General Discussion

General DiscussionThe 6 k paradox

The 6 k paradox in General Discussion

    Have you ever thought about what keeps most people down in dota?

    Its their own attitude towards the game. Players below 5k really believe, that they are topshots at dota. They think they got the game and rub their knowledge into everyones face, without beeing asked. Ppl between 3k and 4.5k may have some sort of lanemechanics, but never watch replays. They tend to rage alot, they blame their mmr on the elo hell trench. Teammates keeping them back etc. We could call this


    Now you let this mindset behind. You accept, that the only thing you can influence in the game 100% is your own playstyle. You stop raging, you watch replays, you play versatile and to win. You improve, slowly. You get better and better. Eventually, if you work hard enough you make it to 5k or higher.

    And there?

    At 5-6k you will have many matches, where you are the topshot and have to carry your 4k mmr mates, since the matchmakingpool has not enough players in 5-6k rating.

    So you overcome the attitude of your team holding you back, to get to the point where your team is really holding you back?

    Makes sense.

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      I think I'm shit why am I not 6k yet


        1. Do you know you are shit and work on it? You can realise that you are fat and still eat 2 Menus at Mc Donalds everyday. Are you thinking your games through? Do you try to get better every game? Do you watch pro replays and your replays?

        2. If you do all of this and still not climb:

        Bad pc/connection? DIsability (missing fingers on your left hand?).

        If thats all not the case:

        You lack talent. Its rare, but it happens. But since you have 56% winrate in the last 3 Month, you do climb.

        Bu yorum düzenlendi
        I Hanter I
          Yorum silindi

            What up I hanter? Only 7 games per day? Not 14? Are you getting some sort of life?

            I Hanter I

              No I play other games now and take breaks because of retards in team :)

              Hopefully I'll never meet you, it would be a disaster.

                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                saving private RTZ

                  idk about you guys but i should be 9k at least

                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                    the realm's delight

                      my body is 5k, but my mind is 10k

                      Livin' Real Good

                        My body is 4K, but my mind is 3K, My attitude and rage have costed me to lose 700 MMR and drop down to 3.3, that's something i'm working on now, wish my luck. I have lots of improving to do, but these people are sooo shit.. in 3K, I just need to get good, once I get 4K, I can work on getting Global Elite on CS, and say fuck Dota.

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                          saving private RTZ


                            go the other way, first GE in GO then 4k in dota, much more fun and rewarding.


                              i think im not 6k cuz i dont touch solo no kappa

                              if im by myself i rather play games like witcher3/mgs etc, dota is very much a socialize with friends thing for me

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                                Riguma Borusu

                                  People who spam shit like hanter are obviously living in denial. After being explained, time and time again - that the only consistent factor in their games is they themselves, they still blame shit on their teammates. Then red herring out of criticism by spamming shit like "normal skill trash". Then comes Kitrak, shits on him, and his picks, and most of things he does, and I am not sure he even replies to Kitrak, just kinda ignores him.

                                  Obviously this applies to people in general, hanter is just a shining example of this dunning-krugeresque kind of dota 2 skill denial.

                                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      I don't really care about hanter, I know people like him irl, and they are not trolling, they're just fucking retarded. Hanter is just the archetype or some shit.


                                        Why the fuck do you say 4k is shit,... (coming from a 1k "player") 4k is fucking amazing, and I know Im shit. But like wtf.


                                          so many ppl on 5-6k are still shit though

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            I know a guy who's been playing dota for 10 years and is 3k because "his teammates suck". That's the single most retarded thing you can say at that point, he didn't buy euls on Lina cause he thought it sucked, he picked weaver against PL tons of times and then bitched for his teammates not picking earthshaker. 1k, 2k, 3k, 4k, 5k, does not matter, if you're a fucking retard you are one.


                                              so you basically described dunning kruger ?

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Smart people don't look for flaws in their teammates. They just see it, analyze it and act accordingly. Like, if you see a guy just refusing to come to the fights, then you should be ready to fight 4v5 or just don't fight at all.


                                                  pretty much what sam said
                                                  if some1 goes full retard and picks 2nd mid or whatever, you shouldnt react to his in a childish way, start flaming or just keep doing the stuff u planned to do before; you should adjust your gameplan to the circumstances and try to win, taking into account these suboptimal factors.

                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    how can i just do the stuff i planned to do before when my riki buys qb at lvl 1 and comes mid to steal my creeps? how can i just not feed couriers


                                                      you can let this riki do what he wants even if it hurts ur ego and go to another place, or try to contest ur own teammate's farm, or whatever. that was my point - sometimes you should not punish childish behaviour and let the retards do what they want.


