General Discussion

General DiscussionI have come up with the perfect political economic system

I have come up with the perfect political economic system in General Discussion

    Are you a commie who doesn't want to fill the pockets of some greedy corporate dude who takes advantage of his workers?
    Are you a hard-working citizen who just wants to get by?

    If you said yes to any of these, then this system is perfect for you!

    This system only allows sole-trader and partnership business, and makes companies ILLEGAL. Hiring, job-seeking is also illegal. No pressuring job interviews!
    That's right, if you want to make money, you must start your own business!
    It favours capitalists because money money money trade trade trade and it favours communists because there is no one to "overthrow" and you are your own boss, no more making money for some greedy corporate dude and no one telling you what to do! and you get to keep all the profits you make!

    The government is removed, tax is removed. Land is free and if you want to build somewhere, hire builders. You want roads that connect to other peoples houses/business? Hire builders! Progression of humanity lies on your own effort, not the government or societies or political aims.

    Yeah you can have friends and family help you with your business, but no one else!

    Does your business require autonomous tasks to be completed? Buy robots!

    "hurr durr I have to pay for healthcare tho I want free health care"
    There is no government or some hospital to give you health care, if you are sick hire a free lancer doctor.

    Need a heart surgery? No problem, put up a craigslist add asking for heart doctors.

    No more corporatism! No more sharing and living off someone elses hard work! You are your own !


      doesnt work. 90% humanz are lazy. they wanna survive and have an average life with least possible effort. current system in eu makes that pretty easy
      who cares about those 1% who really wanna do work and be successful. they will do it anyway, no matter if our system encourages it or not. and those 90% who are lazy will complain about these dude having more money.

      yes, i missed 9%. rich kids and ppl who are in between, limited effort limited success.


        I don't think you understand.
        That most humans just want to be followers and take orders and go about their lives.
        Not having to manage every aspect of a business themselves.
        If u look into this system it's super retarded and makes no sense.
        How TF is someone supposed to mass produce things by themselves? If they have 0 people working for u every business is a fucking street stand. And then ur not gonna have enough individual business ideas to give every person their own business, leaving them to remain unemployed. And there aren't enough people who even want to start their own business.
        If this is a joke it's a shitty one.
        If it's legit it's the single stupidest idea I've ever read.


          It's like saying there are no worker bees and just queen bees.

          People and their social DNA dictate that there is organisational hierarchy. If ppl couldn't work for others you might end up back in early humanity with just Farmers

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Pack it up boys


              Like I said before, if your business requires mass produce you buy robots and if youre too lazy to start your own business then too bad. Better than working like a slave and make profits for a greedy corporate dude or living in a second Venezuela. Businesses don't have to be street stands. You don't need individual business ideas, if lawyers are in demand for example: a few lawyers ain't gonna cut it etc... Plenty of goods and services to provide. You don't need your own business building: you can be a freelancer (work from home). If everyone is a freelancer it works. I'm sure there is an app that provides jobs for people to do to make a quick buck (Need to move furniture will pay $50) etc...


                again: ppl are lazy and they dont wanna stop. thats 90% of our species.
                they will still complain about society while its actually pretty good for them right now

                if youre one of the 1% who really wanna do something, go do it and dont talk shit in a videogame forum where nobody actually talks about that videogame but wants to argue, because its the internet.


                  Yeah let me just make up a political agenda that no one in the world thought of and start a government petition to implement it....
                  Secondly I'm not talking shit. I've seen plenty of posts that are irrelevant to the game, so this should be of no surprise.
                  Again, if you're too lazy too bad, people are already lazy with capitalism so what difference would it make?


                    Think about it, if you're rich enough. You could make an entire city all by yourself. No government no nothing getting in your way. You can go to the country side/outback and think " Hmm I will have a road here, road here and road here, buildings here, here and there. I will hire a bunch of freelancers to build this for me." THAT is true freedom.


                      ^the difference is that YOU HAVE NO ONE TO WORK FOR rofl
                      so even less entrepreneurial, NOT EVEN LESS LAZY people, are basically just shafter simply because they either don't have a unique business idea or can't implement it, even if they're hard working and can do well and provide good work for a greater cause that they don't want to lead.
                      U have serious brain damage.


                        U just said YOU CANT HIRE ANYONE?????


                          By hire I obviously meant free lancer businesses, not random people. Theres a difference between hiring a private DJ who organises bday parties and hiring someone who just has experience in a field.

                          "you have no one to work for" what do you mean? You work for the consumer, not the boss.


                            In the corporate system there are 3 parties: the employee, the boss, and the consumer. In this system there are only 2 parties: the sole trader and the consumer.


                              you see what happened?
                              you came up with an idea. everybody is like "just no".

                              you think its good? go make it happen. teach us you were right please


                                People who are useful at being told what to do and doing it well suffer immensly, and that's the vast majority of people. U basically just want everyone to be their own entrepreneur when that barely represents anyone. In the big scale, there are simply too many people, not enough are willing to or capable of running their own business, no laws or order keeping it together, and a vast majority of people utterly ruined, when they do still hold value.
                                There is not even close to enough wrong with this system to overhaul it, just cuz edgy communists/socialists think there is, doesn't mean there actually is.

                                Palmen aus Plastik

                                  I guess this too is general discussion of some kind.....

                                  Palmen aus Plastik

                                    Oh. I just realised my name suits this thread very well.


                                      Never read such bullsh*t

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Tbh we dont need money anyway. Or goverments. Or laws. Lets just live like cavemen, they def did something right to survive in those conditions.

