General Discussion

General Discussion'bout wards

'bout wards in General Discussion
Friendly player

    I've been playing support very often now and its common if someone tells me stuff like this "noob support, no wards, etc." So now i wanna know if having 2 wards on the map near the river where the entrance to highground is alright or i need to ward completely whole map? Btw im talking about 700mmr avg games where some people don't know how to use their hero abilities.

    never seen sun rises

      i think till 3-4k, 1 ward is even better, cos your team can not get any advantage from vision without map awareness anyway
      so if you decided to buy a wards for your team just get one


        @Davis fuck them, 2k MMR later, you might find some of them just knew there is a minimap and Valve sanctioned ward places exists. You just do your job, put wards for your own to see enemy movement so you can set up a counter initiation if possible.


          Knowing where to ward comes with experience
          Also people will flame for no wards even if u can't walk into jungle without dying, in this case smoke with ur team to go ward and gank.
          Also who TF cares abt rune vision in lategame, what u generally want r aggressive wards if ur ahead, in the enemy jungle, defensive wards if ur behind these go in ur jungle, a rosh ward if u suspect the enemy team will rosh, and wards around the tower ur currently pushing so u don't get surprised by wrap arounds.


            U obv won't need all of these wards in any given game, but that's the idea

            never seen sun rises

              actually it is quite a hard question, i don't have any data to analyse about how actually vision change win rate in such low ranked games
              for example, i am playing 3k and in my opinion wards here helps but not so much as in 5k+ games
              in 3k we dont have a good map awareness also, but sometimes you can see some huge pudge icon on the map and you will not die third time till min 2
              i can assume that better players communicate or just feeling by intuition which next objective they want to take or maybe securing the rosh, and from that point they are deciding where your wards should be placed
              sry for english

              never seen sun rises

                used actually two times in one sent kappa

                ma-ku hemburger country

                  Early game just ward for yourself. Later into the game you can plant wards more aggressively on the ward hills deeper into their jungle as your team pushes or at the high ground at the edge of the stairs to their shrines. If they've pushed in pretty hard into your side it's good to try and de-push the lanes and def ward your safelane jungle so yall can farm safer. If you're meeting people who don't know how to use their hero abilities you should just yolo whatever hero you want and try to improve yourself enoughto carry the game first, mute their flaming.


                    dude even if u ward and the enemy gank them through the same route they wont see minimap. 2ks cant see minimap it seems.

                    ward places where u expect gank. there is a reason why people lose at lowmmr to riki.

                    Story Time

                      the observers are very cheap - so pls do not let any ward to be available in the shop. But i have no idea what is going on in 700mmr so pls disregard my suggestion

                      Friendly player

                        Could somebody teach me to pick heroes that can win games for my team? Right now i wouldn't have lost a single game if i would know what heroes to pick. And i need advanced guide not just literally 1v1 counter.

                        ma-ku hemburger country

                          If there's a riki you can invi ward the shrine entrances. They almost always like to walk into your side from there. And have dust.

                          The game is still winnable even if you get countered. But ofc its harder if you pick right into 3 direct counters. Just google the hero counters on I've found it helped me get a general idea of who goes well with/against what and doesn't At this rate most of the things you don't know you can probably google. I think you should not bother too much about drafts rn. Maybe you can try not first picking a core hero if you don't want to be countered too hard.


                            Is that your mmr is meme? I mean my friend first time playing dota and he got around 1.2 and climbing to 1.7 without any problem


                              Don't skip tutorial and win unfair bots make you 1k

                              never seen sun rises

                                you don't need to antipick as someone wrote above
                                the first think what you should learn asap is how to last hit
                                after that make for yourself some hero pull for each position(except pos 5 maybe, if you are last picking and your team don't have support yet , just pick spirit breaker and buy cour , wards - cos in such low games it's better to destroy enemy mid, carry than securing your core)
                                i can give you only my own opinion and it is not perfect for sure
                                mid - viper, lina(sf)
                                farm - juggernaut( terror is strong too but harder to play)
                                offlane - abbadon
                                one more time , first of all you should master first 10-12 minutes of the game - learn last hit , watch pro players replays

                                rain markcawat

                                  Ward is for noob


                                    get a ward for your lane nothing more. once every 20 minutes
                                    u dont need anything else none is watching the map in this mmr
                                    but if u learn how2 then 1 ward = 1 win


                                      3 basic wards that always help

                                      1. Top bounty rune giving vision of river and bounty
                                      2. Mid rune with the ward on the enemy side of mid
                                      3. Bot rune giving vision of bounty and bot rune


                                        Drafting don't matter in 1k
                                        Let alone sub 1k
                                        What matters is your playstyle


                                          2 wards placed all the time is alright, they might have dogshit map awareness but you can be the one to warn them


                                            Have you tried destroying the enemy wards?


                                              Defansive wards are basically useless

                                              you always want to have wards as deep as possible, then use inductive map awareness to determine enemy location on the map

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                why buy wards when u can use a 2 tier counter + analytical analysis to know exactly what ur enemies are doing at any point in time based on their optimal playstyle


                                                  jokes on you, most of the time i don't need any wards


                                                    because you're using not 2 but 3 tier counter
                                                    please refrain from implying that us brainlets are able to perform such feats

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      please, i've stepped into 4 dimensional hyper counters, get on my level

                                                      The Quantum

                                                        Is there a schedule to when you strim cookie?


                                                          The Quantum

                                                            Bws savage

                                                            Story Time

                                                              i made smurf yesterday and went into the 1k mmr territory! :D so autistic so fun, wards do not matter, no one sees the minimap. Enemy does not even notice me coming to gang them until i start hitting their ass :D jesus. I gonna play retarded for next 10 games on this smurf so the mmr does not go too high, and then you guys can add me (player ID 137292332). Wanna some win streaks with meme builds

                                                              Friendly player

                                                                I'm not asking where to place wards or any tips of last hitting. The thing is that for me your comments saying that nobody counter picks in 700mmr avg games sounds very opposite. If i decide to play all pick 1 in 4 games one guy will first pick pa or sniper and get completely counter picked, other picks seems to be ones that my teammates wanted. So because everyone picks random heroes, we cant do anything in team fights, we lose the game. And then if i decide to play captains mode, just don't ask me what's going on there. Saying short, every game my captain is a retard who picks bullshit heroes and blames his team afterwards, or picks 3 supports and invoker as core, then the invoker gets counter picked by SF. Its so much fun playing this game, now i'm currently stuck at 450-490mmr.


                                                                  I DID NOT SAY people do not counterpick, you don't get my point
                                                                  Also how is SF a counter to invoker lol?


                                                                    Pa counters ck very hard


                                                                      Wards in 2k17?????


                                                                        lmao usually i dont need wards to guess where they are
                                                                        the only ward i need to have is the roshan one
                                                                        and a ward around the tower ur pushing, helps for wraparounds.
                                                                        usually defensive wards are obvious and get dewarded especially when the enemy invades ur jungle.

                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!