General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get kill from Techies's Suicide Squad

How to get kill from Techies's Suicide Squad in General Discussion
Preap Sovath

    I know that Necronomicon can but do Blademail can too ?



        are u sure about necros? it shouldnt deal any dmg to techies, cz hes not the one killing the unit - they die to mines.

        bm doesnt work since several eyars ago, it used to in dota1.

        sin blyadi

          Tis the same as WD's ward




              Paraphrased from the Wiki:
              Suicide Squad Attack:
              Damages enemies in the area before killing Techies, so Techies still gets the experience when enemies die to this spell.
              The area damage has the no-reflection flag and so it is not reflected back to Techies with Blademail, Dispersion, etc.
              However, due to the order, Techies can die to Last Will (Necronomicon Warrior) or a Static Charge proc from Mjollnir.

              Basically the only way Techies can cast Suicide Squad Attack and not deny himself is if he is unlucky and dies to the Necro Warrior ability or a Mjollnir Static Charge Proc. Blademail and other forms of damage reflection like Spectre's Dispersion or Nyx's Spiked Carapace will not reflect the damage since it has the No Reflection Flag, and thus techies wont be killed by those abilities.

              Also despite it being a unit targetable ability it will not be reflected by lotus orb.


                I think he's asking which abilities can kill Techies as a result of him casting Suicide Squad Attack, and the Necro Warrior can do that.
                In the case when the Necro Warrior is killed by mines I believe you are correct, it shouldn't damage techies. (not 100% sure, will need to test this) And like you said blademail and Spiked Carapace wont reflect mine damage. Dispersion will reflect the mine damage in its AOE as usual.