General Discussion

General DiscussionGuidelines for supports ~3k games

Guidelines for supports ~3k games in General Discussion
~Vince ^

    Ok guys, i had enough of this. Last 5 game on 1st position i had no lane support on 3.6k rating. It is just absurd how the level of game has fallen on those rankings.

    I want to say something to people who DO pick support. Here is what you need to do on laning stage:
    1) Harras enemy offlaner, not giving him chance to last hit or exp.
    2) Pull from small and big camps when necessary, not standing by carry and stealing experience while doing absolutely nothing.
    3) If you see invis roam hero on enemy team, bring detection.

    Idk what is wrong with people but somehow not a single fu*king support knows those 3 basic principles that supports should follow. I hope you will learned something from this and do better next time you play this position.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      if you want something to be done well, do it yourself

      also 3.6k mmr, kek

      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        Said someone who do not play as support.

        Triplesteal is right. If you know how to play a 'great' support, do it yourself and set an example.

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          can u explain p.2 more pls, i didn't quite understand it?

          R O B E R T

            first, the most efficient supports are the ones who always carry a tp for anticipated ganks in any lane, this lessen the chance of someone dying in your team. second, if you have an aggresive line-up, try to gank lanes (any lanes) in order for the carry to have farm fast. And lastly, try not to feed, the enemies as well would do gank and aim the supports for they are usually the easiest to kill.

            ~Vince ^

              Cham, you are explaining further progression of supports duties, with which i agree with you. I focused on the laning stage (0-5 min).

              nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                Always carry a tp
                And dust

                R O B E R T

                  I'm a carry player tbh, and for this reason, thats what every carry player needs. To add more, I usually want supports who have a great map awareness for they can sense possible ganks in my lane and they might also know when to help in every lane. Harassing the enemies and giving space for the carry to have farm and exp is a must at an early stage and once the carry have stable items that can give him regen, you can now roam other lanes to help.

                  R O B E R T

                    and you cant usually have supports in your team like the ones i've describe in 3k bracket, they usually play in 4k above brackets (although there are some you have this skills in 3k & 2k)

                    Speak English, Pick Stuns

                      4 core lineups always win in 3k

                      LIL KASALANAN

                        T H R E E T H O U S A N D S I X H U N D R E D R A T I N G

                        >Says here's what you need to do



                          As a mostly support player I raise you the following points about how to play as a carry:

                          1) Buy regen. Don't stay in lane with ~20% HP and then start crying if a Puck flies by and kills you.
                          2) Don't be retarded. It's okay if you fall behind somewhat on the last hits as long as you don't die.
                          3) Don't trade. Unless you're playing an hero with spammable skills like Bristle, PA or Huskar you're better off just leaving the enemy alone. Focus on getting gold
                          4) Buy support things yourself too. Chances are pretty high that your supports are trying to do their best. Spamming "WE NEED WARDS" is retarded.
                          5) Don't die. If you die it's 101% your fault in every way, shape or form. YOU need to pay attention to the minimap unless you're playing in a 5 stack. If you get ganked by an invis/smoke or unrevealed blink it's almost a guaranteed kill because nothing can help against that apart from "gut feeling".
                          6) Around 3k, expect everyone to be bad at their job. Adjust and see point 4.
                          7) Wards don't magically appear around the map. You can't always run around and place them so don't nag. If you're a mobile hero ask the support to give them to you.

                          I could go on but I think this will do.


                            Some low carry trying to teach some1 to support lmao.
                            When I get carry's like you in team I don't even try bcuz you are low player =]


                              i agree with u @HeavensRejected. So many times carries keep blaming me for feeding when they do not have enough map awareness. After planting 3 observers around the map, they still complain that I'm not warding. Really, how can 1 supp plant so many wards? Carries should buy more sentries especially against invis heroes. I have played as carry before n 75% of the wards belong to me even though there are 2 supports. Glad that games have since improved, after raising 700mmr.

                              R O B E R T

                                900001 are u nuts? thats from the point of view of carries. and tbh we dont need useless shits in this thread so fck off

                                ~Vince ^

                                  900001 is the player who tried to get carry position while you were the first to take it and then says that you are bad, that he wont support yoi and goes woods as PA (have such people every third game here in 3.6k) -.-.... Those people are highly toxic for the community and it ruins my attitude to the upcoming game overall. Imagine you are sven carry, and you are randomly standing solo in lane against lion + mirana or something other and its just destroys your hopes for this game. Even if you don't feed, you are not getting farm.

                                  HeavensRejected I agree with you completely, carry has to CARRY the team not just farm and hope everyone does work for him and then he just goes and finishes the game. But my post was about support actions because often support him self is useless cancer and it further destroys laning stage of his carry with actions such as: staying in the lane even if its hopeless (for example enemy team runs highly strong offlane, 3 man or so), staying in the lane when there is 0 thread to carry (carry can solo kill or enemy offlaner is in jungle) and stealing exp from carry and not harrasing enemy offlaner strong enough, don't denie creeps (I, as a carry, can do it my self) just focus on hitting the enemy.

                                  AND DO NOT PUSH THE LANE WITH SPAMMABLE SKILLS!

                                  Thank you all!

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    I'm being honest here. When you play mostly as pos 1/2 in games and get below 500 gpm/xpm on most games u played, u should better finds a new role/position.

                                    ASSESS Product

                                      ^truth has been spoken

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