General Discussion

General DiscussionThe International 5: Discussion Thread

The International 5: Discussion Thread in General Discussion

    Thank you Aui, I have always believed in you (and your team)!


      Secret and C9 represent NA dota by way of canada.

      EG reps USA


        forum dead, needs like 3 posts to sjhow next page


          maybe 4


            five ?

            Quick maffs

              So, i am in a shitty hotel, i have to wake up at 8 am, its 7 am right now and i havent slept yet cause of the awful noise everyone here does, and the first thing i see when i finally get the wifi to work its that fucking eg won.

              Great fucking night.

              Quick maffs

                Oh well, at least i didnt bet

                Dire Wolf

                  Yeah they are probably tired, but you have to keep in mind they are not regular people. You're going to get a few more charismatic players like in anything, but to sit inside and play dota that much and on that level, you have to be pretty fucking introverted.

                  Livin' Real Good

                    People are judging them on the way the behaved after winning TI5? Damn, just goes to show people are judging you for everything you do, pretty scary, but at the same time motivating, makes you wanna just stand out from the crowd by being yourself, cause you know they never will, so why not you do it? That's why they'll always be the people sitting on the side lines watching other people do great things, fucking haters.

                    I remember winning the championship with my middle school basketball team, when they asked me how was the match, was it hard? I literally said it was easy just like i expected it to be cause i knew me and my team could play at a higher level, you know what happened? I had people calling me cocky cause i wasn't acting "how a champion should act" aka modest. Lmao , don't make me laugh, honestly, over modesty, it's not like i said it disrespectfully or in a cocky tone.

                    saving private RTZ

                      Stop with the bullshit? C9 have no USA playera, doesnt matter from where is the org. At Ti Valve invites the players, not organ.

                      Anyway, bugattis were lost today, but still, GG, i am happy for old man fear


                        Well, throwing the headset isn't a dull reaction upon winning the TI5.




                          Lol? AUI put his headset down calmy, he didnt 322 it down. And look at fear, wow... Looks like he was falling asleep. Maybe because it was dead ez / boring finals to him or what not but man he didnt give 2 fat fucks about that.


                            I was talking about ppd, he 'threw' it somewhat, not putting it down calmly. And as for Fear, one of the comments at YouTube pointed it out the right way:

                            "He's trying not to look so happy in front of the Chinese team cause he knows what it feels to lose, he shakes their hands respectfully Also trying to look calm like a profesional xD"

                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                              ^--what he said

                              saving private RTZ

                                This is how you celebrate a FUCKING INTERNATIONAL:


                                and the prize was 9 times lower. Wtf, last year i said, ok they are chinese, they stay in bootcamp all day, they are socially awkard but if not even USA USA USA know how to celebrate....


                                  TI3 finals best finals, fucking eg didnt do shit, and they had the balls to bash the chinese last year


                                    I guess that's because it's a 3-2 match with Alliance, and it was more of a throne rush, with Alliance mid rax gone. It was by all means a very close game, while for TI5, not so much with the 4th game.

                                    saving private RTZ


                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Only game 3 of this finals was close anyway.


                                          TI3 was classic, TI4 boring and this one was really good too, except maybe finals were not spectacular, but still good.


                                            @Allu, unless you don't really care for the 6million dollars, but rather expecting a great game just like TI3. TI5 is way better than the 20min~ish games last year, but not really that exciting as TI3.

                                            There are many reasons why they weren't hyped up after winning, and it's pointless for us to figure it out. All I can say as part of the audience is that the last game wasn't as exciting as it should be. I even found LGD vs EG's game far exciting than the grand finals.



                                              Are you kidding me? Are you ACTUALLY believing that bullshit? "He's trying not to look so happy in front of the Chinese team cause he knows what it feels to lose, he shakes their hands respectfully Also trying to look calm like a profesional xD"

                                              LOL, only a "loser" would have that kind of mentality, have you ever seen a player winning the world cup in soccer then acting like Fear did? roflmfao you will NEVER see that. Meh, to me it seems like Fear just didnt care all so much, and thats okay, he was like "meh" nothing special like if we would win a pubgame sort of reaction, doesnt mean hes not a fantastic Dota player tho and doesnt mean he didnt deserve to win, im just a bit dissapointed that he wasnt more committed to it emotionally you can say. But dont give me that he was trying to be professional or that kind of bullshit.


