General Discussion

General DiscussionTo all the pathetic hero spammers who climbed MMR with 0.01 versatility:

To all the pathetic hero spammers who climbed MMR with 0.01 versatility: in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    Hullo friendly (for most of the part anyway) NS player here. I've recently tried spamming Juggernaut either as a mid or safelane or offlane or jungle or semi support or any lane I have to be in while playing in SEA. With the input compiled from kind-hearted people here in Dotabuff, I was able to achieve some degree of success with discipline and PMA and all that shit they taught me. Currently at 9 w-3 l, all Ranked Solo.

    I know everything looks great, relative to NS ofcourse, but in case you misunderstand I'm not here to wag my giant epenis. Not gonna brag about my 2 min Bfury/-30 sec DR or my 50lh/m. That stuff doesn't rise overnight by reading hands-on input from people and listening to guides till I sleep, so yeah I know I need more experience. The problem is with my attention.

    I find myself hovering my pointer over heroes who I haven't really tried. I originally played Dota 2 as a recreational activity and to relate with friends, plus I played some Dota before and was interested of its diversity. I think the problem lies in myself. Is it just me? Do I need to spice up my game to keep playing good? Or am I just shit? I even find myself tired of the game lmao, haven't thought of playing again for days. Probably all 3 but I want to ask a question to y'all who spammed heroes.

    How do you keep your mental health from deteriorating while spamming heroes? Do you repeat mantras? Eyes on the prize? Want a bigger epenis with a bigger MMR? I just don't know what's wrong, right now I'm enjoying CSGO much more than Dota 2 now, when the opposite was true a few weeks ago.

    Anything is appreciated, even simple opinions from people who haven't tried that yet. As per usual, shitposting is accepted only if funny.

    tl;dr how do i keep spamming heroes without losing interest???

    doc joferlyn simp

      i heard benao and aimstrong are prime examples of this; would really help if you guys could share insights so that the world's average mmr goes a bit higher


        here's how i think about it; i enjoy playing sk, he's fun

        that's pretty much it, i get skill and i have fun with my fav hero. mmr comes by itself because i learn and master a hero

        so don't pick a hero you don't like, pick something that you think is fun and you enjoy playing

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          Dota has to be fun or youll drop mmr.
          I never will spam a hero i hate, i spammed morph bc the hero is so fun to play, and i can usually laugh when i get a 3 man gank and i walk away.
          Like cookie said, mmr comes by itself

          doc joferlyn simp

            i love juggernaut tbh, not that gayass shit on the level of furries, but i mean him as a hero. so fun to play around the expectations of enemies, while learning to maximize farm/resources in the form of mana and hp.

            also turning a gank into a multi kill for me with but a push of a button and a click of a mouse is also satisfying

            i just dont understand myself man. i cant maintain attention even if my life depended on it. im not ocd but i like the general scheme of things to be bright and lively, filed with different shit. was i programmed this way?

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            Hanamichi Sakuragi

              I play Arc and Meepo on my Ranked Matches only, I had the same problem as you had when I was starting out.
              You can't get rid of that problem I believe, unless you find the best hero that you think suits you.
              Spamming Juggernaut isn't fun which is what makes you get bored as fuck I have Bladekeeper set on him but I think its the only reason why I even play him. Even if I do play him tactically I get bored as fuck and make unusual builds. I enjoy Arc, Meepo and Tinker.
              You should probably start by learning all the heroes in the pool, in pub matches ofc if you're not confident. Till you find your hero.


                here is the thing i love meepo i dont care about counter dicks so i pick him and lose right away

                doc joferlyn simp

                  but that's what i like about juggernaut. his skills are so straightforward but can have different uses, which means his build can adapt to any situation. kind of like np and wk. i read that some gayfag from Ayy Lmao thread used wk support with reasonable success in 5k.

                  i refrain from deviating from the battlefury --> straight late game item hc jugger and the diffu --> manta --> situational build sc jugger. i plan to get the real feel of the hero before i do anything rash.

                  from my original thread asking for advice this smart smurf guy theorycrafted a jugger ecchi sabre --> SE --> diffu --> refresher --> manta item build. he did the maths and did an analysis that he did himself.

         check it if you want man

                  Hanamichi Sakuragi

                    Well I guess you have your own opinions, the silent voice within one's heart whispers the most profound wisdom.
                    I think you've solved your own problem by now? Or just do what I told you. Anyways both are solutions.

