General Discussion

General Discussioncourier with empty bottle is slower than with a full one

courier with empty bottle is slower than with a full one in General Discussion

    Does it even make sence? Shouldnt it move faster since its weight less?


      its just a nerf to bottle crawing


        They should make it move slower with full bottle


          it would be a buff to courier sniping which is already fucking cancerous

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            Courier should move slower when it has items. Bigger the item, slower it moves.


              it make sense from the point of view of rationality and real-life logic, but it makes no sense in terms of the game


                Just lowering the cooldown for the turbo shit will solve all problems

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Sigh back when courier haste cooldown was a minute.


                    Sigh back when you could upgrade it at min 0 and don't worry about bottle-crowing nerf and cour-sniping.


                      Sigh back when first blood was worth more than a courier.


                        Sigh back when this forum was good


                          cour snip is feeldgudman


                            the magic water has negativ weight :p

                            that's why you heal in a huge aoe arround the fountain. Tiny dropplet of water flying arround are healing you

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              Sigh when u can use the dagon and bloodstone on courier back on dota 1.


                                I really like how you're the first person to ever make a thread about this or ever talk about this in general but as I proved before multiple times, you're a low skill retard that's seeking for attention and I'm not even surprised a little bit that someone like you made this thread, the fact you don't have a high enough IQ to understand that it's done on purpose so people can't bottle crow with a fast courier but hey man we have to learn it somehow, you have to learn it the hard way because you're shit.


                                  @rankiro, and the aura !!
                                  Rip the good old chicken with shiva cuirasse vlad drum.

                                  Or the midas flying mission. With ~50 flying chicken roaming the map with midas. The only way to make alchemist jealous of your gold xD.

                                  The best in that flying mission, is when you are voiding the wood faster than an anti mage xD

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    This H^ guy is the most negative person in the fucking dotabuff forum for sure. I honestly think he should be banned. Anytime he comments it's to call someone a normal skill retard. Get a life dude. I feel like you just got to your MMR so u can go on dotabuff and insult people.

                                    You need some good pu$$y in your life

                                    KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                                      Hahahahaha I want the courier with bloodstone + dagon 5


                                        very late game strats LUL when u have 20k gold u just buy couriers and put blyadstones and dagons on them LUL

                                        Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                          H^= Hanter? permabanned on main?

                                          no wonder why ure a 4k thats stuck in low priority LUL


                                            Lel next lvl courier strats Pogchamp


                                              bottle crawing

                                              D the Superior
                                                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                  You need some good pu$$y in your life

                                                  edit: some pussу besides you yourself


                                                    LUL It was a fun theard actually. I know about bottle crawing. And H^ u need guidance.


                                                      LUL anyone that actually needs guidance here is you with your 48% win rate in normal skill bracket.


                                                        Hold up. Seems like u still mad at me cus of my comments on your theards that you made about benao
                                                        lul just LUL

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                          LUL 2k trash player trying to fit into this ''retarded'' community you spastic ape lmfao thinks im close to being mad, I can literally tell you to get cancer and die from it and sit here with a gigantic smile laughing at how retarded you are, the fact you think I'm mad should also tell you to just stop visiting dotabuff because this place is not made for retards like you.

                                                          LUL get cancer and die from it.





                                                                Showing typical signs of defeat, proving you're irrelevant and absolutely worthless, you couldn't even properly respond but instead you posted a gif of a guy laughing, smh why am I even wasting my time with someone that can't even respond normally smh normal skill ingame normal skill in brain.







                                                                        I wanna know what do u get from insulting me.