General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurf created with a 70%+ winrate yet still not high skill/very high ...

Smurf created with a 70%+ winrate yet still not high skill/very high skill bracket? in General Discussion

    So I recent created this smurf acc to gauge my current MMR (calibrated on my main with high ping and lack of experience therefore its pretty low in comparison to most of yours) the only way I lose on this acc is high ping gaming (when i mean high i mean from the range of 500~1k ; basically unplayable. ) Or I abandon due to high ping therefore giving me a loss. My current record on this acc is 17-3-2 (wins:loss:abandons) which puts me at a 77.27% win rate. However I'm still placed at normal skills and most of my games have been stomps recently. How do I reach this on this acc? (keep in mind I've played with people who have played in high skill/vhs matchmaking but never myself have been placed in the bracket. You may check matches recently played to view my playstyle and such)


      Smurf detection.
      I believe they look at your IP address and determine whether or not you are smurfing. If the smurf detection is a joke, I was trolled into believing it, oh well.
      My smurf was at a high/vh skill before I abandoned it, so I really couldn't tell you what is going on.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        No joke m8 this is legit. How does smurf detection work? If so would I require a VPN to play without them detecting me?


          Just stop fucking creating smurfs. If you are skilled enough to get into the 3.8k bracket then keep playing on your main account and you will eventually get into high mmr games. I didn't constantly restart making smurfs when I started this account out in what must have been the around the 2k unranked bracket - I kept playing until I reached the current skill bracket where I am today. It's not hard.

          det skjuts foer lite punkt

            i create smurf account if i like so u can shut it.

            and this system is accurate u can have - on win % and stil be in vhs so ur not good enough ive done many smurfs and get in from normal, highskilled to vhs.


              nmm skill bracket placement still vague, if ur still ns then be it. got 3.8k isnt hard if ur a real vhs player, for me it takes 2 months from ns to vhs btw.


                mm system is highly rigged/innacurate mesurement of skill.


                  I also don't get first smurf got high skill pretty fast while my second is still stuck on NS with more stomps compared to my first

                  D the Superior
                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                      im smurfing just for fun m8
                      toying ppl around xD


                        mm system is highly rigged/innacurate mesurement of skill.

                        Yep, so true. At least for normal skill. Some players with 1k mmr play fairly well, can farm, place wards, etc... Others in 2k ask you to support them in lane but can't get shadow blade and echo sabre on a slark by min 35 because can't lasthit....

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          The sad part is you actually believe that shit you posted.

                          If it's highly rigged why are all the best pros 8k or 9k?


                            Look at my Profile Predict my mmr


                              git gud


                                That dont expect to put you on High / Vhs if under 20 matches u already stayed on that bracket


                                  2 left hands welcome to the trench.


                                    nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                                      Maybe u play just like 2k player?

                                      det skjuts foer lite punkt


                                        ur "smurf detection" thing is not legit. winrate does not rly matter


                                          Captainshags is back. Hey didn't you say you're some kind of genius? Why don't you write up a code or come up with a new system valve can't deny using? I mean are part of the 1% right?

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            Your smurf hidden mmr is determined by IP address as well as your performance in your first 10-20 games. If I made an account on this IP right now and lost 10 games it would still be at least 4.5k.

                                            Additionally, simply winning your games means jack shit considering your hero dmg/tower dmg/hero healing was abysmal for those first matches, despite winning.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                              Stop saying things about IP. there's no such thing. if you suck you suck, no matter your fucking winrate. I love you guys. see you later.

                                              feeding weaboo

                                                winrate < impact
                                                a feeder can have 100% winrate you know
                                                he can get lucky with getting carried 4v6 every game


                                                  Get gud and climb your MMR. Better than smurfing or wasting time complaining about the system.

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    U must have low winrate like me then u can get very high skill.

                                                    det skjuts foer lite punkt

                                                      wow what a retard Alpharaion "IP" hahahahahahaah.

                                                      if you would lose 10 games on a new account only by feeding on purpose you would not have 4.5k mmr

                                                      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                        Also you can have 40% winrate and get VHS or 4.5k after calibration. I have a smurf to play with friends, and I have 43% still vhs and 4.8k mmr.


                                                          I'm very sure it's ip detection. My first game on my smurf was vhs against a 6k player..


                                                            stomping in a game with new players does not make u vhs player ;)


                                                              It is based on IP, because if I were to make a smurf right now it would land in VHS regardless of which skill level I select. I created this smurf account from a LAN center, and thus was able to play a few games in the 3k bracket.

                                                              The sub-6k trash who posted in this thread are clueless about how the system works. Please don't gainsay me you subhuman garbage.

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                Pls predict my mmr, my playstyle is as a carry or as a support, if being carry if i got am, if i can owning lane, i will just last hit creep n try burn enemies hero mana. Till i got mana void, if i got pa, i will spam dagger to enemy, if i got lc, if there is empty lane, without farming heroes, ill go lane n build skill 1 to haras enemy. If i go supprt, things that i will do is, if my carry can owning lane, i will try stack at jungle n pull neutral, if my carry does shit it lane, i will go harras enemy. I love playing jakiro, aa, rubick, es, but not really good at playing enigma. Sometimes i play pudge n mirana for supprt. Bcz my team was suck, after i pick mirana they still pick another carry. My weakness point is i cant initiate a clash well, like doing shit with enigma magnus ot somthing else. Pls predict my mmr, its my new acc, n my main account is stuck in 3.2k mmr. Anyway, how yo play with 6k player in smurf account? I hot vhs now, but i keep playing with other smurf account, i mean new account.

                                                                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                  its because youre bad maybe? holy fuck stop with the IP conspiracy

                                                                  you have a fucking 70% winrate on invoker and barely have 500 gpm, closer to 450 gpm

                                                                  that says enough

                                                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                    also you play on DUBAI and have a very low last hit per minute rate, you're literally a normal skill player, also don't forget that normal skill ranges from 0 to 3,2k so u might as well be on the upper end


                                                                      lol "IP conspiracy"


                                                                        "Anyway, how yo play with 6k player in smurf account?"

                                                                        You wouldn't want to anyway because they'll destroy you or carry you while you do nothing useful all game. If you can't even win 70% of your games against 3k's what makes you think you should play against people with almost double your MMR

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          Ah, lol, i want to see that 6k playstyle, so i can get some lesson from it, anyway, i am already try to copycat my 5k mmr build on item n skill, it works, but i still didnt get when n why i should use that meta. Just like, how they move their camera, or their config key, etc. May be it will help, but, i just dont know it. And i still cant figure it out.

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