General Discussion

General DiscussionWIn RATE

WIn RATE in General Discussion

    Does winrate affects on how u are teamed up in matchmaking like if your win rate is high , ul be with those 4 players with high winrates as well?


      Your win rate doesn't matter so much as your behaviour score and hidden ranking.
      I'd recommend actually improving at the game rather than making a new account


        Yes i get matched with failed smurf every game


          I don't believe so. I believe your actual MMR/behavior/hidden rankings matter much more.


            If you have high winrate your mmr/hidden mmr will probably go up. But it's not as if winrate is special on its own.

            Riguma Borusu

              ^past calibration it seems that hidden and ranked MMR are completely separate, I actually tested this a while back

              WR doesn't really seem to affect matchmaking, but it still might, who knows

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