General Discussion

General DiscussionI need help.

I need help. in General Discussion

    So I have a question.. I made some trades and in some trades only he gave me items because he is betting and he has a lot of items but now he just changed his mind and wants everything back but i don`t want to give him because in steam rules appears that all trades are final once they`re accepted by both.He said he has hacker friends and he has my ip and he will delete my inventory.. The question is do i really have the right to keep the items?I made a ticket to valve but still no answer..

    Justin Weaver

      He is messing with you, just message him back that you have connections inside valve and if he ever does something like hacking your account, you will let valve know and his account will be permanently banned, it worked perfectly for me for a guy who said he will steal my pudge and Slark sets xD


        Valve replayed me they said i have all rights to keep the items and if he tried to hack my acoount they will protect it.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          you are not obliged to give the items back. those are just empty threaths. if he truly had hacker friends he wouldnt bother trading people, he would just rob them.


            You really believe some random person in internet that he will hack your inventory ? xd

            If you are using steam market you have to be using mobile token. Its extremely difficult to hack. Also you cant delete inventory just like that.

            Also if you try to log in onto new device you need to give mobile token's code. Which he wont have, because he would need to make a copy of your telephone number. - even if he knows your login and password somehow.

            Now you still think anyone would hack your steam account ? xd

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              He said all of my items will be deleted it dosn’t matter for him that i talked with steam support he has important friends.. i will just ignore him i deleted and reported his account.
              Thanks for help guys and happy holidays!