                    Hatsune Miku

                      U spam a hero because its a sure fire way to win the game period. or just find a hero u know ull have fun playing


                        If you count all my timbersaw games from all my accounts i think it would be 600+ or more(never got bored), the thing is, timber is so much fun to play, which makes me enjoy the game in return gives pma and +25mmr

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          the silent voice in one's heart is not some omnipresent and all-knowing entity touching and influencing the lives of everything

                          the silent voice in one's heart is based on what one knows and believes in one's subconscious thought, so yeah it can be complete bullshit if one is uninformed/gullible/dense

                          anyways so i guess this "being bored" is just a phase every hero spammer feels? seems good no kappa but maybe other people can offer their own advice

                          thanks @Farix great shit man

                          Hatsune Miku

                            there is no " being bored phase " more like " looks like im gonna tryhard phase " if i try to pick my main hero.

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              @Miku yeah i play jugg bcs.. wait..

                              @Kelly u sure jizzrack is just a fun hero to play, or is he really a manifestation of your hidden fetish toward cowardly little men? jokes aside yeah timber is fun. tried him too lol just stopped idk why

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                it's time for self-searching lmao brb guys great input lol

                                endless grinder

                                  If u feels bored tht means this game not really for u to try really hard. I truly wanna play at the highest lvl n compete with some of the famous players. yeah sometimes i feel tired from losing streak i take a break n play again tommorow
                                  Some ppl call this passion or straight up addicted, depends on where u r standing


                                    idk playing the same hero never feels boring to me.


                                      however losing to palyers who are worse than you simply because you was playing a non tryhard hero is the worst feeling ever and i do everything in my power to avoid that

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        can i not read this pls?


                                          sometime you just bored when spamming same hero. for me its so bored when you can ez win with same hero. when that happen i just play arcade or play unranked techies XD


                                            Play other games or play unranked until you feel ready and hungry for higher MMR
                                            I don't really play that much so that hunger is pretty much always there


                                              Or just do stuffs irl?
                                              Life isn't just about dota u know


                                                The only reason i refrain from spamming axe is the existence of timbersaw. The sensation of culling, especially culling those trashtalkers. Stealing kills from ur annoying teammates, or watching PA dies from her own crit. I just cant help it XD


                                                  ^ as a timber player axe is actually good against timber during lv 1 and 2, maybe lv 3, whirling death wont deal that much to you and your passive hurts a lot considering timber has low hp at lv 1

                                                  so you should try to lane against him and destroy him completely during those times


                                                    i heard benao and aimstrong are prime examples of this; would really help if you guys could share insights so that the world's average mmr goes a bit higher



                                                      the most fun hero in the game is slark , but only if you're playing him , i hate to play against him ( hes the most banned hero in my games tho , ever since i got a rampage on him & it shows on my newsfeed every game enemy team try to ban him )

                                                      when i go to college/work or whatever i don't miss dota but i miss slark ))))

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        The only thing that is hard about slark is dark pact purge timings
                                                        Which I still couldn't do @_@

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          i considered other stuff than dota 2 but there really isn't an alternative. i'm done with school shit semestral break's almost here, it's rainy season in the philippines and recently there have been a lot of people inhabiting our subdivision's basketball court so i cant play basketball for sure every time. i have friends irl too but i they're not near our house, and i cant just go out of the house everyday without my parents getting angry, so i need another time killer. i've read all the books in the house, all the novels my dad has, the shitty picture stuff my little sister has and i've even started to read the bible so that i can sleep lmao

