General Discussion

General DiscussionThe power of drafting, not giving up and support.

The power of drafting, not giving up and support. in General Discussion

    most often people pick heroes they like in ranked, but they forget that dota 2 is a strategic game, and picking correctly in AP mode will highly likely increase your chance of winning. there are also many people undermining the importance of support in a team. a good pos 5 is definitely a must in every game if you want to secure your laning and mid game. If there is no one in ur team that want to play full pos 5, or if your bracket always lacks such player, be the player yourself. you will definitely get better the more you play.

    weaver picked weaver to counter earth shaker, which was ridiculous as earthshaker is only one of the few that can completely lock and burst weaver , ie, the best counter to weaver carry. he proceeded to flame when he died few times at top after nyx got lvl 6. i placed 3 sentry at top so he could stay there longer, and he still died and then blame the team. i muted him aftewards and proceeded to play without him in mind and gave up aghanim. i spam all sentries so we could defend high ground with veno.

    veno and spirit breaker were not giving up, despite weaver and storm kept getting out of position and fed.

    somehow, having spent 7980 gold on sup item, and had my agh on 60 mins, we won. they just failed to get hg. veno + kotl hg is too damn strong. you can watch the replay and see for yourself the

    * The importance of draft in dota 2
    -> kotl and veno picked for hg defense and kiting of ursa
    -> storm picked to counter tinker
    -> bara picked to provide ravage experience as well as bkb stun for ursa
    -> weaver??? he would only be good in such line up when he has bkb, linken. in such draft, a weaver pick would be abyssal in early -> mid.

    Dire Wolf

      Yes draft matters a ton, especially in low skill games like mine where most other factors are equal.

      You have two guys who make pushing high ground a nightmare and radiant has no range tower hitters. And ursa isn't a good tower hitter really, not surprised you won. Just had to survive first ~25 mins and not like ursa snowball too much.

      Dire Wolf

        The problem for me is the only 5 spot I'll first pick are lich or cm. Both win lanes but require the carry to secure kills. Lich harasses enemies out of lane but if carry sucks he won't get free farm and lich will never kill an offlaner outright. Same with cm. So often I'll win the lane but it doesn't matter cus mid feeds and our carry goes to farm woods and is generally bad.

        Idk I don't play support much, just need to get better I guess. Support picks matter a ton, I guess I'd say supports have a lower ceiling in pubs but a much higher floor. Carries opposite, higher ceiling, lower floor.


          how could i have saved this match with a better draft
          i tried everything this game
          i gave my sven a free lane vs a void wyvern and we killed them 4 times in lane
          weaver got destroyed in lane with sd and luna so we killed luna multiple times after that
          we got a three man blackhole near enemy tier threes and all our cores were alive after the fight
          i stacked for sf to comeback into the game after disaster lane
          warded deep took rosh whenever possible
          picked silencer to stop enemies plans of cancelling blackhole
          i feel so angry everytime i remember this game

          enemy luna was 1k higher than us and sd was 2k mmr higher....he was crazy good
          drafts can help make a game easier when skill levels are equal on both teams
          but they dont make that much of a difference when enemies are 2k mmr higher


            lich and cm picks are very situational. lich kinds of fall off after mid game, and if opponents are good in forcing themselves out of lich ults, lich's only effectiveness would then be the armor buff late game.

            cm has also got the same problem. if opponents have heroes like nyx, or heroes that stun or pierce bkb, cm can be useless.

            both these support requiring 100% owning of early game -> mid and finishing game before 30 minutes.

            on the other hands, supports like witch doctor, lion, silencer, wyvern, dazzle, sand king, oracle, shadow demon, treant, kotl, jakiro, io, rhasta, and many others scale late game and always have presence throughout early mid and late games.

            supports are easy to play, but hard to master. you need to be really good in it to not become useless and lack presence after mid game.



              with the drafts, the only winning scene i could envision is that your enigma initiate or counter initiate with help from your global, and sven and sf finish off.

              other than that big ults, you guys have 0 presence in high ground defense.

              there is almost no spammable lock downs from your team apart from sven stun and enigma big cd ults and the minimal stuns.

              and also they have shadow demon, void and wyvern to counteract all dangers that could hit them.

              sven + sf combo are greedy picks and there is nothing much you can do.

              if i were to captain the match, i would have weaver play pos 4 and enigma play offlane. enigma with radiance, octarine, bkb would be very dangerous, but still due to the big cds and lack of other lock down its hard when void has bkb/manta and shadow blade.

              all in all its not a good silencer game.


                do you have any advice for solo supporting when you have a position 4 LC/axe/LS/NP/BS doing nothing but jungling in the early game, taking your pull camps and runes? People like this not only make my job harder by taking my camps, and make offlane and mid harder since they wont ever get rotations, but they will actually flame people who lose their lanes and are toxic as hell since they are safer in jungle.

