General Discussion

General Discussion2k scrub

2k scrub in General Discussion
Player 123655765

    Why is it that every time you pick Invoker there's always that one guy who rants and rage that you picked one. "GG injoker" "Please report", why drag your own ally down even before the game starts? Is there an option to mute the chat in the picking phase? I'm not that good, and I want to improve but this toxic environment kinda makes everything hard.


      im fine with it. The guy who gets angry and flames at pick phase or before 0 min are doomed to stay at low mmr. Doesnt matter how good you play the game, flaming greatly reduces your winrate alot. Like why would you flame someone in your team before the fucking game starts? you are not gonna make him play any better. Most of the time, he will never help you in fights or lane or even worse, he will feed intentionally so you wont gain mmr. Plain stupid.

      1-IceTea 🌟

        Just to let you know it happened in 4K and 5K also.

        4pos pudge/grim only

          yep it happens all the time. but tbh if you want to practice some invoker games, then do it in unranked. there are so many stakes (for some people lol) at ranked and people expect invoker picker to be good, so you need to play it good or else you gonna get blamed (even reported). the fact that you said it yourself that your invoker is not that good, yet picking him in ranked is really something tbh. i understand the motive of practice, but thats what unranked are for. anyway glhf

          Player 123655765

            ikr. when the game start I mute them. But what he said at the picking phase already affected you, thinking Im gonna show this guy what I'm capable of. You're lucky if everything goes smoothly, but when its not...boom...everything goes downhill -25 mmr and your f#cking tilted for the rest of the day.


              not to me, i try my best to win if my team forgives eachothers mistakes, keeps their morale high and actually communicates instead of writing "1k trash" or some russian words even tho hes the only one speaks russian. I dont see any reason to show what im capable of to some toxic flamer player. He doesnt deserve your effort to win. I will be more happy to lose if more than 2 people flames eachother. I dont care about my mmr. I win if my team deserves to win, otherwise i lose.


                most invokers in 2k are complete garbage, I dont roast them when they pick, but my winrate with invoker teammates in the past 20 games in 29% if that gives you an idea on why people get mad at them.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  I have invophobia too
                  Lots of Miracle Sccc wannabes
                  In your bracket, being able execute all spells spontaneously is enough to not get you blamed

                  General Xiang Yu

                    Make them trust u. Play as a team. Communicate with them. Invoker is one of my best so I am very confident that at the end no one is going to blame me at my mmr bracket.


                      Why do you care tho
                      Just laugh at their immaturity and do your best, you can't cooperate with those people


                        story of my life bro.
                        anyway just do your best, mute the flammers asap.

                        and shut them up with your : Mmmmmmmmmonster kill.


                          jus try to have fun, learn a couple of things along the way, but dont fight rage with rage. why cant we all be nice? :x

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