General Discussion

General DiscussionHow fast does behaviourscore raise?

How fast does behaviourscore raise? in General Discussion

    It all started with bad internet 2 weeks ago. Some abbandons here, some tilt + flaming (destroying items etc.) there, 2 times in LP and tada: My behaviourscore dropped to 2.4k while my MMR dropped from 4.4k to 3.7k. The toxicity is alot higher than I am used to.

    How fast does the behaviour score rise?

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      its enough to stop getting reported. it will increase soon.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        wait 2.4k? lul. thats one of the lowest beahviour scores i ever heard of.


          How do you check behaviour score?


            insert into console
            developer 1

            stupid fuck 2000

              2.4k LOL You must be more toxic than fucking Chernobyl.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                I got less..


                  and no one is surprised

                  Speak English, Pick Stuns

                    is 8600 good?


                      mines went up by like around 360 points in 12-24 hours. in terms of games played? like 4 or 5.


                        I have 2.3K LOL


                          U get reported a lot? I get a lot of lp in the past but I don't think mine is that low. Lmao


                            what is a good behaviour score?


                              All i know about behaviour score is that 9k is decent and abandoning a single match dumpsters it.
                              Went from 9.3k to 7.9k by abandoning 1 game. I obviously got quite a few reports for that as well.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                im telling people to kill themselves on regular basis and i still have 8k top kek


                                  Number of reports is the main factor of change in behaviour score
                                  It updates every conduct summary, and if u have 0-2 reports score will increase by 100-200
                                  Commends are irrelevant
                                  I don't know about abandons

                                  LIL KASALANAN

                                    What I'm 9.5k and whenever I abandon a match I dont get lp'd, actually I dont think I have been lp'd ever.

                                    Worst I get is que bans for dodging games D:


                                      You must be the saltiest toxic player ever. We're gonna have kidney stones playing with you!

                                      Sumbo #HEFTY

                                        @inx4c Fuck you and your Anti-mage :D


                                          @reese how about you update mmr on your profile :horse: :horse: :horse:


                                            i think i played with (or against) reese in solo q several months ago, and he was higher than the rating currently exposed on his profile (5.1 or 5.2).
                                            im not very sure tho. im not even sure it was him cz it happened quite a while ago and my memory sucks.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              low prio immunity ur my hero



                                                I am not thaaaat toxic. I just get toxic, when I point out, that something WILL happen, if we do not react proper and the others refuse.

                                                For example I remember one game, where the enemy went riki, and I said during the pickphase: "We are going to need sentrie or our mid (not even me), will get dumpstered." Game starts, nobody had bought sentries (I was playing AM and realised it too late to buy them myself). Midlaner (Storm) get dumpsterd hard by riki. Riki dumpstres the supports, cuz he had a kickstart. Riki is 6-0, supports are underfarmed and have struggle keeping up the sentries, riki goes arround and fucks every lane. I sell my items and go afk and now I am the salty motherf*cker?????

                                                I stop cooperating at one point, if I see that my team cooperates 0. Esp. supports stop supporting. I get cancer when I see a Wd running arround in a 4k game, with his percious manaboots, pointbooster, urn, staff of wizzardry and ogreclub + tp scroll, refusing to drop one of the Agapieces to carry sentries or plant wards. I point that mistake out 2-3 times, even buy the shit and If this mistake of has bad consequences (teamwipe cuz no sentries against mirana), I stop playing. Simple.

                                                Same goes the other way arround. I play support, and the dumb fuck slark is 6 slotted but has no fucking bkb against an invoker. The invoker just trashes him every time, with his combo, but this dummy doesnt sell his precious echosabre. I say that 3 times. We lose 3 teamfights, I sell items, go afk and I am the bad guy.

                                                And btw. I only do it, if we get so far behind cuz of their mistakes, that the game is 97% lost. I won't try hard for that 3%, cuz its a waste of time and frustrating. Its also not for every mistake. The only mistake I "punish" is clear and willing lack to cooperate. To buy the items needed or pick proper. Every omniknight repels an enemy now and then. Every void can fuck up a chrono. That shit happens. Its fast game and nobody can click perfectly every time playing. But not buying a bkb or buying wards (I EVEN BUY THEM AS A CARRY; JUST PLANT THE WARDS!!) is simpy unacceptable for me.

