General Discussion

General DiscussionI want to start calibrating my MMR and I want to do it safely.

I want to start calibrating my MMR and I want to do it safely. in General Discussion
Nature's call

    I had some HS games and I know that means around 3.5k mmr and higher(?) and I really want to calibrate but unsure how should I approach it. any tips on what heroes to play and what to focus on other than winning the game?


      only winning the game, nothing else. your job is to perform perfectly

      or you can pay me and i'll do it for you :3

      Nature's call

        Also got some really bad teammates with bad attitudes lately , I try not to focus on them and focus on my play but its really hard. should I expect this at Ranked matches?

        King of Low Prio

          You will calibrate 3k or lower

          Nature's call

            Is it because my games are on Normal skill? Should I just grind it out to High skill before trying to calibrate?

            King of Low Prio

              It won't make a difference at the point you are at your ranked and unranked will rise or fall at the same rate


                the best option is to calibrate now and calibrate 2k

                then learn to play and grind your mmr the proper way.

                it will take you more than a year to get to vhs, so waiting for it is useless.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  pick cores , preferably split pushers like AM morphling ember , you can have both farm and space creating for ur team , and as the game goes longer u get more fat , if u are only a lil bit good , u can rip a whole team off with one of those heroes .


                    Focus on your plays. Your team does not matter. If You start blaming them, mute everything. The hero doesnt matter at all. Look up professor fierce videos about roles and outplaying. I would suggest to focus on two roles. Train last hitting and pulling in private lobies. Dont Forget wards and runes.


                      normal skill < 3.1k
                      During calibrating my tip is just to play normally, don't tilt,don't give up, just play and do your best.
                      Winning or losing doesn't mean much.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        use condom


                          doc joferlyn simp

                            is there an "unsafe" way to calibrate? if you think by smurfing you are cheating the system, the system is cheating you because in the end, it makes you play more dota 2 trying to get the "optimal" condition in order to get an MMR that you'll just lose. youre just feeding the monsters

                            pls stop trying to forcefully feel good about yourself, you wont even improve and youd have wasted all your time trying to live in a fantasy that doesnt mean shit in your life

                            if you wanna play dota 2 just accept things as they are and stop tryna sugarcoat it

                            also you're taking taking away precious thread space with your bullshit, there are actually legit threads about the game here and not just about some imaginary rating you jack off to


                              Just sit in your chair and make sure, and this is the hard part. That you dont fall over.


                                I can do it for you np

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!