                                        no incoming chat

                                          The new economic system should be released in the next 10-15y & it will be totally different from what u described. Working will be a privilege, and everyone who doesn't work will get a minimum wage. Robots will do most of the things & only 5-10% people will work. It's the only solution.

                                          Mlada i Luda

                                            congrats you " discovered " a new system . ANARCHY

                                            how old are you btw? have you ever went to school ??

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              My head hurt...Even though I normally love to discuss about Politics or Economic issues in general.(as a lawyer) I have to re-read again and again to match any idealogy with your proposal.

                                              If my prof hear your proposal he would hit your head with his Code of law already.

                                              1. Any system around the world could be functional only under Guardian or Tyrant or lesser Evil whatever you called it that is Government. System without tax cannot do any function called "Public Welfare" that provide your 1. Primary Goal (security in life,justice) 2.Secondary Goal (improve your well being)

                                              2. The world without big organization is shit. I don't know that you even learn about the words "Transaction cost" "Economies Of Scale" "Economies of scope" or not because when you said world without companies how could you match up those demanda-supplies in the market and how to produce those goods with Efficiency.

                                              There are a lot of points to say, but my head is really hurt right now.


                                                ^I agree, I have an essay's worth of input but decided against posting it. So tldr;

                                                1. RIP economics, we will go back to barter trading as the term "money" and "currency" is regulated in itself therefore non-existent in a unregulated community.

                                                2. RIP civilizations, because 80% of the people doesn't know what to do in the bigger picture and there is nobody to direct anybody, and even if there is, why should they care cuz "freedom".


                                                  could it be? a system dumber than anarcho-capitalism?

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    If the system was the way you describe it, we would never have fucking computers, because you need a fuckton of:
                                                    1) Research
                                                    2) Funds
                                                    3) Workforce
                                                    4) Tools
                                                    To mass produce chips. Anything but mass production is so dreadfully inefficient that it won't be worth it in the end, and all of those would be unavailable in your retarded system. Computers would literally never exist because there would be nobody who can make them through all the steps that are necessary, and even division of labor wouldn't work because not all steps give you a monetary incentive (which is necessary for your system) to undertake them. Chip production is actually so hard that every chip you've ever used or seen someone use anywhere is produced by a handful of companies in the whole world that make them.

                                                    And this is just computers. Good luck with medical, or really any sort of, researach that requires large funding and doesn't give immediate monetary gains. Good luck with anything that makes the civilization. In your system, we're back to throwing rocks at each other.

                                                    You lack the basic understanding of... well, anything really. You've created a post apocalyptic world for no reason.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      it doesnt matter though because theres no taxes and thus no enforcement of his dumb arbitrary rules


                                                        ^he is basically suggesting going back to the retarded system of little villages where everyone has 1 job and it's all they do.
                                                        Like a couple farmers, a sherrif, a blacksmith, a tailor, a baker, and a fucking candlestick maker, and no one has the resources to make anything bigger.


                                                          Theres nobody to come stop me if i decide to make a corporation, no law enforcement, no military, nothing

                                                          If your system has no “teeth”, anyone and everyone will walk over you

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            Well one good thing his system is good for might be the environment. Humans would die out so the wildlife would flourish.

                                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                              I've learnt so much from Dotabuff forum today

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                This system might work for a society of monkeys. You're a genius! Write a book.

                                                                Story Time

                                                                  OP is a troll without any economic education, pls ignore him


                                                                    Governments are necessary if only to make sure people stick to certain regulations and rules. Someone needs to create a set of rules for literally every aspect of human life to ensure things are made correctly or safely. If someone erects a bridge in your world, what ensures that they do it properly and safely? And when it inevitably collapses killing people (because the builder cut corners to do it cheap and fast), who is there to hold the builder accountable? You don't have a government or law enforcement to arrest him and investigate the reasons for the bridge collapsing.
                                                                    You understand that if you make or sell almost anything there are regulations around it to protect people? If you sell something as simple as food there are rules about how long you can store certain products and how things must be separated to prevent cross contamination so that allergens don't get mixed in other food and stuff like that.
                                                                    A world without a government regulating businesses will just fall into anarchy. I could go on but I think I've made my point.

                                                                    Player 281121816

                                                                      Im pro both communist and nationalist, brother


                                                                        rule of law are essential for a thriving economy noobs


                                                                          No government: no law
                                                                          No law: the powerfull will create private armies
                                                                          Free land: take all land, no law anyways so fee free to take over everything:
                                                                          Anarchy only leeds to the powerfull taking over. Look at most dictatorships. Youre saying you entrust humans to each other?

                                                                          i have 5 reports to use

                                                                            Fantastic idea I like it


                                                                              Fucking commies

                                                                              lm ao

                                                                                You fucking idiots...

                                                                                The only way for humanity to advance is if everyone embraces:

                                                                                Homoerotic esoteric fascism

                                                                                You read it right, f4gs.

                                                                                It's the most ideal economic system wherein 90% of the net labor is utter drudgery but you will go home and enjoy the love and affection of your beloved brodies. It may or may not involve homosexual fellatio.

                                                                                The best part is: NO GIRLS ALLOWED LMAO

                                                                                Embrace homoerotic esoteric fascism and witness the unbelievable velocity of man towards the stars and beyond.


                                                                                  Capitalism sucks, communism all the way

                                                                                  lm ao

                                                                                    Capitalism sucks, communism all the way

                                                                                    I agree that the former proposition is true and that it needs reforms badly, but life under communism is arguable far worse than i.e. living as the bottom 1% of the economic hierarchy in a place like America.

                                                                                    Read something like 'The Gulag Archipelago' by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn

                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                      dont read solzhenytsin unless u want to acquire extensive brain damage

                                                                                      lm ao

                                                                                        Shut up

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