General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    G: Seems to be supportive player
    B: Quite alot of deaths on lost games, either really bad positioning or just doesnt give a fuck when things go south


      G: Beastly venge and necro player. Buys mekansm a lot
      B: bloodseeker/storm spirit picker


        G: Nice spamming going on, hope you keep at it picking good heroes, dont get discouraged by a loss or a couple if overall you're winning more than losing

        B: That PA sitting at the top is not so great


          G: Decent stats on your most played Hero's
          B: Same goes for you, having bloodseeker at the top is not so great

          Forgos ☭
            Yorum silindi

              (For Actual)
              G: Nice most played heroes!
              B: Last 10 games on Normal Skill tier

              Keke LM

                Post a new commentG: Nice win rate
                B: I dont like your pseudo


                  G: BKB player
                  B: ranked winrate


                    G:Good winrate with top 3 heros
                    B:Limited hero pool

                    Forgos ☭

                      g:Another rubick lover like me <3

                      b:needs to play more rubick :D


                        Respect a good Rubick player, I find him very difficult to play. Very High Skill, clearly you are much better than me and perhaps this post won't mean a lot to you. The usage of Blink Dagger and Force Staff together seems to be a good escape mechanism and allow you to micro better, I think I learn more looking at yours than you will get anything from this haha.

                        I am new and would appreciate any constructive comments!


                          G: keep playing supports this is the best way to learn dota
                          B: stay away from riki


                            G: Invoker :)

                            B: Go play all the hero's at least once (except techies, fuck techies)

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                            haru yo koi

                              G: 54% win rate, high KDAs and win rates on most played heroes
                              B: Nothing really

                              Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                G: UD god
                                B: Winrate


                                  G: Nice winrate and KDA, solid TA games.

                                  B: 20 games dotabuff profile, what else can i say?

                                  Keke LM

                                    G: you have pretty high winrate on very hard carries
                                    B: why low win on legion then lol


                                      G: enigma, omni and terroblyat
                                      B: sub 50% ranked winrate, axe kda, sf winrate


                                        G: timbeeeeeer is so good
                                        B: way too much games with doom, i mean hes so boring :P

                                        With the Right Folks

                                          G: Nice pudge win rate :3
                                          B: Find more time to play Dota! Very little recent games, school started again for you?


                                            G: Cool Mirana
                                            B: Too many nickanames


                                              G: Positive win rate with Rubick in 6.84 nice 1.5k rubick games
                                              B: Sub 50% overall win rate; also 53% WR in not stats recorded wtf!? why you staying in those games?

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                                G: bane kunka WR
                                                B: invoker WR, Lesh/troll picker in 6.84/6.83 :D


                                                  G: starting his dota career
                                                  B: classical pub carry

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    G: High ranked %, High lifestealer win rate (wtf)
                                                    B: Not so active anymore, 3-4 games per week.

                                                    pfizer papi

                                                      g: winrate on best hero (witch doctor)
                                                      b: normal skill

                                                      anita max winn

                                                        G: high skill player
                                                        B: smurfing??? idk if that's considered bad

                                                        Dr. Gilderoy

                                                          G: loves splitpushing heroes, is on a streak recently, 100 % win rate in Russia
                                                          B: too many abandons


                                                            G: Loves Luna, has a 75% plus win rate which is really good
                                                            B: Legion win rate

                                                            The Nugget Collector

                                                              G: Good Meepo, thats nice.
                                                              B: Needs to play more Night Stalker :P

                                                              Player 124137522

                                                                G: Decent winrate when playing crystal maiden and Drow Ranger.
                                                                B: Winrate on most favourite hero Phantom assassin (29% wtf??)


                                                                  G: Seems to be a really solid carry player with high winrates on Slark and PL.
                                                                  B: Plays PL :D


                                                                    G: 7/10 so far
                                                                    B: already an abandon, i don't get smurfs


                                                                      G: high hero dmg in ur 5 games B: 3lose 2win rank game


                                                                        Good: Nice tide KDA
                                                                        Bad: Nice smurf you got there

                                                                        Dr. Gilderoy


                                                                          G: excellent win rates on your most played heroes and overall win rate, high skill
                                                                          B: somewhat less active recently?


                                                                            @Dr. Gilderoy Less time to play and reborn fuck up my gaming experience... For some time it was nearly impossible to play. Now i'm waiting for 6.85 to come out with new stuff.

                                                                            Good: Nice and round 60% win rate, and you sure love playing luna (I love it too just for the accent)
                                                                            Bad: You kunkka KDA is pretty low... As well as your win rate with legion. Need to improve those heros.


                                                                              G: very nice KDA, WR and other stats, seems like very skilled player
                                                                              B: smurf?


                                                                                G: Nice records (close to 60%) with support heroes

                                                                                B: KDA ratio could have been better

                                                                                Dobby is a Freemason

                                                                                  G: you the big joe
                                                                                  B: im the small joe


                                                                                    G: great all-round
                                                                                    B: KotN is broken

                                                                                    \/ BigJoe I expected something about the KDA

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                      G: Great all round hero win rates

                                                                                      B: Ursa 40%



                                                                                        G: Consistent 50-65% win rates on heroes;that's nice
                                                                                        B: Really high deaths per game; low kdas

                                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                          G: Decent KDA and winrates on top heroes
                                                                                          B: A lot of abandons


                                                                                            G: Good overall player, but what else can you expect from Sam :)
                                                                                            B: Rat to it's core xD


                                                                                              good: centaur bara brist, looks like a good offlaner.

                                                                                              bad: 47 winrate with tusk 4Head


                                                                                                good: knows russian

                                                                                                bad: gets blink over sb on slark in 4k pubs


                                                                                                  (i am profesional slarkinson and i buy different shit every game) 4God (skip me)

                                                                                                  btw since when knowing russian is a good thing? :D

                                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                    G: has a lot of games under his belt, absolutely loves timbersaw
                                                                                                    B: Semi-Low overall win rate