancer bracket


                  U dont need a lousy support like that, just mute him, disable help from him, ignore him, dont respond to his pings, win the game with ur other teammates, trust me ive won countless games by muting cancers


                    If you pick AM offlane and afk farm jungle until you get your manta at minute 25, guess what, you are the Re Tard not him.

                    learn how to play dota, picking AM offlane is 1k. ending 3 7, literally got carried, non factor in that game.

                    In fact, because WD blocked your camps he forced you to split push so that you at least do ANYTHING useful that game.

                    I cant even imagine how dumb you have to be to pick AM offlane


                      OOOH and ofc its a 46% winrate smurf, who would have thought.


                        ^they are both kinda like a bitch because they acted like kids.


                          why? if WD wouldnt have blocked the camps, Am would have afk jungled for 10 minutes.

                          this forced him to show on the map (smth low mmr never think about, how important movement on the map is, and when and how to show/not show) which diverted the attention of the other team.

                          Which porobably stopped them from 5 manning down the ancient (very possible since due to the ingenious AM offlane pick everyone was underfarmed most likely.

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            ^ if u seriously believe all u have written here ure a huge retard


                              U can get to knw abt that wd really well he is a 40% winrate shit player

                              lone dog

                                u gotta farm the enemy jungle so ur wd blocks all the enemy jungle camps so the enemy cant farm and u win ez dota psychology


                                  what’s wrong with you? offlane AM? seriously? 50 minutes and you only had 3 kills and 1 assist and died 7 times. man, overall bth team had 41-39 kills, and yet you only had 1 assist????? means you barely joined the team fight. WD had 3 kills and 18 assist, he is highest in the game in terms of team figth participation. he is more useful than your 45% winrate playing core 😂😂😂


                                    ^whatever ur skill level is doesn't matter if ur just doing obviously feeding type shit

                                    However to OP, listen to a piece of advice from CCnC
                                    Try playing a game without killing any neutrals.
                                    It forces you to make full use of the map, make rotations, use the best resources possible, etc.

                                    Player 281121816

                                      I think you're actually the main problem here brother