                What picks are good for this situation as a support? What playstyle, should I just babysit more and hope the other lanes cope until the jungler finally decides to help, or should I rotate more myself and leave my carry alone? I feel like if I can crack this problem I could raise my mmr by 1k at least, since a lot of my losses are games where someone on my team jungles, and many of my wins are against junglers since I am learning how to punish this setup as a support.


                  tl:dr we all fed like idiots but enemies were too stupid to win


                    cookie do you have any advice for my question? what is the best pick and playstyle when you have a jungling core and you are supporting and your lanes are dying?


                      just pull and get your levels, you don't have to do anything, you're in a bracket where no one punishes anything.

                      what you don't understand is you have 3-4 cores freefarming at all times, that's basically a guaranteed win.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        it doesn't take a 5k stack to run a dual lane vs a jungling lineup it does happen. the 2k offlane can't 1 v 2, mid is getting ganked and i can't get my carry levels because a jungler is taking my pulls. anyone have any advice besides telling me what i am experiencing doesn't actually happen in my bracket?


                          what you're experiencing simply doesn't happen in your bracket, you think i don't have a 2k account?

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                          meteor hammer

                            ive lost 5.7k av games because thye have a jungle alch or tinker or some dumb shit that should never ever work and the supports have low brainpower and accomplish 0 for 13 minutes

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                              also what do you do when you're solo supporting and your carry is against a very aggresive dual offlane? If i pull i'm scared that my carry is randomly gonna get dived and im not there to save him. But theres nothing i can really do in lane

                              meteor hammer

                                go kill another lane if u cant win a 2v2 engagement, dont pull the lane under his tower unless hes impossible to dive (aka u have timbersaw safelane lmao)


                                  the only way you're saving that carry is by not taking his exp and denying levels to the dual offlane by pulling, if he gets dived it's his problem for not paying attention.

                                  edit: no, definitely pull, even if it's under tower. that's literally the only way you're winning that lane.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  meteor hammer

                                    watever id rather ditch him

                                    lets say its an actual duo lane aka np+aa, weaver+abaddon, mk+ss type shit

                                    if ur alone ure dead, they can kill him under tower unless someone tps to help the two of you

                                    a ton of carries cant take early pulling either way, lets say u have a morph or veno carry and u pull at 44 then connect the pull without getting disrupted. hes going to lose a shitton of hp, some heroes can hit him with spells while hes csing or heavily damage the tower and theres 0 he can do, when he has no regen at 2 minutes ggggg

                                    thats if they dont just kill u when u try to defend the pull camp, hes specifically saying hes "solo support" against an aggro dual lane. unless ur sb with lvl 1 charge all kinds of dumb shit will kill u. if ur chilling near the pull camp and they come u have to give them the wave+camp, ur carry cant help hes tanking creeps under tower and any normal dual lane combo will 100-0 u


                                      in such a lane they'll kill him regardless, this way pulling it under tower lets you 2v2 under tower which can be turned

                                      and if they're chasing the support around that means the carry is getting farm, so it's still a win.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                      meteor hammer

                                        but they dont need to dive they just fight u at the pull camp or pull the lane themselves and thers 0 u can do in almost all circumstances, and theres high risk of dying

                                        i can just walk mid and cast spells on the mid and have a huge impact, my carry might die but his lanes fucked no matter what because of either the 212 or jungle guy and either way if we win other lanes the games easily doable

                                        im going to sleep goodbye

                                        meteor hammer

                                          if they get lg camp+wave thats not a w, they will use that money to buy shoes and kill ur core later

                                          they dont have to chase u unless they have a bad 2 lnae, u just die when u get in range of their spells


                                            sorry cookie wins by outthinking and outplaying again
                                            better luck next time


                                              Not sure I could have done any thing more for this team. I was going to play core WR, but was kind of forced into position 4 because we had SF offlane invo mid monkey safelane. And only MK didn't fail. i hit the 2 man shackles, i force staff saved and euls kited... but Jugg ate Invo mid without help, and snowballed from there.(Don't let Invo's stats fool you, he just kept killstealing with sunstrike, and couldn't even do that well). Sorry DonFrank, this game was a reminder to me why I stopped playing support, especially in 3k. Rubick and I went selfless, and look what that got us. Juicy -25 MMR.
                                              I swear to God, Invoker and SF felt like account buyers.

                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!