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    stop picking pudge mid ffs its an instaloose pick thx fam


      pudge mid = dogshit

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Yea because 3k morons visit dotabuff
        Oh wait

        Potato Marshal

          Do people still pick Pudge for anything other than roaming?


            yes they do, i can safely say i see more pudge mid then pudge roam in normal MM solo queued. also pudge offlane.

            understandable, you want to play pudge but god forbid playing anything close to a supporting role


              normal MM


                Pudge is a good mid hero, I'll argue with anyone that insists it on being a bad hero for mid.


                  can you enlighten me why pudge is a good mid hero

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    mid is pos 1


                      -pudge cant clear a creepwave without loosing a third of his health
                      -no kill potential unless the enemy mid is too stupid to stand behind a creep
                      -you cant gank without leaving the lane with the most creeps wasted (no passive stacks later)
                      -pudge literally does the same late game when you play him as a roamer, you dont need to waste an entire lane for him
                      -why would you pick a hero that can threaten lanes and just sit in lane with him, no one would pick SB mid
                      -you dont even play pudge mid yourself because its bad


                        i also had pudge mid in ranked MM at least 4 times. far more if not literally 4 teammates would threaten to report the dude that marks mid pudge every time


                          I've never seen pudge mid in ranked games. This maybe a sub 3.5k occurance only.

                          But as others have pointed out, it's utter dogshite.

                          Saying pudge mid works is like saying cm mid works because "that one time...."

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