General Discussion

General DiscussionLate game scenario

Late game scenario in General Discussion

    you are 6 slotted - Does PA still need a desolator? or any other similar hero that likes to carry deso in early mid game like TA.
    im too lazy to calculate math

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      get assault cuiras

      meteor hammer

        I usually keep the deso but ive never had an ultra ultra long game as pa

        meteor hammer

 longest game as pa- yes my next item would be drop deso for bloodthorn. bought skadi instead of ac because of their damage split


            @k get AC over deso? is that worth?


              should i have replaced deso with mkb in my game because of butterfly?

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                i think AC is better than deso to seige hg


                  would replacing the deso with another diffusal be stupid?

                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                    ure not meepo


                      i ran out of charges seemed like a waste to backpack one

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        you're never gonna get 8 slotted on a pa

                        meteor hammer

                          id replace linkens with satanic only because tinker has no hex. and replace diffusal with mkb. laser and rad+bfly means you really need truestrike, they have too many dispels for thorn. yes diffusal removes ghost but they have a million ways to blind you anyway and ur team has long range stuns that you can followup abyssal on and guarantee kills that way.

                          Id buy a backpack stat item like linken or skadi (or this could be ur diffu slot) to swap in after activating your 5s bkb before worrying about replacing deso anyway. and if ur gonna replace deso then you could get the diffusal or thorn, hex, crit

                          ur current build is more reliable for killing in bkb time but you cannot touch spectre at all, and your damage is a little low imo

                          meteor hammer

                            ur damage already sucked a second difusal would be just stupid, youd be better off buying bfly which would also be stupid

                            you need an mkb in ur build somewhere 100%


                              silver edge?
                              if i was fully slotted i wud ideally have ac, satanic, silver edge, mkb, abyssal, manta, backpacked deso
                              id keep deso in backpack and BoT in backpack, deso cuz after a won fight or when ratting u can use it to push faster

                              meteor hammer

                                silver edge is another backpack item in my opinion


                                  good against tide and spec and allows u to perhaps jump tinker


                                    mkb and ac


                                      btw eat moonshard atleast (didnt see the match) xD

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        I forgot about satanic completely lmao. I anticipated tinker going hex and need linken cuz I make too many mistakes and misclicks. Totally didn't need that item in hindsight. Good point on swapping an item after bkb. Need to do that more

                                        I always thought getting another crit is clowny so didn't think about crit as a dmg item
                                        To replace deso.

                                        You're also spot on about me only doing anything during bkb duration so I was actually going to go refresher. lol. Was probably silly not to go Mkb against tinker. But I don't know why I felt like I only had that window with bkb to do anything or fights over. I never thought to rely on Long range stun to catch tinker. So if I couldn't kill tinker in bkb + abyssal he would just ghost and fights over. With their crazy initiation and counter initiation with double ravage haunt. I was getting fukd by their ghost so much.

                                        Can I really rely on my teammates to cast spells so I don't have to get diffusal?

                                        And yea I did not want to fight Spectre at all. As soon as I start the fight going on spectre I feel like the fights overs. Takes too Long to kill and tinker and supports free to do whtever. Would still have had to bkb going on spec because of all the magic dmg and ravage. He also had blademail before he got butterfly and only got it really late iirc. So I decided to ignore him every fight pretty much. Not Sure if that's the right decision.

                                        So was it wise to ignore spectre and go for tinker + supports?

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          As always your analysis is really
                                          Helpful jd


                                            @Raj why would u get manta on pa

                                            зачем я начал поиск

                                              Deso scales awfully bad, so no.


                                                if it gets super late, your mkb/butterfly/deso/ac won't win as hard as abyssal/hex and positioning/decision-making because everyone gets kiting items by then (glimmer/euls/ghost/force).

                                                I got hex on sven recently as my last item and it was (one of) the reasons my team won.


                                                  Manta out of gush, anchor smash, frostbite, track, and laser miss

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    That's cuz ideally someone else on ur team has hex, but sometimes no one will buy it


                                                      ^ yep. and to climb MMR you need to fill in the gap yourself.


                                                        i might get a hex if im the only one who could sort ofcatch a puck who needed to die really quick.


                                                          i think manta was the item, it covers u while bkb is down, and they crit (W A O W)


                                                            you need cuirass every game if enemy has a mkb hero imo

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