                                                          i had high grades for the first quarter of school, fam gave me prizes and shit now i have extra money for hats which is why i've been waiting for jugg arcana. idk considering my situation dota 2 seems like a good timekiller that can stimulate my limbs' dexterity and my mind's critical thinking capabilities for a long period of time considering during this short break my mental abilities might rust if i don't exercise regularly for at least 2-3 hours

                                                          only boy in the family here, 1 sister off to college 2 sisters only ever do stuff with themselves or alone

                                                          i swear if i increase my fap rate each day my balls are gonna burst

                                                          doing an extended and somewhat analytical study about myself and how to improve based on what i can see and what other, perhaps better players see regarding my own gameplay will not only give me joy and satisfaction during this period but also improve myself mechanically and general capacity of my thought process when under pressure, and it just makes my reflexes better which is always a good trait to have

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            it will also help the people who participate in said analysis because it trains them to see the micro things in dota 2 and evaluate them, which makes them better decision makers and analysts for ability improvement


                                                              i agree with @Farix, been playing dota for 11 years, heroes other than arc / meepo / visage or other micro heroes bores me af i cant stand playing pa / jugger it just feels so simple so dont hate me for spamming micro heroes

                                                              INSAN KEKURANGAN

                                                                and i've even started to read the bible so that i can sleep lmao

                                                                well shit... you must be bored af lol

                                                                Corona FRIES

                                                                  "i swear if i increase my fap rate each day my balls are gonna burst"

                                                                  "my limbs' dexterity and my mind's critical thinking capabilities for a long period of time considering during this short break my mental abilities might rust if i don't exercise regularly for at least 2-3 hours"

                                                                  Dafuq did I just read

                                                                  M U R D E R

                                                                    @OP are you sure benao actually climb anything?

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      @薄氷 idk man thats what the others said with his drow apparently

                                                                      @Youkai the second statement was taken out of context, now it looks like a jumbled mass of words

                                                                      @ilmimi bro you have no idea i swear

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                      2k indog monkey

                                                                        Go tryhard CSGO
                                                                        I used to switch my priorities alot of times between CS and doto to keep myself bored from them xd

                                                                        2k indog monkey

                                                                          Or just add me on steam and we'll do stupid shit on pub doto

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp


                                                                            we do stupid shit tomorrow at the afternoon, maybe 3-7 or smthng

                                                                            2k indog monkey

                                                                              I'll add you from my main


                                                                                yeah hero spammers are braindead shet

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  i dont think hero spammers are braindead, on the contrary i think theyre quite brilliant

                                                                                  they are able to recognize the fact that with such a massive pool of heroes available, they will never be able to pinpoint what they lack in whether farming patterns or late game decision making. playing too versatile will make you say "eh i didnt play that good on this match bcs i dont normally play am" when in fact you farm like shit, you just think you did good bcs last game you played a farm starved offlaner

                                                                                  whereas with spamming a concentrated pool of heroes it allows you to efficiently recognize your current pros and cons, and as such will allow you to improve on a much faster rate. for example you cant reason out that you are shit with wk bcs you arent accustomed to the attack animation and so cant farm with ease, look at your last game which is also wk. you rekted and did well with the same amount of farm. maybe what you are lacking is proper itemization, since actually you farm well but cant evaluate the game well even if your life depended on it

                                                                                  so yeah basically getting better with one hero means youre getting better in virtually all aspects of the game: map awareness, decision making, mechanical skill, game knowledge, and other shit like that

                                                                                  #Hot asawa ni Marcos

                                                                                    Noob spammers HAHAHA

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      also i think hero spamming is misunderstood and seems like an easy way to grind, kind of like camping chokepoints on first person shooters like csgo. you are instantly labeled a "camper" and is now completely dogshit

                                                                                      it is however an effective strategy to employ since you will be able to get the jump on your enemies instead of running around like a headless chicken trying to hit a pinata while running and the pinata is also moving

                                                                                      idk why people have this mindset

                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!