General Discussion

General DiscussionHow much is it worth sacrificing for a courier kill?

How much is it worth sacrificing for a courier kill? in General Discussion

    A few creepwaves? Your own life?


      if you are a support, then dying for a courier snipe is totally worth it.

      Moon Moon

        Do the maths. It is worth 1k gold in total. Calculate how much money your death gives the enemy team and how much potential farm you are missing from dying. As a support, these values usually dont exceed 1k.
        However, you should also count in missed experience.

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          it really depends.

          but GENERALLY you don't want to be suiciding for a courier kill, but if anyone is going to die it should be a support. It's never worth it for a mid/carry to die for it. and rarely worth it for any other core.

          even late game, if a support dies for a courier, lets even pretend you delayed an ENTIRE item. it doesn't matter. fighting 5v4 is huge even if it's just a support.

          besides, how often do you die for a courier anyway. it takes like 1-2 hits depending on game duration, and it's fast as fuck. generally you aren't going to kill it unless it flies beside you which won't really effect your death at all.

          unless you mean like antimage or axe blinking on it or something and then dying.

          then no, it's not worth it. any blink hero isn't worth dying for a courier.


            Often dying for it is not really worth it


              Yea lol I died for a courier today (my 2nd courier kill of the match) but that was a misplay, wasnt able to purge slardar true sight in time using diffusal before they stunned me on the clinkz as i didnt reach courier in time.

              but it was okay because my team killed them as they were killing me

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                pretty sure that if you're going for bottle snipe courier in early game it's 100% worth it as support/roamer


                  If you're not core, 'always' get the courier.


                    I'm a courier sniper, I already killed 7 couriers in just few games. Courier sniping is a very big game changer,imagine a midlaner who could not spam his SKILL due to courier death. Just ward between tower 2&3 for not to waste your xp/gpm/gold , with that ward ez for you to snipe that walking chicken :-) btw it works well 4-5k mmr games.

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