General Discussion

General DiscussionPost your Solo ranked match rating

Post your Solo ranked match rating in General Discussion

    Is it just me or can anyone else not see their mmr when they type "developer 1" and then "dota_game_account_debug" in the console?


      8 Lose, 2 Wins -> 4,2k :) Hard to win with russians ♥


        8-2 3927 solo
        7-3 3868 team


          How do some of you guys check it after only 1 game?


            man i feel inferior. only 3.6k :(

            Not Listed

              I cant find my wins/losses for competitive solo. only wins losses in general play.
              I type in

              "developer 1"

              I get this

              wins: 527
              losses: 567
              xp: 749
              level: 83
              initial_skill: 2
              leaver_count: 42
              low_priority_until_date: 1374358080
              prevent_text_chat_until_date: 0
              prevent_voice_until_date: 0
              last_abandoned_game_date: 1378958631
              leaver_penalty_count: 23
              completed_game_streak: 186
              teaching: 24
              leadership: 39
              friendly: 47
              forgiving: 24
              successful_report_count: 34
              notify_successful_report: 0
              account_disabled_until_date: 0
              account_disabled_count: 0
              showcase_hero_id: 62
              match_disabled_until_date: 1387343082
              match_disabled_count: 33
              partner_account_type: PARTNER_NONE
              low_priority_games_remaining: 0
              solo_competitive_rank: 3143
              solo_calibration_games_remaining: 0
              recruitment_level: 0
              secondary_leaver_count: 0
              last_secondary_abandoned_game_date: 0

              I see my solo competitive rank or 3143, very mediocre, then again im only an average player, but I cant see my wins and losses in solo competitive. how do I access that? I think I have about 7wins 4 losses but Im not certain. can anyone help me on this?


                4-6 4106!
                pretty happy consider i only played for about 8 month


                  11 wins - 4 losses solo 2827 :(

                  Must be doing something wrong

                  Noone knows I'm a Llama

                    i can't find my score :S

                    developer 1

                    low_priority_games_remaining: 0
                    calibration_games_remaining: 4
                    recruitment_level: 0

                    it should be here, but there is no row for it.


                      it doesnt work anymore. you have to play the 10 calibration games now if you want your mmr

                      At One With The Jack

                        Mine is 3054. Is that okay or...?

                        Retard Security Detail

                          Mine floats between 3040-3120 for now, and will say its not ok. I get teamed with people so clueless or bad at dota pretty much every game. I dunno what the ranges are but 3k is a nightmare usually.


                            They removed the console command thingy, u should play at least 10 games to be able to see ur MMR.
                            Through ur dota profile.

                            Smiley ツ

                              I'm so confused. Is a higher number better than a lower one?


                                It's a rating, and not a ranking, but Valve are a bunch of retards, it is somehow points, u usually gain some when u win, and lose when u lose the game.

                                At One With The Jack

                                  Its useless until we have something to base our MMR off.


                                    4351 with 3-7 win loss.I started 0-7 and got very very bad teammates while the enemy team were constantly very good.After that I started getting more balanced games and I won them.Fittiing rating, didnt expect more, didnt expect less.


                                      3756 :/

                                      Dona Maxima

                                        What means that percentiles?


                                          3137. I did not expect to be in the top 10% of players .. but then this is only after the initial 10 games.


                                            4461 Solo Q

                                            i just sometimes play with retards in team.

                                              Yorum silindi

                                                Me 4524 atm solo queue :) Will try #road to 5k .


                                                  individual skill only matters if your deviation rate is high

                                                  4100 - 99% means only 1% of the player have 4100 rating or more

                                                  there are lots of people with high rating on forns becouse people with low rating are too embarrased of their ratings and don't comment

                                                  the end


                                                    3366 after 10 party ranked games. then the next 2 games got a lot harder, so maybe that ranking is too high?


                                                      I've just played a few ranked MM and realized what they have written in the blog "The players who participate in ranked matchmaking will be more skilled, more experienced players. We anticipate that any given player will have different expectations and play the game differently in ranked matchmaking compared to normal matchmaking." is totally crap... It's even worst than normal MM, got more game spoilers and newbie trying out new heroes.

                                                      How can ranked MM help to improve player's enjoyment of the game.

                                                      by the way, is the higher the better or the other way around?


                                                        also, are those ranking points just for the ranked games? if i play unranked will it change? seems like its hard to get an accurate reading off just 10 games. will need 100's.

                                                        Woof Woof
                                                          Yorum silindi

                                                            4509 5 win, 5 loss. Not bad for casual play.
                                                            I have a theory that individual performances and game impact plays a large factor on your rating regardless of your win/loss. I am thinking mainly KDA but more so damage dealt to heros etc so that players cannot simply play ks heros and "appear" good.
                                                            Currently I am testing on my smurf account (Level 13, low > normal MMR) whether it is possible to achieve a high rating out of the 10 solo calibration games. This would mean playing ranked games with random low rated players, some of which may be uncarriable and result in losses, to test how accurately the system identifies smurfs and whether this affects the end rating.
                                                            So far I have only played 2 ranked games going 25/1/10 and 16/0/11 however since the removal of the console rating, will need to update you at the end.


