kaya doesnt give you mana reg (and mana reg scales with the int) so i always prefer the lens (especially because of blink/hex extra range!), also later int he game just egt yourself like 3-5 clarities (they give huge amounts of mana).
i like scythe over dagon in MOST cases, since it cannot be dispelled and compared to dagon gives you again manareg. Just evaluate if you can kill your core target with 2 combos (rocket, laser, dagon): if so grab the dagon! if not grab the hex and let your carry kill the perma sheeped enemy
Aether lens is a must.
As for lvl 10 talent pick the spell amp.
Get kaya and lens if you got decent farn
Almost all high ranked Tinkers go Lens with +75 cast range and +40 MS talents. Kefal picks that up also w/o exception based on what I saw.
^you are right about that. always cast range and ms-> dont get caught and be as far away as possible. as i mentioned: the extra range on blink and laser really pays off
How bout,, take talent spell.A and build aether or take talent 75 cast range but build kaya ?
cast range >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spell amp
Rush hex when playing against spec , storm , am / heroes that have high mobility
lol octa wont reduce the cooldown of REARM and who the fuck builds octa on a TK.
kaya is just a waste of gold just rect between agha/lens/hex depending on the situation especially if the game is even or ur team is in the losing side.
if ur already stomping early game go rect dagon 5 to end it at 15-25 mins.
Kaya so good
But u have csr range talent or spel amp
I go spell amp then go aether
Then go kaya with dagon and ur fuckig rock
Then go bloodstoen
Then shiva or e blde or hex depends
But when u get bloodstone and lazt item u allrdy won
Aether Lens > Kaya
Aghs > Scythe of Vyse or Dagon on mid game. Gives you enough mana to spam rearm. You can safely cast rockets and laser from a distance and hits all enemy.
Dagon, Shiva, Scythe of Vyse, and BKB are all situational after Aghs.. Go dagon if you can burst down one hero. Shiva if theirs a lot of right clicker or Illusion hero. Scythe of Vyse for lockdown. BKB for counter against anti tinker skills (Global Silence, Glimpse + Storm, Wraith + Nimbus, etc)
Aghs is ok but imo if your just gonna dumpster the game then you can go Kaya dagon and evaporate people
Otherwise I don't see going Kaya as being useful
Lütfen yorum yapmak için giriş yapınız
Hey guys,, i wanna ask u which one better item for tinker and the reason :), thx.
Aether or Kaya ? Something im confuse coz build this 2 item in sametime was useless...
Dagon or Scyhte? i dunno which condition prefer to build it..