General Discussion

General DiscussionRecently got 3K, whats this skill group like? Any suggestions?

Recently got 3K, whats this skill group like? Any suggestions? in General Discussion
s1 :)

    I recently made it to 3K. I play on SEA and EU servers. Just wanted to know how players in this skill group are like or if you have any suggestions please comment.

    unbreakable spirit

      How is archon 4 3k? Archon and five is 3k. And for 3k bracket, I think amount of flamers will be a little less and people kinda understand the game a little bit. Smoke Ganks are a thing as well as trilanes and solo offlanes, expect a loot of good pudge players and first pick invokers. More than likely you won't get to play core if you don't pick first or second. Even if you don't get a support there's a chance that you will get a courier and a core hero transforming in to the support role, these are from my experience

      Bu yorum düzenlendi
      s1 :)

        Archon 4 is 3K, while Archon 5 is 3.2

        Thanks for the reply! What about the supports are there any serious good support players in 3K?

        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

          Well I would actually say you should expect more flames and toxicity because at this bracket people develop standard mindset and are expected to perform inside that mindset, therefore mostakes and weird moves would generate much more reactions


            too many players taking core role and didnt understand how to farm well. and yeah if u play at midnight , u gonna find some good support players, try to party que with ur friends so u have someone who gonna play support role.


              Heaven coz you wont get another carry hero on your lane feelsgoodman


                Full of delusional smurf

                senior professional griefer

                  fucking hell if you want to play core frequently but if you have a microphone and you're willing to support you can to really well.

                  most people have no clue what's actually going on in the game but they're kinda ok at farming creeps and using their spells. if you want to climb the ladder you're better off supporting even if you're better at playing core because that russian guy because he would just feed on that pudge or rubick he would pick

                  i'd just spam the hell out of lion, bane, shadow shaman and other aggressive/utility supports. offlane can be pretty good too - the other supports are unlikely to zone you. and no, don't be delusional and pick qop/wr on your offlane because you believe you're a god and you're gonna carry - if you can do more than get xp/get creeps under your tower, make the enemy carry suffer. and of course, when you get the chance to pick a core, do it and play the shit out of it

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    below average lasthitting, map awareness, gameplay etc.
                    most toxic bracket in SEA btw

                      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                        If you want Truth here like @Deleted mentioned cores are picked first nobody picks support and if someone does they just keep complaining about how his team's core are retards and there's more if u make them flame they will rage feed and if ur playing on Eu servers then most likely 90℅ of Russians will ruin ur game and if u play on SEA Pinoy will ruin ur game in this bracket it's a fact. Ur best option is play support or play at midnight for good players

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          @howtonoob6 please ur not even crusader plz don't tell him how 3k bracket is when ur not even 1k properly

                          Palmen aus Plastik

                            what deleted said is one hundred percent true. I am one of them first pick invoker players xD


                              People begin to know how to farm and get better at the game. However, they are very very delusional, they are like a 2k player 85% of the time, and inconsistently, like a 4K player. It's a frustrating place to be. You can not rely on them to consistently be competent. The skill differences between teams will be crazy sometimes.

                              But they still suck. You can still easily solo carry your way out of there. Getting out of 3K is like learning Algebra 1 or something...


                                How do you even play on two regions that are so far from each other wtf lmao.

                                муки с рылом

                                  the sooner you accept you are never getting out of it, the better. A good number of players (including me) are just clowning in ranked 3k


                                    Meh, it took me 5 months back in 2015 to go from 3k to 4k. It's simple if you try to perfect your craft, instead of settling for being a trashbin.


                                      Not being toxic is all that matters cuz most of the players in this bracket are good just if u flame them they will rage feed or go afk


                                        And really it literally took 6 months for me to be 4k from 1k

                                        Palmen aus Plastik

                                          legend 0 is 4k now? come on man, I'm 3.4 and legend 0. wtf?


                                            It's called smurf and my main account is muted


                                              i played 4 games on archon account, lost all 4 of them i am now in low priority and got 1 hr queue ban xd


                                                needless to say all 4 of them i had highest damage, tower damage, and positive kda


                                                  3k sux imo, a lot of games you'll lose just because your mid doesn't know how to play mid or is practicing Invo (so no ganks, jungle farming, etc.) Also, a lot of the time you get people who will die like once of their own fault and then give up (had an SF that went 2-3 yesterday and he just abandoned when we were winning everywhere else).


                                                    supports generally stop trying to last hit. they will still fuck up the lane badly though. still dual lanes iirc. which means there's still a very poor understanding of lane matchups and how to win lanes. CS is generally okay (but without good laning understanding, you really see full CS farm lanes).

                                                    generally good understanding of farming vs fighting. still a lot of potential to rat and outfarm in this bracket.

                                                    chicken spook,,,,



                                                        theres a huge cap around 3.3-3.4k where ppl start to actually play the game and stop just pressing all their hotkeys
                                                        for now its the same shit, sorry bro

                                                        grinding 3-4k is about learning the game. strategy, smoke usage, coordinated pushes, making space for the carry after he had a bad lane. i recommend playing offlane.

                                                        thats what it feels like to me. flat 3.5k right now.

                                                        roshan killerz

                                                          I too just reached 3k recently in SEA and the most notable difference are the toxic behaviors if the 3ks here are a lot worse that those in 2k, they would bend realities to find a reason to flame you, or they could just say they fucked your mom like everyone else in SEA server says


                                                            I would say no diference. People Are slightly better, understand more about roles And the game. Nothing gamebreaking. More really good players (smurfs), who makes you feel like 2k.

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              if u master roshan u will master this bracket

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