                                                Their celebration was so anticlimatic. If Novak Djokovic can give brief interview in front of 20000 people after 4 hours of playing exhausting match against Federer so EG can after playing game for couple of hours.
                                                Yeah I know you are tired and you just wanna go home and take a bath in dollars, but there are fans that want to see return reaction after winning that big chunk of money. And where was CDEC reaction? Why there was no fucking coneference? Guys came from fucking wildcard to a final and I cant see how they lived for last 2 week and what is there feeling after all this. So shitty. I do know that it can be extremly exhausting, but man, we are following this tournament for 2 weeks and we are hyped for it from like last TI. jesus we deserve more than tnx for supporting us, bye

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  Jeez guys, are you seriously complaining about how they celebrate their victory?

                                                  Did you know that not every culture celebrates the same way (or even, actually celebrates), specially if it's in front of a crowd or people they competed against?


                                                    salty benao is salty


                                                      Reddit is the reason we got

                                                      TRASH REDEYE
                                                      TRASH KACI
                                                      TRASH DEADMAUSE


                                                        I downvoted btw, still has no effect


                                                          TI5 was the most competitive yet. Even the wildcard qualifier teams did well, CDEC coming close to becoming champions. The distance between all the pro teams is not very large. While the favored teams were somewhat more likely to prevail, anyone could have won it.

                                                          I expect this will continue to be the case with lots of different teams rising to the top in future years.


                                                            haha u guys know who is cr1tikal?

                                                   i cant believe he is actually following dota2, check rest of his channel if u really want to laugh, guy is by far best youtuber


                                                              ofc every new international is more competitive than previous one

                                                              prize pool is much bigger

                                                              more and more people actually starting to play for real knowing that u can get rich playign vidya games ti6 will be even more competitive compared to ti5


                                                                [Lk].Zano - Are you fucking kidding me? Are you really telling me that they didnt celebrate coz they are from another culture or some shit? Its an american team for gods sake. Have you ever watched World Cup in soccer? ALL nations celebrate like they won in lottery when they win a game whether that being Japan, USA, Columbia, Ivory Coast or Germany.

                                                                The only logical reason i can see as to why they didnt celebrate more is either 1 of these:

                                                                1. They didnt give a shit about winning the international
                                                                2. They are autistic socially awkward retardations playing dotka in their moms basement

                                                                Neither of any of the reasons can take away the fact that they are great Dota players, but im just extremely dissapointed with the reactions from them.

                                                                and also remember how "randoms" and "neutral" fans that doesnt play Dota percieve this reaction by the winners, their impression is that it doesnt mean a whole lot winning, that its not that big after all and that its overhyped and such. I hear many people saying "Is that really it"? Is that really the whole reaction we gonna get from a team that won the biggest you can win. wow.

                                                                Here are some of the comments on the ti5 finals

                                                                "It's like they won a random dota on a saturday. If I won I'd go bat shit crazy!"

                                                                Look at the emotion coming out of Alliance when they won it all compared to the emotion of EG. And especially look at Fear LOL he looks so fucking bored ive never seen such a careless face. It really looks like he doesnt give two fat fucks on whats just happened, and Sumail looks so tired like hes just been sleeping for 8 hours and now has to go to school in Pakistan and read about chemistry. Theres absolute ZERO enthusiam lol, never seen such careless facial expression its actually to the point where it scares me. It must have been what Breivik looked like when he went mad on Utoya.


                                                                  c u at ti6


                                                                    I hope roTk wins ti6 and bursts into tears after winning BibleThump BibleThump

                                                                    Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                      JIA YOU

                                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                                        It's bigger cause prize pool is bigger, Dota 2's player base has grown (thanks to mobas now being main stream since 2013) various other things.

                                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                                          Ya im dissapointed with their reactions.

                                                                          At ti3 alliance, after having a sex orgy in the bootcamp went out, lifted the Aegis with Loda proceeding to yell JARÄÄÄ which is he swedish equivalent of fuck yea, bulldong after smashing the table and raped s4 lift the aegis and yell.

                                                                          Then Loda starts fucking buying things from Secret Shop and throwing them to the crowd, like T-shirts and shit, he buys them for the fans etc, signs autographs, etc etc.

                                                                          im kinda wondering what awkard moment will be if Valve would have given these guys some Champagne ( though ppd requested not to), and we would be watching how these guys dont know how to pop a bottle.
                                                                          i watched this at LoL worlds S4, and the winners spent like 5 minutes to pop the fucking champagne, how awkard you have to be.

                                                                          like honestly, you cant play dota professionally and have a social life beside twitter?

