General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR SEASONAL

MMR SEASONAL in General Discussion

    i reached 2.6k few weeks ago and suddenly met so many retards,
    that they didnt know bout counterpick and hero that can counter enemy,
    somes didnt know what to do when in teamfight,

    then , its up/down the mmr..drop to 2.4k then rise again to 2.6k,
    i am wondering too much...why when i reached 2.6k..suddenly streak lost 5 games,
    and why when i reached 2.6k. drop back to 2.4k , sometimes 2.5k,

    i dont know what to do,
    i watched alot guides from pvgna and mericgaming,
    any guides in youtube i followed the guides,
    still...i met retards,

    can you guys check m dotabuff and analyze for me?
    where do i can improve and i can rise up my mmr?
    is it i cant get pass beyond 2.6k is because of m yskills or my skills just there?
    or becasue of some idiot player that ruin the game?

    1 question in my head singing is why when i reached 2.6k i met reatrds and idiot player when draft hero..sigh

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      Pvgna and mericgaming OMEGALUL you better go watch some Goodboy guides (Kappa).

      You'll get past 2.6k when your skills get past 2.6k. Easy as that.


        Stop playing tryhard heroes like injoker you fool and get better.


          Keep playing pudge, the more you play one hero, the more you can understand that hero's role and will somehow help improve your general game sense/knowledge.

          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!