General Discussion

General DiscussionThanks cookie

Thanks cookie in General Discussion
meteor hammer

    go 1v1 me dude

    i added you

    meteor hammer

      go 1v1 me you cringey retard


        Now this i wanna see, probably better than that dota 1 cocky "veteran" vs some VHS guy


          AW trashes WR, the matchup is completley arc favored.

          you'd have to be retarded to be hit by powershots for free.


            Now this will be interesting. Very interesting.


              @cookie PowerShot when u try to last that. You 5ks are greedy bastard it's the easiest to hit PowerShot on high MMR ppl they r too cocky.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                I don't have dota. I'm not installing it either.

                meteor hammer

                  WAHT LMAO

                  i get it dude. you understand exactly how fucking awful you are and don't want to play your "easy" lane matchup

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi


                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                      jd u still havent accept my 1v1 challenge tho :thinking:

                      meteor hammer

                        ill 1v1 u later


                          I used to play it yes, but it's too boring. Past month all I've done is troll people in rank and feed to piss ppl off. I actually had maybe 2 good games where I was involved and tried to win, what is the point of this game if I'm not feeling it no more, so no I'm not installing it to wreck some newbie 1v1. You ain't on my level bro.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            you won't get to 5-6k without knowing that your enemy wants to use spells, that's just basic even a 2-3k will know


                              wr is SO trash against arc, I dont see how she can do anything against arc ever

                              Dire Wolf

                                That's all good and dandy except isn't the other mid going to juggle aggro onto their ranged creep and deny it as well making it a wash? I mean you act like you are playing bots sometimes dude and enemy won't do anything to disrupt your strat.

                                meteor hammer

                                  and then they get fluxed and lose 50% of their hp

                                  hello?? read what he wrote


                                    @dire wolf

                                    use spark wraith haHAA


                                      juggernaut and voker counter aw, but i think voker no longer counters it because forge spirits are not core qe build anymore. I didnt play much aw after 7.00 tho

                                      meteor hammer

                                        look at the 1v1 matchup in almost any of my aw games. Of 7 games i didnt snowball twice, once i fed and once it was meepo + sb (untouchable)

                                        every other time i get 3+ solo kills and they cry report mid, the only magic trick to not feed is tping to fountain which is a won lane for a agi hard carry


                                          Looks like monkey king raped u up and down mid lane. 0/6 to a 19-3 :/

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            1. Denial – The first reaction is denial. In this stage individuals believe the diagnosis is somehow mistaken, and cling to a false, preferable reality.
                                            2. Anger – When the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue, they become frustrated, especially at proximate individuals. Certain psychological responses of a person undergoing this phase would be: "Why me? It's not fair!"; "How can this happen to me?"; "Who is to blame?"; "Why would this happen?".
                                            3. Bargaining – The third stage involves the hope that the individual can avoid a cause of grief. Usually, the negotiation for an extended life is made in exchange for a reformed lifestyle. People facing less serious trauma can bargain or seek compromise. For instance: "I'd give anything to have him back." Or: "If only he'd come back to life, I'd promise to be a better person!"
                                            4. Depression – "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die soon, so what's the point?"; "I miss my loved one, why go on?"
                                            During the fourth stage, the individual despairs at the recognition of their mortality. In this state, the individual may become silent, refuse visitors and spend much of the time mournful and sullen.
                                            5. Acceptance – "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it; I may as well prepare for it."
                                            In this last stage, individuals embrace mortality or inevitable future, or that of a loved one, or other tragic event. People dying may precede the survivors in this state, which typically comes with a calm, retrospective view for the individual, and a stable condition of emotions.


                                              Why did you just post a section from a COPD information book.

                                              meteor hammer

                                                what? i accidentally queued an unranked game and abandoned 2 minutes in with a score of 0/0

                                                meteor hammer

                                                    Yorum silindi
                                                    meteor hammer

                                                      this takes me 5 seconds


                                                        5 seconds...sounds just like your sex life...


                                                          so,in all seriousness
                                                          what do you do when an arc do that spark wraith trick thing? just trying lasthitting with spells? or asking people to help?
                                                          get a raindrop and eat the wraiths? or before he kills his own ranged creep and mine's,we try to harass him/punch melee waves a bit?
                                                          (and try to deny your own ranged+getting that enemy ranged too of course)

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Pretty sure he's talking about how this is great for every hero not just arc. And it's only amazing if your opponent is mechanically worse than you.


                                                              LOL JD the Dota buff dunningkruger slayer. So far he has destroyed one dk kid Dota veteran in 1v1. ThT guy vanished. This guy is little harder to crack because he won't do it.

                                                              He tells himself when he struggles and loses that the negative emotions he feels is him not wanting to try hard enough or motivated. Basically disconnects himself emotionally from his games that he can't win as a marvellous excuse for lack of competence.

                                                              I love how the delusional mind works.


                                                                I'll 1v1 stanceworks for the LULz tho I don't expect to win

                                                                basement :)

                                                                  Cookie, your strategy only works against bad teams. If you deny your range creep, the enemy can start auto attacking the wave to push it hard. This generates a 1 wave creep advantage (nullifying both of Arc Warden’s abilities) for them, so rather than running from you, they will stay and fight. It does push the lane, which makes the enemy susceptible to ganks but given the position 4 stays close or the position 5 tps in, the enemy can win the gank with the creep advantage.

