General Discussion

General DiscussionPls define certain dota dictionary words specifically

Pls define certain dota dictionary words specifically in General Discussion

    If u dont understand the title...
    I want to ask and pls give me a specific definition...
    Words i wanna ask
    Pls define them specifically (i know what they mean just drfine specifically... That will really2 help my understanding)


      What is tl dr


        meta : right now, meta heroes=heroes that are good right now, meta strategy = strategy that are good right now

        kiting : i can explain this with example, like sven who god strength that get slowed with venomancer and sven can't reach venomancer and veno control him so hard that sven can't do shit

        juking : means using fog of war or terrain to make enemies hard to detect you. like in the trees and anything

        strat : strategy

        tl:dr : too long, didn't read. too many words on post make readers lazy to read


        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          what is ddos?

          King of Low Prio

            Just to clarify Rins point on juking that it can also refer to dodging abilities in general

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              ddos : if i am not wrong is direct denial of service, is like spamming server with not important data to make server overload and crash


                Op you mean dota jargons not dictionary words.

                ✪ BATSSS

                  Thx a lot


                    Put tank in a mall No Kappa


                      Cool, so what does Kappa mean and 4head mean. and all the feelgoodman and feelsbadman shit mean. I'm not joking. i have googled it but i still dont understand.


                        i have googled it but i still dont understand.

                        how the fck lul, are u an elementary schooler?


                          those are twitch emotes

                          D the Superior
                            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                              Meta = Heroes that are mostly played currently / way to play heroes currently. heroes are by no mean good juste because they are meta, some of them are horribly bad, but counters, or are mistaken for being good/being good played this way (like we used to have for carry slardar, or like we had with the midas + blink into full teamfight slark) Ofc, as you'd rather play heroes that win, most of meta heroes are good.

                              Kiting = running away (while staying in combat). You kite mele heroes, so they lose a lot of timing chasing after you, which mean a lot less damage from them, and once they stop chasing you, you instantly fight back

                              Juking = running away/hiding, using decor's advantage

                              Strat = strategy

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                GayFace risking looking like an idiot GayFace

                                the realm's delight

                                  Cool, so what does mean and 4head mean. and all the feelgoodman and feelsbadman shit mean. I'm not joking. i have googled it but i still dont understand.

                                  obvious troll



                                    Kappa is generally used sarcastically, 4Head is used for laughter. Both are chat emotes. FeelsGoodMan and FeelsBadMan are BetterTwitchTV (BTTV) emotes, which is an add-on for your browser that adds more emotes that only BTTV users can see (plus other features).


                                      why bother when u can just LUL


                                        remember when people would spam FailFish CS and BrokeBack NA Dota, now it's just LUL

                                        ASSESS Product

                                          gg = when enemy team get firstblood.



                                            ✪ BATSSS

                                              GG = When you are laning as a carry but has a last hitting support


                                                GG=when you have a team with at least 10loss streak with the same hero

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  GG = Good game, used in all chat during an end of a match or used to signal surrender after a teamfight so frustrating you just tilt. The users of the term include but is not limited to 1ks who first pick LC and claim jungle then get counter-picked resulting with him feeding and subsequently abandoning, guy who first picks carry and the other guy who second picks another carry who then proceed to lane each with each other stealing last hits from each other and generally lose the lane. Oftentimes paired with "WP"

                                                  WP = Well played, 99% of the time sarcastically said in team chat after an absolute shit teammate/s does something equally shitty to their shittiness as a player. This is often the precursor of a report to the said shitty teammate/s. The other 1% is when you win/lose the match against legitimately good enemies whilst playing with legitimately good teammates, and you just want to express your acknowledgement of their skill.


                                                    wp = when your natures tps into enemy tower tower while trying to snipe courier

                                                    Mr. Furryhentai


                                                      Swap Commends

                                                        I am afk
                                                        end plz"
                                                        When your teammate feeds & blames the entire team for it,not him/her self.

                                                        ✪ BATSSS

                                                          This just became a joke thread...
                                                          I like it

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Meta I'm pretty sure is short for metagame and is derived from metadata. Metadata is high level informational grouping of more specific data. For example it'll tell you like 50% of your subscribers from from a particular country or whatever.

                                                            It's used like very incorrectly in dota but it basically means the overlying populist strategy around the game. The meta is what's considered to be the normal/popular way of playing, ie heroes that are strong and fit the most popular strategies. It doesn't really mean best, just most popular.


                                                              TEMPO CONTROLLER

                                                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                This is post actually helpful. And dota player should know the complete definitions of dota role, such as what is hard carry and carry. Or Nuker vs Disabler

                                                                One time, our Naix chatted "I go offlane" during early game when he is going straight jungle.

                                                                Offlane means "Lane away from your jungle. Top Radiant, or Bot Radiant. Thats offlane" (or am I wrong?)

                                                                ASSESS Product

                                                                  Zoning = harass enemy from farming laning without creep aggro


                                                                    I was being serious about the kappa and shit... i dont use twitch but to watch people play games like doom.

                                                                    feeding weaboo

                                                                      gg = when your NP TPs to the radiant ancients ward spot to afk farm their ancient creeps
                                                                      one of the most untolerable thing in low level pubs
                                                                      dagon qop and mom voids looks like something relevant compared to that crap

                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!