                                                              your test will only be valid if you've never played any solo games on the smurf account before


                                                                3519 to 3598 after 3 wins, consistently getting around 25 points each game #roadTo4K


                                                                  4325 after 4win 6 loss. Not bad for a full-time stoner. Don't blame weed for losses pls :D


                                                                    Alt account was created to play with really really and I mean really bad real life friends. Win rate was around 40% so at level 13 Mmr should be as close to baseline compared to most players. Won't be perfect however for the purposes of this test should fit nicely.

                                                                    Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                      5100~5200 (changes after every match, general tendency is increasing though)
                                                                      Still, everyone hates me :X

                                                                      Also Dotabuff sucks, people look at my dotabuff page and see "omg only 51% winrate on his main hero". I have almost 60% winrate in the last 200 games with him.


                                                                        Its kinda weird some people here with like 8-2 end up with a rating around 3500 and I, with 4 wins and 6 losses got 3337 just now. My last game i did really terrible (not only me, thought, but lets not play the "blame game") so Im gonna admit (puck one) but the rest was average/decent

                                                                        Donald Duck

                                                                          [Noob mode on]
                                                                          How to open the console?
                                                                          Can I check ratings of other players using the console?
                                                                          [Noob mode off]


                                                                            @Boski, maybe because of the number of games.. more games(win or lose) will somehow give you some points



                                                                              You start with rating from normal mm, and after 10 ranked games its calibrated for ranked mm.

                                                                              Player A had 4000 rating in normal mm, that transfer to his 1st ranked match. After 10 ranked matches he had score 1 win 9 loses, so his 4k rating will tank to like 3600.

                                                                              Player B had 2000 rating in normal mm, that transfers to his 1st ranked match. After 10 ranked matches he had 8 wins and 2 loses. His rating will go up to like 2300.

                                                                              You see nly see the result: Player A 3600 rating with score 1-9, Player B 2300 rating with score 8-2.

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                People claiming they are "l337 pr0" with their 4000+ MMR, because the dota blog said 99% 4100, are completely wrong.
                                                                                The scales seem to be completely different, you have to understand this/

                                                                                I have friends with over 5000, and they're clearly not at a Dendi, or Lod[A] or whatever. Hopefully Valve will release a graph to demonstrate the new scales for RMMR, so you have a decent comparison of your position. But I wouldn't expect this for at least a few months, 10 games is only enough to get a basic calibration, and it's going to fluctuate a lot for a while while everything settles.

                                                                                Also, for people complaining about how ranked MM is putting them with bad players, is simple because you're still being calibrated properly. It's like starting a new profile, and playing a smurf account - You're going to get bad players for a while.

                                                                                And don't get dishearted by losing a game, Valve have stated themselves that even if you lose a game, you have the potential to rise in MMR, as it's based on the in-game events, not the end result. Yea, generally a losing team will go down in MMR, but that's overall, individually, you can go up when you lose, or down when you win.
                                                                                For example, you could lose a game terribly, the other 4 people on your team could end with 0-20... but if you have a few kills, and little to no deaths, with a decent GPM and XPM, the game can identify that as being smart, making the most of a bad situation, positioning yourself correctly to avoid a stupid suicides, and it can raise you up a little.
                                                                                On the flip side, you could be stomping the opposing team, but because you're contributing nothing, and repeatedly dieing, you can go down, even though your team's won the game in 15 minutes.


                                                                                  3523 solo after 10 games (5-5)


                                                                                    mine is 3900
                                                                                    road to 4,1k xD


                                                                                      5200 here ^^ Happy with ranked MMR...but im having such a easy time in solo Queue..i believe i can get to 5.3 or 5.4k ez


                                                                                        lying is so fun

                                                                                        Noone knows I'm a Llama

                                                                                          "Note that this distribution is from normal matchmaking. We don’t know yet what the distribution will be in ranked matchmaking, but we EXPECT TO BE DIFFERENT."


                                                                                          "The players who participate in ranked matchmaking will be more skilled, more experienced players.


                                                                                          We anticipate that any given player will have different expectations and play the game differently in ranked matchmaking compared to normal matchmaking.



                                                                                            2510, I suck so bad. Stomped first 3 games, lost next 7.


                                                                                              ~4700, fucking disgusting how bad some people are in some games.... battlefury gondar, support krobelus, dagon furion vs not a single squishy hero... the list goes on.


                                                                                                @And A Lythii In A Pear Tree
                                                                                                You may have friends over 5k who are not Dendi level, but of course!

                                                                                                Being over 5k just shows good understanding of the game and execution, but does not necessarily mean that you're at a competitive level. At this level the rating would be effectively high enough that most of these players will be at the top of the queue.

                                                                                                Hell, most pros have around 5k+ MMR on average as well.


                                                                                                  It`s so freakin hard to play when you are muted :( 3 loss in a row.

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    how do ppl get muted so often, I say the most offensive shit all the time and troll half my games and I rarely get muted.......


                                                                                                      once you start getting muted, the threshold of reports is less. Key is not to talk from Sunday to Tuesday, and behave for 3 weeks if you reach 168...

                                                                                                      Though, i completely deserved my last muting.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!