General Discussion

General DiscussionReports and toxic bracket

Reports and toxic bracket in General Discussion

    I'm not toxic, I barely talk in-game and people just report me for no reason. Pre last 10-games update, I had like 0 reports and 21 commends, next 10-games update I had like 7 reports, almost 1 every game.

    Suddently, after playing with cool guys I get the toxic ones, clearly, I'm in the toxic bracket right now when I'm not one of them.

    You can know right away, the difference is MASSIVE. People insulting in the picking phase, people getting triggered super fast for stupid things, etc.

    This system sucks balls, first, why people have so many reports when I don't have any. Today I played with a hardcore feeder and I couldn't even report him but me, a cool guy, 0 toxic, PMA ..... 7 reports in 10 games.

    To be honest, I feel like I'll end up leaving dota. These things that are a complete bullshit are too much for me right now.

    The same thing happened a few days ago after winning 10 ranked games in a row, I bet the losers reported me for winning the games, I'm pretty sure and once again, I played with toxic many games after that.

    I remember an update about "If you're toxic, you'll play with toxic" well, guess what, I'm not toxic and I play with them. They should add "if you get reported for no reason because this game is a complete joke, you'll also play with toxics".

    Does anyone of you guys have the same problem? I don't understand why I get reported for no reason and I don't get why I have to play many games with toxic people when I'm not one of them. Also, how many reports you have? (I mean the ones you do) because I have 1 per week, maybe 2 when I get the message "we have taken ......".

    I can't report feeders and toxics but they surely can report me all the time, why?

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    unbreakable spirit

      Legend 5 with normal skill games?


        dude just check ur behavior score in console. If its normal its good.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          I never had this problem
          I trash talk often too


            Yea this game is shit honestly. It's so toxic now


              u cannot differentiate divine from crusader now


                My behavior score is normal. I came back after a few months break but now all I see are toxics. It's the same thing over and over, good bracket, people commending me, winning games, then suddenly, people report me for no reason and once again toxic bracket and MASSIVE LOSS STREAK.

                I know a 6k smurf can carry those games but I'm not 6k, when I'm playing the toxic bracket is very hard to win. I have to mute everyone because they are insulting each other all game.

                Not only the toxicity, the way of playing is different. The other team always good roams, supp picking first, not losing gold, the toxic ones losing gold all picking phase, 0 tp, 0 roam.

                I feel that when you're with the toxic team, you MUST lose the game. I guess it's taking back the 10 wins in a row in some way because I can't win a single game now.

                If I were toxic, well .... but I'm not and that's why I'm getting pissed off. I mean, I love this game but man, I'm thinking of quitting, this game is a joke.

                The system is a complete joke, if someone reports me for chat abuse or feeding, the system should recognize that I didn't even used voice chat or normal chat, that I didn't feed and so on, still since it's a complete joke I get punished.

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                  Dude its just win/lose streak, whenever you have winning streak losing streak will follow i have one now after 10 games won in a row, now i lost 6 in a row and im not really playing any diferently than in those i won, someone called it "forced 50% winrate" dont know what it is but it happens a lot.

                  Mlada i Luda

                    normal behavior score can be everything between 5-6k ( not 100% sure ) to 10k with the old metrics. in other words it means shit, so yeah you can be in normal bs and have toxic games , game ruiners all time ,for sure.

                    whats doesnt make sense to me is why you think you are getting reported for no reason ???
                    how is that a thing? if your not toxic doesnt mean people have no other reason to report you, me for instance i never report toxic people i jsut mute them . i always report first pick carries , feeders , last pick insta game loosers, threwers, junglers, ect .. i can give 100 more reason to report someone.
                    pretending that you get reported for no reason is the most retarded thing i can imagine.

                    casual gamer

                      2 reasons fir reports

                      either ur cancer or ur bad at dota

                      figure out which ones u because people dont just randomly throw reports out

                      u can be silent and still cancer btw


                        i don't believe u


                          Well, as I said .... I had 10 win streak, pretty much I did a lot for the win, 10 games as offlaner and I keep saying people reported me for no reason. I think the losers reported me, my team would never report me in those games, we won and as I said more than once, most of them commended me at the end.

                          That's why I know for sure, the losers reported me, there is no reason for them to report me, only because they're mad because they lose, maybe they got triggered on the offlane, I don't know.

                          Still, if they report me for chat abuse or feed, the system is a complete joke because I didn't feed a single game and I didn't even talk to the enemy team.

                          Same for my team, it doesn't make sense. Fake reports from mad kids should not have any effect and the system should know the difference between a real report and a fake report.

                          You have 3 options when reporting someone, there is no option for being bad as one of you said, which I think is pretty stupid from you. Where is the option for being bad in the report system? Or any other reason?

                          I don't really care if people report me for no reason, why I do care is that I go to the toxic bracket just for getting a few reports (even when I have more than 10 commends every update).

                          Mlada i Luda, good for you. I didn't do anything of your stupid reasons for reporting someone. Do you see any of those reasons in the report system? No, you do the same people did to me. Unless is toxic, feeder, or anything that ruins the fun for everyone, a report is a fake one.


                            keep in mind people have limited amount of report, so it must be your teammate who reported you. YOu may be more toxic than u think

                            Mlada i Luda

                              lul, your more retarded than i though, those people that i report they dont think they are doing those retarded things and will get reported , cause if they know they would not do it. same goes for you , you want to believe enemies reports you, buti can guarante you 100% that is your team, unles you playing techies than you will get reported from both teams.

