General Discussion

General DiscussionFeelsbad struggles with storm spirit

Feelsbad struggles with storm spirit in General Discussion

    I decided that I want to learn storm spirit and have been having lots of fun playing him lately. Except at the end when we lose the game. I am now at 7 losses in a row.

    I'm playing well (I think at least) but at the end of the game we tend to fail when taking high ground and after losing a few team fights I find myself defending alone in my base. I played one last night and we had a 37k lead in gold at the 35 min mark with 35 bloodstone charges. Couldn't push the final rax and our late game decision making was terrible and we lost. That was the worst throw I've ever been in.

    I am still learning my timings and proper item builds based on who I'm up against but I'm sure there are things I can do to improve. Maybe I'm taking too much of my carries farm or not pushing lanes at the right times? an anyone take a look at some of my recent games and help me see where/how I'm messing up?