General Discussion

General DiscussionThe conspiracy behind the legality of cigarettes and marijuana

The conspiracy behind the legality of cigarettes and marijuana in General Discussion

    Have you ever wondered why cigarettes is legal in every single country, while the perfect alternative for it (marijuana) is often banned? This will be a break down of my understanding. Cigarettes give you a lightheaded feeling while killing you in the process, it also make you look like shit.(fucked up teeth, lifeless skin colour). Weed makes you high, long term effects: short term memory lost, occasional anxiety. I would take that a million times over slowly dying from lung cancer, and shortened life span.
    Then why is cigarettes legal everywhere on the planet, and weed is not? Would the governments choose die over a small portion of their population being less intelligent? There is my theory, think about those countries that have marijana strictly legal, China, Japan, most of southeast Asia, most of Africa, most of US, Brazil, England, etc. They are overpopulated, highly competitive. Majority of the listed areas are still developing and chaotic(China, SEA, Africa, Brazil), smokers are mostly the “lesser” part of a society, their government wants to kill if that part by refusing to give them a better alternative, also the taxes from tobacco companies is a pretty penny.
    Now, think about the country that legalized weed: Canada, Italy, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Australia. these are civilized, developed, and friendly countries with minimal crime. (marijuana is only allowed for medical use in some of the listed counties, but from my experience in Canada, that is bullshit.)
    It should make sense now, where I’m going with this. It might not be entirely true. I'm glad to hear your opinions.


      chem trails turn frogs gay


        Disappointing seriousness in your posts.

        Legality of certain things has to do with legacy/history and perception of the substance.

        Only recently ppl realised ciggies will kill you. But they don't fuck your mind up and intoxicate you. Governments also get shit ton of tax revenue from
        Cigarettes. Eventually taxes will just keep going up so ppl smoke less.


          Because civilized countries tend to have people who are intelligent enough to know the side effects of weed
          Weed have some positive side effect if used properly, which probably won't be the case if it's widely spread on developing countries

          meteor hammer

            some states (colorado) also trying to legalize shit like meth, can't wait for the voters there to see pictures of state sponsored meth babies


              Why would anyone want meth legalised


                weed is harmless. been smoking in malaysia for as long as i can remember.


                  @diox people who want extra cash from meth dealers?


                    Or maybe breaking bad fan gays?


                      Second explanation seems right


                        cannabis is banned because it would leech too many profits from the tobacco and alcohol industries, obviously. that's like the greatest no-brainer ever.

                        like literally, my country decided to stricten alcohol selling laws and increase tobacco costs, immediately implements jail time for slightest amounts of marijuana.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          I will only say that you have a very low standard for "civilized".


                            you should watch adam ruins everythings they talked about lobbies and how it was made as an excuse to punish Mexicans.


                              Americans are savages, deal with it.


                                if you think smoking weed everyday doesnt mess up your health you're very naive.

                                I smoked with schoolfriends several times a day for years, half of them are in psychological treatment now.
                                And most of the other half has no job or started doing serious drugs.

                                Smoking weed messes up your brain, but most importantly it stops you from maturing, you get "stuck"

                                wheb all you do is smoke weed and then hang around in your teens, you'll behave like a 16 year old even though you're 20.


                                  well i'm pretty sure that any sort of drug can mess your health up if you do it daily


                                    ^which pretty much goes back to my argument 🤔


                                      If you dont know the reason its probably because of the money.

                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                        In our school, wearing a long hair is illegal.

                                        Why is it illegal? Does having a long hair promotes violence in school? *insert positive scientifitc blah3x about long hair*

                                        Same with marijuana. Lol marijuana can make a person crazy if its too much. Here in PH, a marijuana addict is very dangerous. Most of them are thieves, hell they even stole their co-marijuana users their marijuana to smoke.

                                        I do agree that cigarrete can slowly kill you though.

                                        Short answer is: whatever the positive effect or marijuana, sorry but it's ILLEGAL. Period.

                                        And the perfect solution? Don't smoke both of them.


                                          weed is god's herb.

                                          if everyone is stoned there will be no violence. thats why its illegal.

                                          compared it to drugs and alcohols, they create violence and kills [accidents caused by drunk driving].

                                          when someone is stoned, he is philosophical and slow.

                                          when someone is drunk, he lacks the ability to think and act with conscience.

                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                            cigarettes is gud


                                              Does it improve your invoker gameplay tho? :thinking:


                                                lmao ken deathrate


                                                  You wont get old if u smoke cigarettes


                                                    this ken guy will die young


                                                      Lol why do u smoke shitty Brands ? That's why u suck at invoker


                                                        MALBORO 4LYFE

                                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                          this ken guy will die young

                                                          im not getting old

                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                            Lol why do u smoke shitty Brands ? That's why u suck at invoker
                                                            fuck off


                                                              gundam garam will kill you stop that shit

                                                              死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                i dont wanna live in this world full of shit either


                                                                  you sound like depressed sia lul

                                                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                    i failed my life , of course i will be depressed


                                                                      70% wr invoker = you won in life and should be swimming in puss


                                                                        The age requirement for using cigarettes in my country is 13 years old

                                                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                                                          Cigarrettes are dogshit and I don't even drink that much.

                                                                          I have friends, who did drugs though.

                                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                            by life i mean real life . im already 20's and im still playing video games instead of doing what i should do )))))))

                                                                            зачем я начал поиск

                                                                              Do you really assume, that there are textbook definitions of what should a person do at age X?

                                                                              Having money and doing what you want to do is all that matters, also being healthy and fit to an extent.

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                youll figure it out soon enough

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  no conspiracy, just legacy and $$


                                                                                    China is a "Developing" country? Lol wtf? I am not even chinese or asian and that offends me. China almost outplays the US and Europe in almost everything. And lol your "civilized" countries you listed, dude you need to travel more and visit these places, especially Austria and Belgium, you have 0 world experience.
                                                                                    Plus, weed being "illegal" doesnt stop anyone from not smoking it, weed is illegal in all of the Middle East yet youll find it almost everywhere.
                                                                                    How old are you?

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