General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it normal if you got 30+ LH in 10 mins as a carry?

Is it normal if you got 30+ LH in 10 mins as a carry? in General Discussion

    mmr is accurate. only for judging ur skill in the game. and not for intelligence. that's my point. what the fuck are u saying.

      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

        oh rofl jacked is posting his psychological advices even here
        im done

          Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

            ur bad at a video game, u live in a 3rd world country, ur poor and ur clearly quite uneducated
            so yea id say all that put together makes u a failure

            lol. the fact you think being bad at a video game makes me a failure. i mean i won't even address the other random insults you threw in there because they are so loaded with ignorance and just overall irrelevant on so many levels.. shows how fucking autistic u are. sorry for my 'armchair psychology'. rofl.

              Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                lol. okay. let's use willpower to make something false to be true just by saying so.



                  am i over psychoanalyzing u too much again? roflmao. retard.

                  7k god success of life. lmao


                    i mean the amount of time you've spent on this game to get mmr, well that's nice. but don't u think you're overcompensating for something? or trying to give yourself more credit than you deserve by oversimplifying your journey to get there?

                    ok ok im sorry. you're right. i actually know someone who's only like 17 and he;s already 9k mmr (think his name is ANA, just some random kid). i mean he just plays the game and treats it real serious, anyone with a brain and willingness can just do it. i mean just look how hard is it. just walk up to the sand king lvl 1 he cant do anything. voila win games. 9k mmr.

                    ROFLMAO FUCKING AUTIST

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      hey guys Beethoven's moonlight sonata 3rd movement is really easy. anyone with a brain can learn it if they just take the time to watch how a grandmaster does it. i mean essentially its just one note after the other, and then u just play it really fast. i know someone who learn the song in 2 months so. btw you're a failure if u can't play the song. oh and im a great success and you are a failure because your country is poor (he doesn't even know where i live btw). lol


                        kitrak is sayin the right things but in a really bad manner.

                        also perception does matter it's the difference between a kid watching a mathmatical equasion vs a uni student. they see the same thing but they get different things. u good at dota and ur DOTA theories i always find interesting to read but honestly ur not dota talks is just all shittalking to others :/

                        and i wouldntve been talking about these if i hadnt studied lots of books not just on psychology but also in socialogy and philosophy (spelling right? lul)


                          kitrak is sayin the right things but in a really bad manner.

                          whatever he says about the game is probably right, because he has far superior game knowledge. no one is debating that.

                          what he is doing however, is misrepresenting a fuck ton of other things. its not about whether he is right or wrong. one doesn't need to be a dota expert to know that he is severely misrepresenting the game just by how he describes things. (the icing on the cake is that he does it in an extremely autistic manner, but that's just a bonus)

                          he demonstrates a very severe egocentric way of thinking, overly arrogant and delusions of grandeur. what he is incorrect about is how he thinks his mmr translates into anything worthwhile, but that's not even worth discussing at this point. thats just a complete joke.

                          he is misrepresenting what it takes to learn the game, and underestimates the level of complexity, and undermines the experiences of newer players. of course that kind of inflates his epeen by oversimplifying the game as it kinda gives him the right to tell ppl that intelligence is what they are lacking (as if that it makes him smart).

                          but i see through it all, and underneath, he is just a worthless asshole.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            well all i would like to do is ask him dota questions if i have any and read his noice dota comments. but i wouldnt start a none-dota argument with him i dont need to prove a point to him neither does he need to show anything to me, neither should u two bite each other there shouldnt have been a discussion in this matter in the first place. this is exactly like 3k avg games' unnecessary teamfights irl rofl


                              you're right. it is pointless. i just happen to have time on my hands. lul

                              also because he is a dick, it is kinda hard to ignore.


