General Discussion

General Discussionlow mmr wisp players?

low mmr wisp players? in General Discussion

    Hey guys i would like to see any other io players maybe share some ideas, items, combos...also check dotabuff stats on him would be interesting.
    Shortly about me, my first game as io was just couple mounts ago even i playing dota since 2012 and i completely fall in love to play it as hard support,almost all the time i used to play unranked but at same time as i start play io i started to play ranked.On internatial ranked i get rank aprox 2200 now im about 1900mmr,its really hard to climb up as we all 2k players know,especially on support as io is,but i just love it so much to play him and play him when is there just a little bit room to fit him to lineup.

    Is here anyone who did climb up as io from 2k? I bealive up 3k players much more undestand him and on some point could be easier to climb.

    Now im on 144 matches and winrate 40% , someone would say its shit but you dont know what kind of playets i have to support sometimes, so i will be very happy to see any io players on lower mmr and their stats,ideas....


      our resident local

      Fadi flashi

      He has a youtube guide you should check out.


        Ive tried it, people didnt understand it. Was reported for feeding. Quit playing the character. Now i pick io if my teammates are in hero selection screen and fight so that way i can tp them to enemy fountain and watch them die.

        Bu yorum düzenlendi
        Mikystone -63

          Hello, i don't play as IO but its hard to climb in mmr with season ranked because i found many bad teammates usually with more mmr i do. I don't know why i think its only unlucky but i try many times and when i have heros like PA, Sven or Lifestealer in my team is like shit and play alone dont go in teamfights, but when i play agains them the opponent have always great heroes... great PA, Svens and Lifestealers or Alch or wherever... :|


            Play io mid.
            Search for mikushiru on


              Low MMR wisp player, just no. you just make yourself killed faster becaue of stress.


                True its crazy sometimes ppl just wanna report you couse you pick io, but sometimes you get a good teammate and you enjoying as hell also i get many commends as io.

                Mikystone exactly feel the same, sometimes i think its becouse i use to play mid only for maybe like 800games...


                  I have to admit don't play io sup for now play it with your friends but not with other people only few people understand HOW HARD BEING A FUCKING IO SUPPORT. instead try playing sup riki I have been getting higher with my mmr because I spam sup riki its good if your midlaner really knows how to play and understand you. and also if your teammates did not feed :D. I also always got counterpick like slardar or bh but I don't always don't show in up because I always scout and not farm so gl to get higher mmr. always first pick riki its good to scare some players to pick some heroes that they do not like and if there is jungler hustle him in the jungle.


                    Io is only as good as his partner so I wouldn't play him solo. I love Io but majority of players dont even understand how he works exactly unless theyve played him or played with him.

                    Guy Riki

                      Get Dagon

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!