                                                                  BSJ. LGD

                                                                    scuse me? windranger beats arc's garbage fukin att speed and dmg if you would stop smurfing ud know that


                                                                      the good old ''it only works against bad players'' argument, so yes if you think 5-7k players are bad

                                                                      then i agree it only works against people under 8k mmr.

                                                                      like i've said, after denying your range creep, you want to spark wraith and kill the enemy range creep.


                                                                        u dont sleep much bad for ur health



                                                                          counter pull the aggro>nuke his range creep> then walk back> then aggro creeps again and bring them behind your tower.

                                                                          It's simple enough to not just stand close to your range creep before it dies, if you nuke his range creep then walk back he won't be in range to flux and spark to kill you.


                                                                            @Sia it's not like i don't want to, i can't even sleep more than this physically.

                                                                            i used to sleep for like 9-10 hours, now i can't sleep for more than 6-7


                                                                              Nigga, I will never vanish cuz I just don't dont give damn.
                                                                              Even if someone beats me I could care less I'll still play (if I feel like it) and always get better non stop. I don't stay in one place like you bro.
                                                                              It just all depends if dota becomes interesting again. So far boring as heck, maybe I'll do a pudge game every now and then just for fun. Landing hooks is satisfying I guess.

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                hey cookie if u free get in dota and halp me

                                                                                basement :)

                                                                                  The strangest part is how you get to deny your range creep. Arc Warden has such low damage compared to most mid laners. It should be easy to secure that last hit. Plus, you should be disadvantaging yourself every time you do this against a hero with AOE. You are using a Spark to kill 1 range creep. They can use their AOE to kill your range creep + harass you. Finally, if they pull your melee creeps into their range creep, the lane will look like this

                                                                                  They could just walk up to your side and start harassing you + kill the range creep because they have 4 melee creeps and typically more attack damage and armor.

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                    1. that's why i use spark to LH and then deny at the same time, you simply it on top of the range creep while denying yours.

                                                                                    if the enemy has to commit mana to get that range creep you're winning the trade as arc isn't a hero that spams spells, you'll use like 1 spark wraith every 30 seconds and you have a big manapool

                                                                                    if they don't commit a spell to get the range creep, then you simply just stand on top of it to deny it before their projectile hits

                                                                                    that half is enough for that 5-10 damage difference to occur and you get the deny

                                                                                    2. exactly, and this is why i switched to the phase boots build rather than the standard build, if the enemy can right click me then i'll simply level magnetic at lvl 2 and outdps him and take no damage.

                                                                                    otherwise the enemy is walking up to my HG to enter my magnetic, without knowing where my supports are, which is stupidly risky for a 6-7k player to do and they won't do that, so they default to going back. if they don't then they lose 4 creeps

                                                                                    OR of htey pull the 4 creeps back towards you by attacking you then you have 4 v 4 creepwave on your HG which is again a win for you

                                                                                    so whatever they do, you win, only play that they can neutral is running back with your creeps behind their tower and letting both of you get 4 creeps behind hte tower for free.

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                    basement :)

                                                                                      1. No. You are the one being disadvantaged. AOE heroes typically get Bottle. Arc Warden does not contest runes. This lets them sustain their mana fine. I would also argue the only hero that spams spells middle is Zeus.

                                                                                      2. The 4 melee creeps will kill the range creep in 3 seconds. You will have 4 melee creeps on you after inside your Magnetic Field. Also, if this same scenario repeats every creep wave, you will be out of mana by the 3rd wave (with use of Magnetic Field). I am not saying they should walk up your high ground. They should stand right behind their melee creeps. At minimum, they can kill the range creep. Ideally, they get 1 or 2 attacks on you then return to their side for your melee creeps. This is safe enough if they have a high-ground ward and a support that will teleport in.


                                                                                        1. yes, it is a good trade, because when someone gets that bottle he wants to use it for more advantage, if he has to use that bottle fully up as soon as he picks it up then it's a waste.

                                                                                        or would you rather fight someone with 100% hp/mana + bottle charges.

                                                                                        2. so you're telling me ideally someone will be in the middle of the river trying to get attacks onto you between 5 creeps while you're on the highground, genius move.


                                                                                        if you use magnetic and spark for 3 waves, running out of mana is not a problem because your opponent would've died taking those 3 trades.

                                                                                        of arc in magnetic + 4-5 creeps vs your opponent.

                                                                                        the 4 creeps you have on your side hitting you would be no problem if you are any good with positioning your magnetic

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                        meteor hammer

                                                                                          how is the enemy mid leaving the creep wave to get runes

                                                                                          meteor hammer

                                                                                            Unless its an sf mid or something silly, idk if im just used to retards but shoving the creepwave out that fast against an active aquila usually doesnt happen

                                                                                            Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                                              Btw cookie whats ur zodiac sign?




                                                                                                  AW players got hotkey tips for this guy or is it simply just tab

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