General Discussion

General Discussionwhy does people still play jungle???

why does people still play jungle??? in General Discussion
Avv. Fabio ciulla

    Why u do that????? above 3k it s completely useless and I loos nearly 90% of the games with junglers!!! it seems to be in dota 2011 when jungle was a good tell me you if there is a reason to stay jungle, unless you are sure to win at least 2 lanes out of 3... why people doesnt like a dual offlane?? or a roamer more likely!!

    Please valve give the chance to leave the game if someone picks jungler!!! lol


      I dont know either, 90% of the times when you dual offlane you share farm so other person gets tilted and just goes jungle. When i play offlane and enemy support is incompetent in zoning me out their carry just goes jungle and farms i pinged at my team but they dont care to smoke up and dig him out of there, so he is not getting punished for it (just 3k things)

      But that fatty patch note where they removed mini vanguard and iron talon and nerfed jungle exp and $$$ to the ground should be enough for people to realize jungle is a no no. I have no idea to be honest but i understand how triggering it is when it happens in your game.


        people have their pride so huge that they won't even think about winning or losing, just about picking their 40% wr jungle cores

        Avv. Fabio ciulla

          well yes i see that if u do dual offlane u share exp..but u harrass the carry and doesnt farm well! wehn i play with a friend we do dual offlane and it s almost 90% easy win...Because if u ruine the carry farm the first 12 s done ..u can roam after....really i m loosing a lot of games for that!! now i m in kind of super bad strike.!!


            Everyone gets critted by a losing streak, especially during the weekend, nothing new there, but i kinda start to see the pattern on mine, when i approach that new elusive star, i insta lose 10 games in a row, im starting to smell a conspiracy? Gaben is watching me and he has a personal vendetta! Now i need to spam noob friendly initiators and hold my teammates hands instead of playing something i enjoy. Fuck ranked TBH! 10 games of Tiny/Tide/Slardar spam inc, even most dumbest carry can win if you lock people long enough for him!

            Bill Cutting

              Wk jungle is pretty legit tho with skeletons


                wk and axe are the only viable junglers
                lc, ls, ursa, and all of these other heroes have nthing to do in the jungle

                No need to Try Hard

                  Its good to play jungle especially under 3k cause most of them very bad at last hitting. You can easily become higher networth using wk, enigma or even lc.
                  I think, dual or even trilane is not good at under 3k mmr because the support just auto attack the creep and ruin your last hit. Both team do the same thing. No one can control wave, and easily waste so many last hit just for harassing enemy.

                  Avv. Fabio ciulla

                    i can support WK jungle and axe.... but with limits!

                    We are talking above 3k... at 2k or less you can jungle also with jugger !!! Above 3k if they have a competent support u are zoned out, u dont get exp and gold...on top of that, the other carries free farm...i dont see any point in having this situation... and the junlger is like 2 levels below the average.. i mean it s gg after 15 minutes


                      ive actually not had just a straight jungler in like a long while.


                        Jungle is fine as Long as your safelane +1 doesn't lose the lane.

                        GRANT MACDONALD

                          why waste the lane menace that is axe by jungling when you can have him in lane, destroying their carry's farm and getting more farm for himself.

                          When you have a jungler, it is basically saying that you're going to be 4v5 for the first 8-10 mins until that person can get their first item. If the enemy has a roaming mirana, clock or pudge and you have a static 4 position that is afk jungling, you can pretty much guarantee on losing every single lane. That LC or Axe with blink at 9 mins cant do a whole lot when each of your lane matchups are 2 levels behind the enemy counterpart because they've all died twice to the roamer.


                            The only time axe is destroying the lane is if he is against melee safelaners. Or incompetent supports

                            Avv. Fabio ciulla

                              Well AIDS is completely right... and it s not 8 10 minutes but more like 15... and if they have a roamer or a double lane, you can be sure that you lose at least 2 lanes...the only who can win is MID.. my question...why????

                              I m not talking about going offlane with LC and Void of course...but as long as you have void/lC in combo with tide, underlord..heroes soft supports... I mean you just break their lanes... try to farm with tide and and Wind ranger/silencer!! it s much more efficient and u push the enemy carry to jungle and to be exposed o be ganked.!