                                                                          my opinions on their reactions:

                                                                          1. Fear is a dota playing machine
                                                                          2. ppd is salty and energetic only on twitter
                                                                          3. Suma1l is too young, and coming from Pakistan i can understand that he feels awkard in front of camera and probably he didnt even realize that he won 1 mil dollar.
                                                                          4. Universe, i actually dont know what to say,he didnt do much
                                                                          5. Aui i think is the most normal, he almost cried when Kaci asked how it feels and giggled while Fear was staring like a robot.

                                                                          Man i just watched The TI4 pod reaction, and even fucking Newbee smashed the tables and keyboards.

                                                                          DK after coming back in that bo7 vs Ig from 0-3 to 0-4, LaNm literally smashed the desktop.

                                                                          Americans are such nerds lmao

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                            Yorum silindi

                                                                              hjahah comparaison between ti3 and ti5,

                                                                              but yeah it depends of ppl personallities + they were tired, i think i would react calmly too tbh, i dont see myself jumping around and shouting stuff in the air, like i just don't care..

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                                                People expect you to act a certain way in no matter what it is you do, always judging you for not following the norm, or political correctness, ALWAYS be yourself.


                                                                                  YorKey - Ure fucking seeing ghosts everywhere you go. This has nothing to do with following the norm or some shit you trying to make up. This has something to do with being HAPPY with what you do and SHOWING it. Nothing else, stop overthinking things and comming up with "youre all judging" shit. It has NOTHING to do with that.


                                                                                    Its not fair to compare it to this ti for numerous reasons.

                                                                                    First alliance didnt beat some cdec, theyve beaten "THE" navi
                                                                                    Game itself was way way closer and much more intense
                                                                                    We didnt even see how eg reacted because we werent shown the players

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      Guys they are nerds and reacted as such. Who cares? Was fun game to watch. Just listen to fear talk, I wouldn't be surprised if he is like a super high functioning person with Aspergers or something that tends to run in genius people. And sumail is a 16 year old shy kid.


                                                                                        xan, u can see their reaction if u google ti5 pod cam

                                                                                        Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                          Their reactions in that pod cam is actually pretty happy-looking. Ppd even throwing his headset in the ground and all of them doing the cute grouphug~


                                                                                            Xan - Cut the bullshit. The prize pool was over 6 times bigger here than at that time, so NOPE, you cant compare it since that would mean that they should be much more happy with winning this years international (not saying money is everything but im just using ur dumbass anology). Also this years international is much more competitive, naturally, which is also why Na'vi finished last simply because the competition is too tough compared to 2 years ago. Yeah they beat Na'vi, but Na'vi were NOT the team to beat, Alliance - themselves was being 14-0 from the group stage looking absolute dominant. Na'vi didnt beat Alliance at Ti3, but CDEC beat EG and had them limping down in the lower bracket and they were only 1 game away from being eliminated from the tournament and CDEC was undefeated @ the main event so they turned much more out to be the "team to beat" than Na'Vi back then.

                                                                                            Game was closer? What sort of argument is that lol. You think Germany is less happy because they beat Bra71l 7-1 in the Semi Finals than if they won a 1-0 that they grind out? Nope i dont think so, coz they looked pretty damn happy to me and looked extremely happy inbetween every goal as well, infact winning 7-1 made them more happy and also kills all arguments saying "Brazil deserved to win" etc. So im not buying into that one either.

                                                                                            Now i have seen the immediate reaction ofc, but even before i did i could tell that EG didnt seem so enthusiastic about winning as i would expect them to.

                                                                                            CDECs reaction is much more normal upon losing, they just sit there, no1 says a word, they just stare at the screen in dissapointment.

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                              Game being closer does matter though. EG knew they won the game after that Echo Slam, but in Na'Vi vs Alliance, the game wasn't decided till the last 3 minutes. Also, who are you to judge people's reaction anyway?

                                                                                              Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                                They were also 2-2, while EG had one game advantage, so even if they lost that game they would have another chance in game 5.


                                                                                                  Lol even after the echo slam a good team fight could still win them the game, ive seen much bigger throws at the international then if EG lost game 4. Who i am to judge their reaction? Im just a Dota fan for my 7th year, so ofc i hope to see some enthusiasm. Im not "judging" maybe u should look up what the word "judging" means, im just enthusiastic when it comes to Dota and i would hope that the best players in the world would be as well :)

                                                                                                  Pomi - Only losers think like that "ohh oki guys if we lose we can win next game" lol no winner thinks like that, a winner wants to end NICE, QUICK, FAST and SMOOTHLY.

                                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                                  No giggities?

                                                                                                    I really dont get the bashing on their reactions especially since everybody reacts in a different way.

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