General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy you should never blame your team for holding u back

Why you should never blame your team for holding u back in General Discussion

    Man I got lp on my acc so I made a smurf and played a couple of games with 2-3ks and man I was just shitting on them despite the fact I had a 0/25 brewmaster in my game who was feeding on purpose and >4k mmr 26/0 tinker in the other team
    I was just outplaying them so easily

    I mean if u r really better than your level, you are gonna shit on your enemies no matter how bad is your team

    Like if u place some1 like Universe or rtz in 4k shithole, he will easily carry the game on his own even if he has 2 feeders in his team

    If u cant carry the game, then u r just not good enough to climb. Maybe you are ~500 mmr higher then your level now but that doesnt change much, aight?


      You're nothing but a Dreamer.


        it's not that people don't know this

        it's just that their defense mechanisms don't allow them to admit that they're bad, their brain just simply doesn't want to accept the fact that they did something for hundreds of hours and that the result of all that effort is basically nothing.

        Human brain is basically made to not want to feel bad about itself, so it'll try everything possible to not have that feeling.

        Riguma Borusu

          I play like shit, don't try to improve, don't blame anyone and don't give a shit. I am pretty sure that in sub 5k every game you lose is your fault because every game is winnable anyways, but only if you care to win, and caring to win includes preparation, as in, actually putting effort to get better and then playing that specific game to the best of your ability.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            Self serving bias*


              Dumb post bro, if you had a team of 5 decent players and a idiot feeder team with one rtz, he would get wrecked. It's not even a contest.


                PS: cookie your a low intellect troll bro... keep practicing being a wanna be psychologist... :axe_laugh:

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                Riguma Borusu

                  StanceWorks33 can't get out of 3600 because he has room temperature IQ. And I'm talking celsius.


                    LMAO stanceworks is literally proving 🍪 right
                    Yes I feel super good abt being able to reach 2k with ease, not even tryharding and having a 61% ranked Winrate.


                      Oh boi drama


                        lol @RPQ better IQ than you will ever get...

                        Any Q'ers?

                          your full of shit, any DIPshit fucking 4k can pick some op dip shit hero and stomp 1 fucking game, fucking hell EVEN 2ks can stomp a fucking 2k game. there are fucking 2ks who have gotten 30 kills against other 2ks. none of that means shit. wow you stomped one game.

                          Go get a 2k smurf and see if you can maintain a 90% winrate without spamming meepo. You don't even play ranked because your afraid to lose your 4k rating, but bra about stomping a single 2k game.....

                          $10 says you can get more than a 70% winrate 2k to 3k.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            Man what the fuck am I reading


                              Lol good advice



                                win any game as sky...damn not another sky rampage T.T


                                  Never able to stomp game as winter wyvern though....

                                  EDIT: only could do it early game when you buy all the wards your team need. More high-impact support is more useful i think

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    Another post on the topic of 'feeding teammates' and 'my team hold me back'. Even though the OP argues the opposite, there's gonna be some good shit below. Ima grab some popcorn.


                                      Can post insults without using curse words? I'll start
                                      If I wanted to kill myself, I would climb high up to your ego and jump down to your iq

                                      Hatrið mun sigra

                                        What if you play pos 4 and 5 and you get matched with worthless dumbshits every game. What if your 5.2k Shaker dog, in a 4.9 avg game, offends you for being "only 4.2k" just because you informed the team that their Mirana is good since you played with him last game and tells you to shut the fuck up. And then what he does, he MISSES ALL HIS ECHOES, never sticks, feeds and then sells all his items and walks down mid. What if every game I play was like this, even the ones I win, same toxicity. What if every game I got the most braindead cores you can ever imagine. Since I started playing ranked constantly again I thought a lot about myself, what I can improve, especially about my attitude, I've been nice in every game, often solo supporting and buying up to 5k support items every game. But it's not enough, teams DO fucking hold you back, even monkeys who are 1k above you. If you're good you will gain mmr for sure, but in the LONG LONG LONG run. Of course I'm gonna receive offenses for this, I'm used to it, so for this reason I wanna say I have 64% wr in ranked since I started playing seriously in ranked again. I can't complain, but every game is a war even with my own teammates, and my wr could be much higher. I can post the games with a detailed description of how I lost them because of someone in my team without having to hide anything. So please cut this bullshit that if you're better than the avg in your bracket you'll win 110% of your games or people will start believeing it. You win 85-90% of your games if your Miracle in a 2k game, not if the skill gap is much less, those are exceptions.