                              Is it better an offlaner completely zoned out 2/3 levels below the others? well i still stick in my opinion..

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                At the moment, I can say with certainty that Wraith King jungle is very strong if the enemy have no way to counter the hero.

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  why do you think they do? because they dont care.

                                  Mlada i Luda

                                    cause they brain is dead long time ago!!!


                                      After i finish my exams for this semester i'm gonna make a smurf and see how far i can get by only playing jungle.


                                        @umbranox divine 5 easy

                                        jacob faggot U are my bitch

                                          Cause its dota

                                          I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                            I'm surprised how dumb, toxic, and bad at the game all these junglers are.


                                              above 3k it s completely useless and I loos nearly 90% of the games with junglers

                                              because below 3k it still works i assume

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                With bad support/no ofc you jungle.


                                                  One of the most annoying thing in my bracket is going to safe lane, to only find another carry + support there, because for some reason people believe in two position 1's... each with a support.


                                                    enigma is a good example imo
                                                    a friend of mine picks him once every 50 games. but he doesnt know how to lane with that hero, so he goes to the jungle. i told him to learn how to lane as enigma, didnt happen yet.
                                                    right now that lack of a position 4, who usually secures mid, will force our team to adjust the mid pick to either a hero who can cs in a 1v2 lane, or a hero who can recover quickly

                                                    i have not seen a jungler in my solo ranked gamessince i climbed to legend


                                                      if you have trash account in dota 2 can i get ? 3k higher mmr
                                                      pls guys !

                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                        EZ 5K

                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          ^Hahahaha wtf lol



                                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                              lice flea came back to life after a slight buff to jungle

                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                I knew you guys were memeing when one of you said you knew him in real life and that he had cancer or something

                                                                Potato Marshal
                                                                  Yorum silindi
                                                                  Story Time

                                                                    only jesus came back after his death and a few zombies, but ok

                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                      Jungle buffed again? yeah

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        oh wat you still alive?
                                                                        welcome back,it's really nice to see you not dying lol

                                                                        i troll

                                                                          it is quite simple "to ruin game" the reason is that in my opinion when you see your team mates fighting over mid or safelane farm ''me marked first no me marked first'' you are just saying ''omfg fuck you all i will ruin this for sure'' or when you see first pick antimage maybe depends


                                                                            hahaha, u think jungler care. The reason they jungle is because they don't want to deal with teammate's bullshit or enemy's harass. EZ afk farm lose 2 lane or all lanes then complain why they lose early game

                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                              ^First 2 line is true,expect for the last part - EZ afk lose all lanes and then proceed to win the game by myself hahahahaha


                                                                                I wonder if licetea will be able to play this patch from jungle and still keep 5k

                                                                                #1 Philippine player

                                                                                  Jungler is pretty decent since you get to utilize the free creeps on the jungle camps. That makes you farm more effectively. Not only you farm your 3 lanes, you also have additional jungle camps.


                                                                                    Nah not woth it,they give way less xp and gold plus you pretty need some item or lvl to sustain your health.Jungle should be the last priority only if they were trilane safelane and you were solo.Even with that condition actually you can play around it and still dominate the lane.

                                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                      I wonder if licetea will be able to play this patch from jungle and still keep 5k

                                                                                      When I was 3.5K I was told I can't reach 4K by jungle when I did and 4K ALL games that I played they told me is impossible to reach 5K by jungle with 3 hero.

                                                                                      Even in Dotabuff there is only one person said I might be 5K by just jungling and the peraon is Cuki

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                        But when Cuki said that he mentioned that I at least gonna take 1 year,but I've prove him wrong by done it in 5 months.

                                                                                        It is not hard to reach 5K even I purposely limit myself with only play jungle


                                                                                          IceTea you think if you came back to Dota, on a fresh account, get it calibrated to the 3.5K max, you could get that account to 5K with jungle only? I'd pay money to see that, considering you did the "5K jungle only" challenge during the jungle's slow stream of nerfs; wanna see you do it now that it's at it's weakest, plus no Iron Talon and PMS.

                                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!