General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to cross the barrier between Gerald 5 and Guardian 0?

How to cross the barrier between Gerald 5 and Guardian 0? in General Discussion

    Need assisstance. Help please.



        I think you need like 800-900 mmr

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          There is no "barrier" you just need to win games. Also it doesnt matter. You will still be playing against the same kind of players.


            By winning more games than losing them

            casual gamer

              win like 6 games lamo


                Hey man u Should only listen to 1k players and 2k players , other players higher than 3k are retards don't listen to them just ask 1k and 2k players for advice u will get better :)

                ROAD TO HERALD 0


                  By learning to spell.

                  unbreakable spirit


                    ROAD TO HERALD 0

                      OP, see this guy here?


                      That's how you spell like a true guardian 0.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                      Story Time

                        OP is trolling, he does not waant guardian


                          i did it with party games.


                            The lower the mmr, the more games you can win just by farming well. If I were you, I'd try to pick basically stable carries like Dragon Knight, Luna, Sven... Get your farm, pressure towers when you can, fight with your team if it looks good but don't stop farming. If you have 1-2 more items than the enemy carry you can brute force your way to victory without 10k outplays. Also pay attention to which heroes you're most successful with; they might not be the top meta heroes but you should play what you're good at. Looks like you're 5-1 on Wraith King--a win streak on one or two heroes may be enough to bring you to the next rank.

                            Side note: I know several players around Crusader/Archon skill who never play ranked and haven't even calibrated. I have seen people recommend not playing ranked until you have 500-1000 games. I chose to calibrate earlier like you so that I could track my progress more easily, but I never test new heroes in ranked. I play ranked when I feel strong.

                            Good luck and have fun! :)

                            P.S. Mute toxic players ASAP.

                            SASA POPOVIC

                              You see theres this meme on the internet that fucked up dota games bellow 4k, its called "Pick carry to win" so bellow 4k everyone and his mom pick carries and game is literaly unplayable because of it and this dumb advice crated the "trench phenomenon" where everyone complains how they cant win because their teammates are shit, but they just do what people told them, "Pick carry and win!"

                              So next time when you see 5 core players in your team and you are wondering "WTF???" they just googled how to get MMR and found advice "Pick carry to win" :)

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                just learn how to farm efficiently and use that farm to HIT TOWERS its easy as hell to get out of 1k that way, nobody cares about pushing they just want to fight

                                epileptic kid

                                  Play dota


                                    Harolds will never learn


                                      Play wk with baumis build ez farm and fast push with skeletons... I'll advice u to get shadow blade instead of blink cause it's invincibility in 1k. Good luck.


                                        Often invisibility = invincibility also in 5k+...

                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                          bellow 4k everyone and his mom pick carries



                                            Honestly speaking, there really is no point in focusing on trying to cheese your way or find some shortcut to climb up a medal to reach guardian 0. (Not like people are gonna start orgasming about how they're friend's with a god tier guardian player waw.)

                                            As someone who's coached a fair bit for pay, ill give you some pointers.

                                            You could try to do stuff like picking and spamming heros that are broken in your tier, but unless you improve as a player, its not like you'd be able to hold that rank picking other heros or playing properly.
                                            All these random people advising you to "pick cores to climb" are delusional. The only time picking a core allows you to climb more than if you pick a support hero is if you're a booster, or you're ranked much lower than you deserve. (You aren't either of these things, Sorry to break it to you.)

                                            Just try to get better as a player. Your rank will improve as you do.
                                            Try to play a few comfort heros, (maybe start with 1-2 heros for each position)
                                            And play them in each game. Get good on those heros and focus on the general gameplay aspects of dota. Its easier to improve generally if you dont have a wide range of heros which you keep picking from, and instead use a smaller hero pool so that you can focus on every other aspect of dota.

                                            Most importantly, don't ever blame your teammates. Sure you might think they're worse than you or that you're being held back because of them, but the reality of the situation is, trying to focus on their mistakes isnt going to help you improve. You're not going to meet them ever again most likely anyways.
                                            Focus on your own gameplay, because thats the one thing you can improve on which will help you in future games and in general.

                                            Download any game that you died more than 5 times in. Watch the replay on your own perspective.
                                            Ask yourself if you were playing properly, and try to notice your mistakes.
                                            Whenever you reach the part where you die, slow down the replay speed to 0.5x and rewatch each death multiple times.
                                            Ask yourself if you should have died there. If you were supposed to even have been there. If you accomplished anything with that death, etc.

                                            And slowly, try to incorporate those things you learnt into your own games.

                                            Or you could just spam mid ty and blame team for holding you back when you're secretly the next miracle, idc.


                                              if u r new just go watch some tutorial video. Either spame the meta hero or master some unpopular hero and spammed it.


                                                Thanks everybody for advices. I decided to spam Clockwerk, because on my mmr bracket the only way to win is to harrass and kill enemy's miders and carries (like Zeus and Sniper), so your carries will always get items and win games for you. Sorry if I did any grammar mistakes (English isn't my native language). Have a nice day!

                                                #1 Philippine player

                                                  Your 6 G's to get to Divine[0]

                                                  1. Give your cosmetics to another account
                                                  2. Give me your account
                                                  3. Get boosted to 5k
                                                  4. Get your account and cosmetics back.
                                                  5. Go play at 5k
                                                  6. Go lose and get back to 1k

                                                  Rinse and Repeat

                                                  Dat 900mmr guy

                                                    ^ No. He would get the 6-month ban via reports from every game he plays before he loses the 4k difference.

                                                    SASA POPOVIC

                                                      You talk about that 6month ban like its some big deal, legend accounts are like 20 euros, you get banned you buy another

                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!