General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR 2.7K to 3K

MMR 2.7K to 3K in General Discussion

    This question is for pro players (5k + ) or for players who had the same experience as me.

    well I'm 2.7K And I wanna go 3k or plus (I was before 3.7k and dropped )

    will you suggest me for heroes to spam?

    ps: I can play any kind of hero or role, and Im good with Sk and CK

    Thank you
    -and please ppl who have low mmr do not comment or suggest thank you

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      So you were boosted to 3.7 and fell back to where you belong?

      Well, if you are as good as you claim go for roam. 2k's do not know how to handle roam and there is a constant lack in vision.


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        My borther dropped me, I was out of dota for 5 months


          you know my mmr guide is a couple of threads down, do the work and get to 3k+

          only way your'e becoming 5k+ is by playing like one


            RIKI guess what , from the last update of ur guide Im following your guide, and I play TRoll, SK and you did, but I think it's big difference when you play them in VHS bracket (like yours) and NS in mine.... that's why I was confused


              5ks aren't pros lul
              Btw you're a smurf, which calibrated at 2k so you aren't ready for 3k.
              Keep playing and find a hero you're good enough at to spam


                1 trick that gives me some advantage in 5-6k would mean pretty much a free win in 2-3k

                there's no confusion to that, i've boosted more in 0-4k than in 4k+

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                  Thank You so much RIKI... I will play as hard as I can and follow yoru steps


                    If u were 3.7 should be super ez games for you

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!