General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Muhammad Sumbul

    All time cancer hero.Good job making the enmy miserable


      Lots of variety in hero picks!


        I would’ve preferred you play support Sven ane the CK go carry. You didn’t farm all too well, and the enemy turned won teamfights in objectives very quickly, resulting in a quick 33 min end


          actually no idea what to say besides "how the fuck did that work out for you"


            Your team has actual synergy. Their team doesn't because all of them are wannabe carries. In particular, they lack burst/stun vs. your PA and counter-initiation vs. Magnus. Despite TK being a counter to your PA in lane, you have Magnus to guarantee your farm (so you can build damage items immediately without losing any farm speed) AND win all the midgame fights while TK is building BoT+Blink. If the game goes late, your lineup is favored with Techies and Magnus and Refresher KotL. Well done carrying your party.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              I don't really understand the Abyssal Blade pickup considering their/your picks but hey you made it work? I imagine sven is a very stable hero for climbing at the bracket you play in since you can fill many many gaps in terms of team comp. Maybe spam that for ez mmrz kekekeke

              Muhammad Sumbul

                Where da bkb at


                  Pretty easy kunkka stomp there; enemy am and tide had no idea how to build there heroes so it was pretty much in the bag from the start.

                  Gawr Gura

                    Hey guys. Please don't comment about my last game because it was shit. Lol.

                    Anyway, I can't believe this post is almost 4 years old. I made this post the last month that my mom was alive before she died of cancer and whenever I see this on the top page of the forums, I always remember the good times with my mom for some reason. Like positive reinforcement kind of shit. I'd like to thank you all for keeping this thread alive and to some weaker extent making me remember my mom when she was alive.


                      We got you
                      Also u cant escape the underscape.
                      Ur last game was some pepega shit
                      You literally had to pick weeber into es and lion didnt u big THONK
                      You nearly had no impact(hero dmg wise) and the KDA is horrible.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        I hope you reported your BH teammate


                          ^not a useless af

                          the better spidey

                            Anytime you have 17 deaths as a support, you’re the reason why your team lost.

                            Your Shaman skill build is really bad. There’s very little reason not to max Q in the early game. Level 1 Shackle is enough disable, and the way you win your lanes now is to bully the enemy out of lane with your high base damage + your lightning harrass. Not to mention without max Q you’re not utilizing the fact that Shaman is one of the best support farmers in the game.

                            So yeah, items-wise, you should have farmed more by the end of the game. If you really want the pusher build, you should’ve had an Aghanims on top of your Refresher. However, you already have a Luna. Personally I would’ve bought utility items instead, like Glimmer, Ghost Scepter, Force Staff, or Aeon Disk. Maybe then you wouldn’t have died so much.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            Muhammad Sumbul

                              Pros do the midas rad thingy but personally i thi nk it would have beedn better if you'd gone converntional items like sny armlet etc


                                Good job holding the game vs what looks like a snowballing storm. I love the blink+hex pick up.

                                Gawr Gura

                                  You were caught in a shit storm. You have my F.


                                    Farmed on the Huskar and Tusk lol


                                      you survived and won a 1 hour game which is something mentally difficult

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        Nice assists. You have to work on your farming a bit. You have the lowest networth in the match and it is not good especially if you are on the winning side. Othe than that you probably made that MK and SF's job a lot easier.

                                        fuck ur mom fuck ur sister

                                          with K&Y and agh you do a lot of magic damage and it worked, but I'm not sure if physical lina (silver edge, mjollnir, deso) is a bit better late game, even if you manage to deal pure damage with your ult
                                          not exactly my previous match but I'm really curious on how could I won this game

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            I would buy bkb and linken's instead of blade mail and crimson late game. You were probably targeted by bloodseeker's rupture all the time. When you pop bkb they have nothing against your linken's and you won't be ruptured. You can't go against tinker hex, zeus and ench without a bkb. I would pop it and run straight at ench so his untouchable will be useless. Then if i get the money i would sell sny and buy an abyssal to keep them locked down. Other than that if you want to win, don't pick bristleback. He is really irrelevant imo( unless you get good synergy hero in your lane like kotl or something)


                                              Not a huge fan of support pugna. Looks like you guys all just hopped on pl's back and made him carry. Good for him.