                                          oh my gawd SLQ can you sh.ut up with your whiny anecdotes, it doesnt change the fact that you're not good enough to win your games because you're just bad. wtf

                                          who the fuck cares what you think or feel or how you think your games are won or lost. put any 6k player in your games in whatever position you were playing and he would find a way to win the game and have a much better chance to be successful than you. the reason is simple, he understand the game better than you, while you are whining about your teammate and not seeing opportunities for plays.


                                            you are just full of excuses everytime. and you think describing how awful your teammates are actually proves a point? are u dumb or what. do you know how to think critically. jesus

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              But my team hold me back :(

                                              Hatrið mun sigra

                                                oh my gawd edgy kid just hang yourself with a rope, a dumbshit creating an alter ego and arguing with himself on an online forum, do I need to say more. I need no excuse you fucking dog, you know nothing about those games, just talking 'cause you need to let your frustration out. Create another fake account and talk to yourself you fucking sad piece of shit.

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                Hatrið mun sigra

                                                  "you're not good enough gnegnegneeee I don't care what people write I just wanna flaaaaameee" 64% winrate.

                                                  Hatrið mun sigra

                                                    Any 6k player, exactly you fucking dog, I'm not 6k, I'm above 4.2k but not 6k, like the 99% of the people who play dota. You stupid piece of shit, go talk to yourself.

                                                    Hatrið mun sigra

                                                      "and you think describing how awful your teammates are actually proves a point" of course it does you fucking idiot, it's the TOPIC OF THE THREAD, where I was explaining why I have a SIXTYFOUR% WINRATE in ranked since I started playing seriously again but also why it could be much higher. Now are you fucking done showing how fucking brain-damaged you are. Can you create another fake account and go talk to yourself and leave people who wanna discuss about this game alone. Can you deal with your frustration in real life, go talk to a psychiatrist about your need to offend people and create alter egos and stop bothering others, you fucking worthless sub-human being.


                                                        yea so u just admitted it, u lose bcause youre bad. stop blaming your teammates, god.


                                                          btw its so easy to trigger you. lol

                                                          Hatrið mun sigra

                                                            Who admitted it, there's nothing to admit you fucking low IQ dog.
                                                            S I X T Y F O U R P E R C E N T W I N R A T E
                                                            Can you even read you stupid piece of shit
                                                            LAL I'm triggered for my games, not for a mentally ill piece of shit who creates fake accounts to talk to himself and FLAME HIMSELF. You're lost, hopeless, a human wreck.


                                                              you have like a 50ish % winrate. i duno what you're talking about lol


                                                                no i dont even read what u type most of the time so of course id miss shit out. lmao

                                                                Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                  Of course, truth would hurt so why read. Would you expect a sad fucktard who needs to create alter egos and talk to himself to deal with reality? Of course not.
                                                                  50ish my ass, solo ranked games from the last month, that's when I started to play ranked seriously again after 8 months. Even less, like 2-3 weeks. And I went from 3750 to 4310.

                                                                  Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                    64% winrate with retard after retard in the team, in almost every game. And I still have a great winrate. I wasn't complaining about the winrate itself, I don't need it since I'M WINNING. I was explaining why OP thought isn't completely right, for the experience I had and for logical reasons. If there's not a huge gap between your skill and your bracket skill you won't win 90% of your games, stop with this bullshit. I lost the count of the rampages I got with SF with my 2k friends, this doesn't mean I should be 13k and that if I lose a lot of games in my bracket it's because I'm bad. This would make sense only if my wr was <50%.


                                                                      Mi 5k but my Tim hold me bleck




                                                                            ok let's hear the excuse. playing normal and playing party? lol

                                                                            no one has the time and effort to read your rambles they basically all say the same thing in the end, omg omg omg omg im so angry, im mad cuz bad

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                            Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                              Lmao just checked and it's 61.90%, from 68%. I said 64% but it wasn't right. Just imagine the amount of idiots I had to get matched with in the last 10 games, it's un fucking believable.