                                                        you cant force him to play normally by feeding, but you have higher chances to win if you dont give up.

                                                        the realm's delight

                                                          u just cant out lasthit a riki with qb backstab and slippers of agi + 2 branches as alch
                                                          i dont wnat him to play normally i want the game to end fast xd
                                                          luckily my qop also joined me in feeding and it ended in 21 mins

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                            Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                            I Hanter I


                                                              I'm going through a hard time best option is to get drunk!

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                "u just cant out lasthit a riki with qb backstab and slippers of agi + 2 branches as alch
                                                                i dont wnat him to play normally i want the game to end fast xd
                                                                luckily my qop also joined me in feeding and it ended in 21 mins"

                                                                Go to the fucking jungle. It's suboptimal, but you can make it work and actually have a chance of winning. Just because you WANT mid does not give you exclusive rights to go mid, and sometimes you just have to give up and give retards what they want if you want to win. If you don't do that, and still bitch about losing games like this, it's actually pretty much your fault.

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                  are you insane or what im not complaning about anything, i feed couriers on a daily basis. why would i go to the woods if i pick a mid heroi LOL

                                                                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                                    I Hanter I

                                                                      ^ I played unranked the game was an absolute stomp, never had that much fun in my life.

                                                                      Euls > Blink > Requiem > Get kill > Refresher > Euls > Blink > Requiem > Double kill.

                                                                      Legitly best time of my life,

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                      Welt aus Eis

                                                                        what if we think we're shit and we're actually correct? 4Head

                                                                          Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                            albeit funny dont give Ihanter cred for dunning kruger. he is in no way unique in this cliche behaviour.

                                                                              Yorum silindi

                                                                                If you lose its your fault,
                                                                                my team was feeding cours and themselves
                                                                                still went 30 - 1 - 3 on faceless
                                                                                Get your shit on and play right stop blaming others for mistakes,if theyre getting in the way,Tell them or just simply mute


                                                                                  Yep I know I'm shit and deserve to be where I am which is 3.9k. But I don't necessarily know what I need to work on so I just go along with it I guess. Probably my picks are terrible and don't pressure enough. I do watch replays but as someone who isn't that good at the game I could be drawing the wrong conclusions. But yeah those that go I'm actually higher than I am but I'm held back by my teammates are laughable


                                                                                    You know, watching replay doesn't help that much, unless you are specifically looking for somthing you want to improve in particular. (training one single hero that doesn't have a lot of different way to be played, or the placement on the lane/how they move to harrasss as much as possible without getting counter harrassed etc...)

                                                                                    But, basically, if your knowledge is good but execution is not, watching is not helping at all.

                                                                                    If your knowledge is bad, why don't you do the math behind item/spell, you will acquire the knowledge faster than in watching, (not to mention that if you want to be able to adapt ingame, you need to know the power of each item/spell.
                                                                                    (for example, enemy goes radiance, as a carry i gonna go mkb --> wrong, daedalus is stronger in that case, but you need to do the math to know it. -ofc you can argue solarcrest in the game also, but that's an other story-)

                                                                                    In addition, if your knowledge is bad, even in watching, you'll most likely miss the important part. often the way you thinked about the solution is more important than the solution it self. And in watching, you'll just see the solution.
                                                                                    (think about equation, if i tell you x² -3x +2=0 has for solution 1 and 2, yeah good, but does it help you to solve x² + 3x -2=0 ?
                                                                                    Ofc if you were to watch 3 000 000 second degree equation, mb you'll end up with a way to solve them by just seeing the look of it, but that will be such a slow way to improve your self)

                                                                                    One important thing however in watching, is to check how things work together/against each other. You'll obviously will not make the maths/check manually behind the combinaison of each ban*/pick of heroes -item/spell order aswel xD-, that would be way too long and it change in every patch (and there's also a certain factor that dipend of the order of picks, even though that the same picks ...). So in this case, it's better to use the idea of other -and mb improve them ?-, cause you CANN'T no matter how hard you try, get every connection, get all the knowledge you need about it.
                                                                                    You could think of heroes like piece of a puzzle that you can either put in enemy's box puzzle or in yours. Does the piece of am going well with dazzle's? Does the piece of am if you were to put it in enemy puzzle's box really annoy them to construct their puzzle ? etc...

                                                                                    The main point is to have an open mind, and trying to improve by yourself. And that's my last point, when watching, how many time did you actually taked note (in your mind or on paper, doesn't matter) of something? I think you rather watched cause you wanted to be amazed.
                                                                                    Exactly like tv show with quiz, I think a lot of people are no longer trying to improve at those quiz in watching, but rather want to be amazed by people answering "hard" questions (or see how they fail to answer easy question ^^). That analogy is imo the worst thing when you want to improve in watching other. If you lose your focus, you'll lose most of the good part of it.