                                                You maintained pretty good last hits despite the game spiraling so far out of control so fast. Your lineup was really unfortunate because you basically had no reliable stuns, no initiation, no teamfight abilities, just a ton of damage. If you were starting that game over from the beginning, I'd say pick a different hero. Maybe pango, or centaur, or slardar... something that can start fights. If you were stuck with Lycan because of weird dumb pub drafting, then I'd say committing fully to the idea that your team is never going to fight and pushing with the necro is about all you can do. It seems like you had the right idea, but some games you just can't do anything about.

                                                papito bravo

                                                  Lost in a debate contest against pandaface.
                                                  Nothing surprisingly special.


                                                    Heart pickup was game-losing. Would’ve been better off with other utility items. With BM and radiance already as an abaddon, the enemies are smart enough to ignore you, wiping the rest of your team before isolating you.

                                                    ☩ Vinblastine ☩

                                                      I think you're wasting the farming potential of Alchemist by not maxing out the 3rd skill early. Because of the recent buffs to 1st skill, alche could get away building skill 3-1-1-3-1-4-3-3-1 and get maximum amount of gold on the map. Stun is not that useful early, the earlier you got your rad means the earlier your power spike comes and it will make a huge difference. I'd say that 46 minutes you should have better KDA and better farm, like 1000+ GPM, and considering the fact that you gain more gold from bounties as the game progresses meaning it's pretty easy to get that amount of GPM.


                                                        I think you lost your match in your last game


                                                          I think you lost your match because a monkey snowballed hard. valve plz nerf the king

                                                          Solo Mid

                                                            @火女 : I just wonder how did your team lose this match ? Both team balanced in disabler heroes. How ?

                                                              Yorum silindi

                                                                that kunkka must be on suicide watch.... so sad


                                                                  you managed to win enve though you died 16 fucking times. wp


                                                                    Stomp, basic lion stuff I appreciate the aggressive build to disrespect the opponents lack of ability to not get their shit kicked in by your cores. Wp.


                                                                      Mars is imba. nerf it


                                                                        Ignoring all the turbo only games you've played across the last year and going back to the last actual normal game you played -

                                                                        Did the best you could with 70% kill participation, the fewest deaths and still keeping up most with a close amount of CS as your other cores who fed 3 and 4 times more deaths than you. But not winnable with those team mates and all the constant deaths allowed the enemy cores to get ahead in both kills and outfarm you as well so loss was inevitable.

                                                                        Muhammad Sumbul

                                                                          Nice stomp.You guys have a cancerous lineup


                                                                            Am pickers? SoBayed

                                                                            Victor Wembenyama - Ede

                                                                              huge stomp

                                                                              wait for me

                                                                                More farm than enemy core?? As a tide hunter?? I'm in love


                                                                                  Everyone stealing your kills!


                                                                                    Classic 2k game against 5 cores . The idea of naga against those heroes is pretty neat i would say . The farm is inefficient tho .


                                                                                      ^Nice troll. Good items. And good carry. Nice hero and building damage. And also good kda. Lodi petmalu!

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                      haru yo koi

                                                                                        5 core lineup WutFace. Guess it's common in SEA huh. Think some of you guys had to play less greedy and let the am and meepo farm or something.

                                                                                        Muhammad Sumbul

                                                                                          Around 50% kill participation that is nice.The vlads however seems questionable to me spec and you were the only hitters ,but since i don't know what the game was like I'm bot gonna comment on that


                                                                                            Seems like you got a lot of kills stolen from your teammates... well you pulled through and won either way.

                                                                                            Muhammad Sumbul

                                                                                              ggez rekt the enemy team.Good job making the life of am hell.Guessing u were laning against am
                                                                                              Edit:BUmp ded thread

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                              Muhammad Sumbul

                                                                                                BUmpity bump.Bump dead thread

                                                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                                                  whats on turbo worth to comment? how someone got lucky and did best as presumably a core lion?
                                                                                                  to say the least, dead thread of a dead forum of a dead game

                                                                                                  Super Senko-san Time

                                                                                                    How did a CM get the most hero damage and 2nd most kills (diff by 1) in a game lol...

                                                                                                    I like the fact that after some time when you're transitioning to carry CM, the Puck became the one who bought the wards haha


                                                                                                      weird lifestealer build you have there

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!