                                                                              Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                That's not what they say dog, that's what your twisted personality likes to read so you can have an excuse to offend, you sad piece of shit.
                                                                                And it's not an excuse lmao. Who the fuck tryhards in normal, in parties with friends, especially since in this last year I wasn't able to focus for shit. Deal with reality you worthless dog, it's 61.90.


                                                                                  rofl. yea that filter is broken. because they cant correctly parse solo or party matches. nice trick


                                                                                    ok yea nice excuse, losing because u dont try hard. whatever dude, u lose because youre bad. who says u have to lose if u play in a party. lol

                                                                                    next youll just say u dont try hard in ranked, who cares about ranked, i dont care about mmr, oooo so i lose, whatever. lol convenient way of saying "im just fucking bad".

                                                                                    Hatrið mun sigra


                                                                                      In case you CASUALLY missed the right link.


                                                                                      Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                        What trick lmao. Solo and party are not the same for almost everybody, who the fuck tryhards in party ranked with friends. For me party ranked never mattered, in fact I'm still 2.8k there.

                                                                                        Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                          Keep finding excuses to flame for no reason you fucking dumbshit. You will always be the sad piece of shit who created multiple accounts to flame himself. You are the 5th essence of mental illness.


                                                                                            that filter is broken. lol

                                                                                            Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                              And this is coming from a rager with "IDSMASHURHEADSWITHAHAMMER", but you are just something else, a higher and unreachable level of mental illness. A dog who flames himself and other people in the desperate attempt of obtaining the attentions of an online forum on the internet. Here's your attentions dog: you are hopeless and helpless.

                                                                                              Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                                Nah dog, that filter is there for a reason.


                                                                                                  mann people are so hot tempered these days lmao

                                                                                                  I believe everyone knows and agrees that there are idiot teammates in almost every game and they do actually pulling you back, but the point everyone is trying to make is why would you bother blaming your brain-dead team when it's something you cannot control, it's an external factor that pulls your mmr back. On the other hands, why don't you try to blame yourself for making mistakes, which is an internal factor that you definitely can control, and it's even an easier way to improve.

                                                                                                  Think like this, compare your spending time blaming teammates for 10 minutes > 99% are not gonna accept and flame you back, PLUS you're not going to get match with that person every game, why bother telling that he's bad?
                                                                                                  vise versa, you spending time blaming yourself for 10 minutes, watch replay, think how you could've done better > now you're learning your mistakes and you're definitely matching with yourself 100% of the game, and now you're improving every single game....

                                                                                                  Notice, I'm not using the word 'holding back' because teammates do 'pull you back' but not 'hold you back', the only thing that 'hold you back' is yourself that stopped learning from mistakes, stopped improving, but started to find an easy way out of your loses by blaming your teammates....

                                                                                                  Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                                    Make an interview and ask people how much they care about solo ranked and how much they care about party ranked. I know the answer, everyone knows it, you know it too. You're just a psychotic dog who has problems dealing with reality and likes to twist it for his own sick enjoyment. Worthless dog.


                                                                                                      the filter i use is the easiest way to show u suck, becauseu play mostly solo ranked anyway just by looking at your matches page. so using filtering for matches in the last week (already a sizeable sample with 60 matches) shows that u prertty much suck major balls. lol

                                                                                                      the button is there to make u buy dotabuff plus or some shit likethat. it doesnt filter correctly for some reason and is just a convenient way for ppl like u to inflate their stats. lol

                                                                                                      Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                                        FattyDevil but I agree with everything you said, it's exactly what I said. I even stated I thought about myself as a player, got better on certain things and believe it or not even on my attitude lol. I'm not even joking, every game I was being their pos 5 slave, helping everyone everywhere, asking them if they needed something, rotating, doing everything I could. But man, at some point you just lose your mind. Do you think it's about that one derp that decides in 1/100 games to feed a courier? No no, that's nothing. I'm talking about boosters offending everyone, rage buying back 2 minutes into the game cause they think they're gods, 5k dogshits offending people, feeding and then selling items, carries complaining they missed a wave cause their SOLO support went help mid who was losing the lane and helped the midder get 2 kills, after these dumbshits picked Lifestealer into MK, then rage buying back and afk jungling. A lvl 5 Lifestealer at min 10 who then got a desolator after my TA already had one. I'm talking about games like these, almost every game is like this. You just can't deal with this shit at some point.