General Discussion

General DiscussionSpookiest Carry

Spookiest Carry in General Discussion

    So you're playing support right. you've got yourself a nice forcestaff, ghost and aghs at 45mins.

    Then thier Carry B-lines for you.

    Who is the scariest of all of them

    I Vote for CK, a Maxed out CK 1 hits supports, its a sad story.

    D the Superior
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      Hatsune Miku

        i think its sven echo saber


          Meepo with blink.


            Morph will kill you w. Shotgun build

            Spectre will laugh as he purges ur ghost scepter and catches up to u with his spectral dagger.

            Weaver will just catch up to u with his invis movement speed.

            Slark will use abysal so u cant even ghost scepter or force staff

            Tinker can kill u so fucking easily if u dont have pipe and shit.

            Beast master can take u out with roar and necro 3.

            Timbersaw will chase u down and laugh at ur force staff and ur ghost scepter.

            Wind ranger can blink stun u and kill u with her ult

            Mirana lands an arrow and fucking blows u up.

            Ursa w. Abysal


            Jugg with abysal


            When i am playing support i fucking HATE playing against alchemist.

            Almost impossible to gank him, and in team fights he throws REGENERATING ILLUSIONS at you that damage you w. Magical AND physical dmg.. the fuck.....

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              Dusa, you die while shes Not even atacking you, Same for spec ofc.

              Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                In a 1v1 scenario support vs carry i votr Ursa as the most badass dude against support.

                sin blyadi

                  CK is top 1 cuz u cant even stun him if he doesnt have bkb. F.E. u play venge, and ursa blinks to u w/o bkb u stun him and may escape by then. CK kills u 1000 times faster and even ghost is a questionable decision as ck's stun may long up to 4 sec so ghostform ends

                  nyannyań~ jones

                    lvl 3 phantasm ck with manta is by far the scariest hero, when theres like fucking 6 hellish men riding big horseys rifting to you its like
                    jumpscare as fuck
                    terrorblade with manta and 2 illusions in metamorph is pretty scary too


                      A huskar Mandiving you is pretty Spooky,
                      A Pa critting your team mate, then daggering you is like 'well, fuck'

                      but i'm still sure, like.. you're that little dazzel and a 6 chaos knights stop hitting the tower for a second and line you up as you cast your weave on them, has to be the spookiest

                      Pale Mannie

                        TB is spooky

                        не говори по РУ

                          Storm Spirit
                          literally a ghost

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            +rep, Sumail Ghost level spooky


                              My personal chart of hardest to deal with carries (as a support):
                              1. AM
                              2. Slark
                              3. Void

                              Other honorable mentions (not a carry):
                              1. Tinker
                              2. Invoker
                              3. WR

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                spec. can't kill him every single time


                                  i can not only escape, but also nail down any carry in any minute of any game with any combination of heroes and items you can possibly think of


                                    play morph support, every carry is less scary when you have 3k hp


                                      Am i the only one scared of that crazy ass bear chasing me down as a poor old WD ?


                                        One time I played this MOBA game called DOTA 2 and ran into this scary looking hero called Puck. When I saw that hero on the opposite team, I got spooked out, abandoned, and sobbed quietly underneath my desk for about an hour. I still have nightmares.


                                          skeltal king BibleThump

                                          KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                                            A terrorblade that takes all 6 rax with 1 meta

                                            Professor Dog

                                              Techies. CK is a 30 minutes of spook. Techies is 60+ minutes of it .

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Slark is a giant pain cus anything that goes core shadow blade sucks.

                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                  Miss crystal right. Fuck techies pre 6.86.

                                                  And for me the spookiest carry as suppport is fucking alchemist. That monster unkillable rich everygame bastard

                                                  feeding weaboo

                                                    no matter how tight you hug your carry he will still assrape supports to death in the lategame
                                                    CK lategame is fucking scary against most carries,suprise reality rift buttsex on 6 tanky hitters WITHOUT armlet degeneration that will kill pretty much anyone in under 3 seconds,let alone the supports


                                                      funfact, CK has the highest single target DPS in the game, too bad he farms at the speed of a snail

                                                      Dude Just fucking play

                                                        LOL INVOKER WITH EUL IS SPOOKIEST OF ALL MIDS
                                                        SLARK WITH EARLY SB IS SPOOKIEST CARRY
                                                        BUT MOST SPOOKIEST GUY IS STORM SPIRIT LEAVE YOUR TIME ONE TIME AND U ARE DEAD


                                                          zeus with aghs and refreser can kill 900 hp sup with1 combo


                                                            Pa with bkb

                                                            Ступор Мозговины

                                                              you're walking around to place ward, then:
                                                              -Requiem of souls
                                                              -rush with charge of darkness-then 2nd ugly guy appers from inside
                                                              -smoke bomb - knife in back
                                                              -snowball - punch
                                                              -blink - "let's have a duel"
                                                              -blink - agro - counter helix - and one strong hit with axe
                                                              -blink - abyssal - manta - ulti
                                                              -dagger- blink - crit-crit-crit
                                                              -hook - dismember - rot
                                                              The spookiest carry - overfeeded carry, or if it is just more skilled than your carry =/

                                                              ^Lina can kill 900hp sup with just one skill.