                                                The main reason I dropped so hard in MMR and behaviourscore is still bad internet connection thoug. I normally maintain my 4.5-4k mmr with this "toxic" attitude. Most games I can't even flame, since I am muted 24/7. Ppl start reporting you for saying: "Can you pls buy sentries," if you do it more than 3 times. They also report you for saying: "Going jungle lc against roaming bh did not work out, huh?"

                                                Nobody likes smartass*es, but its my nature. I'm used to point out where ppl make mistakes. That what I do for a living.


                                                Don't worry, I need to lose 40 games in a row to play with you. Not going to happen anyways. Same for you winning 40 in row. We will never meet. You and me playing dota is like you and me playing no mans sky.

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  8900+ even though I'm pretty sure I'm one of the most toxic players DotA has ever seen if you piss me off.. :(


                                                    Flaming does not decrease your behav. score thaaat much. Destorying items and leaving games does.


                                                      @triple: yes, I was playing omni and you were bh, you won in like 20 minutes
                                                      My mmr was 5.2, now I dropped under 5k but I won't expose or I lose blue star ROFL
                                                      Edit: match

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        See: Game posted. Huskar sold his stuff. Proper decisionmaking. Why make shitgame longer than needed. This game clearly needs a FF function.

                                                        If everyone in a team types !ff (not showing to the others, so you can be anonymous, if you want to), game ends. Make it possible after 20 min just like dotalicious in dota 1. So you do not have to endure these shitty 40 min siege games, where you have no chance, cuz the enemy antimage farms ham on the map, but you can't leave your fucking base, cuz 4 of the enemy team can kill 5 of you. Esp. with a tinker on team so enemy can't go hg.




                                                            I dropped from 4950 to 4250 due to tilting and flaming others for insta picking medusa or morphling. After i got 10 reports for having full mouth I kept on getting the most retarded teammates u can ever imagine including me and acc buyers, dual mids, 5 cores no support. Generally 2k at its best.

                                                            To be honest everything was fine till i started picking cores instead of supports. No one blames u for deaths on support, but when u dont carry your retarded teammates they blame you for their own shitty plays.

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              i get reported quite a lot for recent matches, due to some fucking shitheads not willing to cooperate, e.g.:
                                                              - my pa 1-12 feeding due to constant ganks while having ZERO FUCKING WARDS literally around the map with me FUCKING MUTED
                                                              - people who can't do shit with farm
                                                              - people who can't do shit to farm fast
                                                              - people who won't do shit as lc, that's why i hate people who insist on starting med/small camp because usually they get treads first or dont gank until like 20 mins in
                                                              - gyro support who can't do shit and fed 0-10

                                                              guess who was reported? me, for constantly telling them what to do and what not to do, when they don't follow or disagree with me suddenly i am the bad guy who needs to shu up

                                                              behavioral score from 7.5k becomes 5.2k FeelsGoodMan

                                                              5 lp games immediately too with no lp record in recent hundreds of games, even follows with a necro who just wants to fuck up my mid as sf, feeding enemy qop with riki constantly ganking and shit, at that point im so fucked up and abandoned since im already at 5 lp games, what bad could it cause already (but that could be the one which fucks up my score the most judging from replies above)

                                                              these few recent games are my most fucking toxic game i was ever in, guess the number one mistake is to play while muted. and number two mistake is to point out what to do because nobody listens and everyone thinks you are bossie while they have zero clue how to help win the game

                                                              ps: if a DB mod is reading, please improve your comment system to at least highlight what are the "banned terms" so people don't need to check every single word that is typed


                                                                @दुःख I guess it would still lead to reports that do affect score, right?


                                                                  it "OVER 9000" for me (9076) :D


                                                                    can someone explain how literally ANY of this makes sense.

                                                                    - high behavior score
                                                                    - high reports
                                                                    - win most games


                                                                    im actually baffled. last time I checked my score was like 8.5k

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!