                              btw thoose 3 options are there only cause there cant be a list of 1 milion reasons people have for reports is that rly hard to understand?
                              as ihop 5k gpm said, those are 2 main reasons your getting reported , since you know your not toxic cause you dont talk that your for sure 100 % the bad player . your jsut that guy that people dont want to play with . your that guy in real life that no one wants to have it in theyr team. all what you can do is try to figure out what is that thing that you do that makes your team to report you.

                              1 free advice from me , from what i see you play invoker a lot it is your most played hero and you have a shity winrate with it 45 %.
                              its oibvious that your invoker is dogshit, so the chances that you get reported any game that you play invoker are rly high .
                              i just gave you a lil bit help , if you wanna fix that its up on you to figure out yourself why your a trash teammate, classified as a game ruiner from mostly of your teammates.


                                Well, I guess there is no point arguing here. Nothing is going to change just because I'm saying these things here. I'm 100% sure my team didn't report me but Northway wants to believe that it is, I know how I play and I know what I did, those reports were for no reason. 10 win streak where I did the most out of those games and most of my teammates commended me.

                                Since I was in the positive bracket in those games, I didn't mute anyone and that's how I also know nobody was triggered by stupid things because they didn't even talk either but when they did, it was to say good things only.

                                Mlada, I don't want to waste my time arguing with a kid but I have to say a couple of things. Am I retarded? You're just showing me how toxic you're, even more, sharing why you report people. Those reasons are pretty much stupid and you're the same kind of people who reported me. There are only 3 options when reporting because those are the only 3 options you have, the rest is out of the question. Those 3 options are basically for ruining games like massive chat abuse, feeding, ability abuse, etc.

                                If you get triggered because someone used the courier, stole your rune, or any of your stupid reasons, you're just abusing the system for no reason. You even said you don't report toxic people, of course you don't, you would have to report yourself and everyone who plays with you in the toxic bracket every day.

                                Lmao, you're in low priority now for abandoning your last ranked. You want to give me a lesson or teach something to me? Try next time kid, ain't going to happen.

                                Exploring your games, seems like low priority is your home. You go there very often, I don't.

                                Did you see me playing invoker in those 10 games where I was reported? No, but you just talk shit because you can't even focus.

                                By the way, if my invoker is dogshit, I don't want to know in what cagetory your pudge goes, 33% winrate, 2nd most picked hero, what a complete joke, not to mention your 42% winrate as general in your account which is worse than my dogshit invoker. Do I have to talk about your injoker? Just look at that crap.

                                Hello world


                                  I think you're right. I had 10 games in a row with nice people. They apologised for making mistakes or for not warding. But after these enjoyable games iam permantently queued with idiots. It starts right in the drafting stage. They get mad for no reason. Yesterday my teammate (axe) came to my lane after feeding bottom. First he insulted me because I hit the creeps. Then he cancelled the courier and stopped playing. In the end I managed to win this game, but games like these often end up in a disaster. After 3-4 of those games things generally turn to normal again. Nevertheless it is odd that this is happening to me after huge win streaks.

                                  Story Time

                                    ^the system knows that you are smurfing in the trench, shame on you :D

                                    I Feed GooD

                                      not talking will get you reported... i assure you...not communicating will get you reported... actualy hate players who mute all and dont communicate...and then ask why they always lose their games a very positive communication can win you alot of games


                                        You seriously think that people report you because you own them too hard?
                                        And btw, how many games in your 10 game win streak were free wins due to the other team being toxic and shit?
                                        Or you just think that when you lose and your carry is 1-xx, that means that he is shit, but if you win and their carry is 1-xx, then that means that you managed to shut him down with your awesome play although he is actually a good player?


                                          Seems like you are very good at the game, don't see any problem there. There can be only one reason, your profile picture. All CR7 fans might be reporting you. Put some neutral picture and then let me know if reports go down.


                                            Seriously tho its just normal losing streak after a winning streak nothing much. Don't expect your team to always be good remember when u stomp an easy game it means there is that one guy on the enemy team who also think that his team is retarded. If you get a good win streak the system will try make you lose like what that guy called it "forced 50% winrate"

                                            Cheesy Wenis

                                              Saying nothing is just as bad as being a loud, toxic jerk. You need to learn to communicate in a positive way, rather than just keeping your head down and hoping nobody notices you.

                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                i never had a conduct summary where my reports didn't show <3

                                                i also maybe reported twice ever, i remember few days ago a guy that simply cry that his team does nothing and kept whine to us to "end fast" and coursed his team in all chat. so that's the one report i remember i gave

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                                                  Just curious. How do you know you get reported at the end of a win streak? Maybe u got reported when u lose?

                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                    lul kid. so ignorant and naive . your talking with the king of dota psychology i've experienced any kind of bracket , mmr and behavior score. im 26 and play dota about 10 years ago have hundreds of acc, know hundreds of dota players in real life, i know for sure why people report others , wake up kido , your jsut bad face the reality and get better or you will remain dogshit for life. your actually the most deluded kid iever seen . this forum have a lot of them but you , well your something else. pretending that people report you for being good megalul. your thoughts about system go and whine to gaben not here. maybe he will change it since you among all think it is not correct. hmm who knows take your chances kid lul.

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