                                                                                      thanks for the insight matrice

                                                                                      sometimes when i watch replays, i set the game speed to 1x and adjust to his vision (player perspective and fog of war), then i try to play the game and compare my decision to his, do you think that is an effective way to improve?

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                        I watch other players more than myself but when I do watch myself it's mostly just to see what I did wrong at a higher level I guess. Like how could that death I had right there be avoided? And a lot of the time I can figure it out. However that alone won't tell me about the bigger picture as in the play I'm making in general. Instead of going for that teamfight bottom lane perhaps I should have been pushing top instead and so that death never would have happened in the first place. Or my item build is wrong, or I should have been farming enemy jungle rather than my own etc.

                                                                                        I think you're probably right though. Particularly when watching higher skilled players I don't actually feel like I'm learning something new and that's probably just because I'm doing it wrong

                                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                                          x² Kreygasm


                                                                                            Thats how i watch pro replays; I pick certain hero I want to learn. Set perspecitve on his. And just watch how he does things. Then I try to copy that.


                                                                                              People often said that I should watch commented profi games if I want to improve, but when I tried some, the casters were always like "x happened, y died and z scored a triple kill" but never went into depth or talked about strategy or stuff like that.
                                                                                              Do you know any casters (or videos with them) that talk about this thing so i can actually learn fromt it?

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı
                                                                                                Why join, if abandon?

                                                                                                  there's 0k mmr, middle k mmr, and over 9000 mmr

                                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                    Well if you want a lot of detail in 'casting' (plus a lot of irrelevant and technical shit, mind you) you can always watch Purge's commentary. He usually pauses stuff to explain something etc. But if you've played for some time you're not gonna figure out much new stuff, really, though he does talk a lot about lane mechanics and timing and efficiency for doing stuff which most people lack to some degree, and don't realize that, even in his bracket and sometimes above.

                                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                                      Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                                                        Honestly I think Kitrak only plays dota so he can go on dotabuff and comment on every post saying everyone is shit and he's not.

                                                                                                        You don't need to be a 5k player for your input to have significance. That is retarded.

                                                                                                        That is like saying if a high school baseball coach is not in the major leagues then he can't properly coach people, it's the same logic; it's retarded.


                                                                                                        THERE IS TONS OF SPECULATION IN THIS POST..

                                                                                                        You guys are speaking assuming either 1 of 2 things...

                                                                                                        1. You think it's ok to blame your teammates.
                                                                                                        2. You think it's not ok to blame your teammates.

                                                                                                        Well here's a new idea for you.. EVERY MATCH IS DIFFERENT.. one match the loss will be your fault.. one match the loss is your team's fault...

                                                                                                        I don't know how this idea does not occur to people but yeah..

                                                                                                        For example.. I've played games where I get rampages and triple kills as timbersaw.. have like 10 min blood stone, shit on everyone..

                                                                                                        but if a few of your teammates get cocky and go look for fights and get ganked instead, then they feed the enemy ursa who gets bkb and then timbersaw becomes useless while ursa kills him instantly, takes your killing streak, and buys more shit.

                                                                                                        I could say it's my teams fault, i could say it's my fault for letting him kill me, at the end of the day, it's all speculation..

                                                                                                        how about you stop worrying about if shit is your fault or your teammates fault and just do this

                                                                                                        pick heroes will potential to kill other heroes / win the game..

                                                                                                        if enemy team picks a bunch of heroes with physical damage, pick fucking tide hunter and ruin their day.. even if ur team is retarded the enemy team cant do shit with 60% damage reduction.. if your team picks heroes with absolutely no team fight capability pick fuckin ursa or ember spirit... if the enemy team picks spectre pick lycan so u can end game fast..

                                                                                                        Think about these things: How will i kill the enemy heroes in a fight.. How will I win the game.. What items do I need.. what is the fastest way i can get these items.. what fights are safe? who can kill me, where is that hero?

                                                                                                        that will help a lot

                                                                                                        this is just a game. the top players in the world have 50-60% win rates.. meaning a lot of them lose 40-50% of the matches they play.. shut the fuck up and just get good

                                                                                                        stop making excuses

                                                                                                        the first thing that helpeed me get better is admitting that i suck, and i still suck, i am nothing compared to my 5k friend, he out plays me everytime we play together. No matter what heroes we pick. I'm 3.4k MMR right now, and he is clearly better than me. just the way shit is :)

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