General Discussion

General Discussion6ks dotabuff

6ks dotabuff in General Discussion

    I wonder why ppl who reach 6ks like JDF8, zDonFrank, Danishblunt stop grinding after 6k and decided to play in their smurf.
    What happen in 6k bro?


      nothing good thats for sure


        you still think Blunt ever got 6k without buying an account? :D LUL

        casual gamer

          in the same list as blunt not like this


            blunt xd



              is that the danishblunt you spoke of?

              white boy summer

                there's no point in playing above that if u dont wanna be pro i guess, longer queues and less fun than smurfing around


                  because two of those three aren't 6k and never will



                    also jdf8

                      am i getting baited here or something

                      unless ur saying frank isnt a "real" 6k

                      i have a very consistent playstyle and played hundreds of games at 5.8-5.9. what is the issue here


                        you're not getting baited, i mean the other two

                        i don't remember frank playing anything but riki or getting to 6k

                          Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                          Giff me Wingman

                            Nothing happens in 6k.

                            People just get bored and decide to yolo on smurfs or chill out on smurfs. The amount of low prio and bitching you get in high mmr games is annoying. You also see the same picks over and over again.

                            I was in low prio 3 times in a row because I picked meepo, many people can confirm this.


                     feast ur eyes

                              well good for him that he did it on his 4th acc or so

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                              casual gamer

                                fun fact: if ur on the enemy team and playing meepo i will report u if u succeed

                                and if ur on my team i will report u if u fail ur 1v9


                                Giff me Wingman

                                  faq u xD


                                    So, if cookie sometimes will reach 6k he is not truly 6k bcs he only play arc? or it will be any double standard?

                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      Ofc cookie is then truly 6k. It's just hyprocisy, people spam meta heroes to gain MMR but complain when people spam dogshit heroes to gain MMR. If cookie would go the "standard" route by spamming meta heroes he would be at the same position.


                                        So I'm actually house sitting my parents place over easter and will have access to internet. Planning on spamming some Zeus or Spectre in ranked in ranked (after warming up on a smurf first). I expect to gain at least 200 mmr - ie 8 more wins than losses - over this weekend based solely on how strong those heroes are independent of skill.

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          Pretty sure if u don't know how to position urself you will feed as zeus.

                                          Also pretty sure if ur map awareness and farming skills suck u'll be mostly useless on spec.


                                            Im pretty sure there r only 2 6k's in that list :thinking:
                                            Im pretty sure there is only 1 sub 1k shitter who likes fucking with blunt :thinking:
                                            Im pretty sure blunt has crippling autism :thinking:

                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              and there goes the sub 1k loser again. Time to get the popcorn out again


                                                I rarely feed on Zeus. My KDA with him is 6.32. It's actually my best KDA and hero winrate etc somehow.

                                                My spectre isn't as good but thats because most of the games I've lost on her have retarded as fuck line ups against teams which can pressure easily once they get an easy lead which they do because of a retarded line up - eg I've had to offlane him twice and lost both of those of course.

                                                And I never played her during the period when she was OP (like she is again now).

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  Well Zeus is a hero that kills a lot much like tinker. If you don't die much on Zeus it only tells you that u're a person that has somewhat decent positioning.



                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                      Blunt is 6Ks ggwp



                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!