                                Pls dont end so fast :(((


                                  lmao kr, ur game knowledge is obviously higher, but expecting everyone in 2-3k mmr to suddenly understand all the ins and outs of dota that u acquired by playing at a high skill level over a long period of time is a bit ridiculous. no one can suddenly muster out of their ass the ability to assess the current game state in terms of lane matchups, at least on some basic level it has to be taught either by a person or by experience.
                                  I mean I'm fucking 1k mmr and I theorycraft all the time but I don't have nearly enough mmr (skill) or experience to even be correct or logical above 50% of the time arguably much less.
                                  ur expectations of people is too high.
                                  also at first u took the moral highground by pointing out jacked's inappropriate use of "dunning-kruger", fair enough. anyone cud root for u until u called him

                                  bad at a video game, u live in a 3rd world country, ur poor and ur clearly quite uneducated
                                  so yea id say all that put together makes u a failure
                                  which is based off of both unbacked assumptions and also
                                  based on 100 characters that they've written on some online video game messaging board
                                  which you yourself critisized jacked for
                                  maybe don't make a fool of yourself.
                                  thx fam.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    argument analysis by dr. crippling desperation
                                    lol suits the name


                                      I believe dunning Kruger can be applied to ppl like KR as well. It's not just for people who think they are better Than they are and unable to see it. It can apply to anyone incapable of accurately assessing their own competence. Like when he genuinely think the game is easy because he is wallowing in his own psychological experience. Stems from a similar psychological bias.


                                        Just go read up about it. KR talks out of his ass and makes tons of assumptions that I didn't bother addressing just because of how ridiculous he is.


                                          I should remind everyone that this crap u read is coming from a guy who believes in eugenics and has some kind of superiority complex, with no real proof of actual intelligence except mastery of a video game. Roflmao

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Cookie plays anti mage and tb and other farming cores. Non mobile cores can't get 900+ gpm without either a ton of stacking by their team or racking up major kills. Like if you want 900 gpm from farming on jug/troll you will need a blink that's just reality, you can't get around map quickly enough. On sven or ta, get blink and stack a lot.

                                            But last hitting in lane, just try not to miss anything and there's around 86 cs just in lane by minute 10. So yes, 50 should be close to bare minimum, that's not even 2 out of 3 cs.


                                              :thinking: is this argument still ongoing?

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                7-0-5, 30 minute game, over 10 cs/min, we took every tower so that's a lot of tower gold for a 30 minute game, and I still only got 761 gpm. If you are hitting 900+ gpm you are either on a hero who can break like 12 cs/min like naga, tb, am or somethign, or you kill some really high net worth heroes at the end which is probably more luck landing the killing blows than anything.


                                                  Naga can hit 1200 probably.


                                                    argument analysis by dr. crippling desperation

                                                    if u say something dumb imo I will point it out
                                                    no hate
                                                    id expect others to do the same, so then people learn from their mistakes
                                                    I'm not mad fyi


                                                      I got cucked in lane still got 9.5 cs/min (i know its bad, im not a good am and im 1k) but is there a way to check cs at 10 besides going ingame and looking at the replay


                                                        ppl say stupid shit left and right shouldnt try to argue with all of em


                                                          yes if your farming kills

                                                          no if your farming 66 last hits in 10 min is the total average of a good player

                                                          and jungling is 45 last hits.


                                                            It depends on lane and your pick.

                                                            If you play not contested lane, it is horrible. But it depends on your pick as well. If you pick sven, terror, troll, LS, Slark and similar heroes, who can swap easily to jungle, you should aim for 60LH/10m. If you pick CK, you will probably not get the same level of farm.

                                                            And as well... Killing 10 kobolds in small camp with few hits and counting it as lane creeps... nah.

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                            average kebab enjoyer

                                                              Jacked 4 days ago
                                                              diox has such a kind soul. autistim-level kindness <----- x3


                                                                Once i got 30 denies in the first 10 minutes on fucking Visage with his very fast projectile and attack speed.
                                                                So it's terrible.


                                                                  It is terrible, i have 32 lh/10 on average - but i mostly random and so this games include supports, offlaners and roamers.
                                                                  On cores only I have 42 and it still feels like too low for me. (3k mmr)


                                                                    Just checked AM games for the last year my average is 72.

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!