General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone interested in being coached?

Anyone interested in being coached? in General Discussion

    Title. I'm a 6k+ support only player on US West. I'm trying to get better at coaching, so let me know if you'd like me to live coach a game of yours or analyze a replay. Not asking for any money or anything, just want the experience and to help people who want to get better.


      I'd love some coaching but these days I don't play that regularly.


        idk if u want to coach me, but I try to be a good support in my pub matches. I'm a crusader and I mostly like to carry but I like to pull my weight as a support. You can see I had a couple recent CM matches where I didn't feel like I could make a difference. And that omni game I was actually supporting the whole time so it is funny that dotabuff thinks I was core. I would really love some feedback on my games tho I play Wednesday and Friday nights after putting kids to bet mostly


          Oh I am also in the US west, MDT timezone. I really do want to get better at supporting. I appreciate any help you give me!




              Honestly im interested, made a 1 year break, i was hardstuck 3k MMR support, got back to dota after TI hype, the usual, had recalibration for some reason, did 1w-9l lost 1k MMR, now im in 2k MMR now, im winning games its not a problem, but they still feel very hard so you can safely say im not 3k anymore... Thanks for comming to my Ted talk.

              Smoking man

                Hey Battlecat, i would love to get coached, i m a coach myself of my friends immortal team, but i m a legend 2 player.
                let me know if you would like to coach me, it would be mutually beneficial ;)


                  I am interested, I play on US West/East, I switched my role to mid this year. I really wanna improve my laning, and learn how to control objectives. I'll add you on steam bro


                    For everyone who is interested go ahead and add me on steam, so far I have tears and Jerson


                      Alternatively add me on Discord, Battlecat34#9433


                        Had a session with Battlecat this morning, he analyzed one of my replays and coached me live one game. Showed me things i did wrong, taught me couple of warding tricks and on what to focus on when i have good and a bad lane. What he showed me made a difference in my next games so, 10/10 i recommend!

                        SHERIKH ZUNICH PUTIM RADM...

                          I would like too, i sent you a friend request on discord (FrancoBombana04) and on steam ( UMBERTO RUPERTI (IL VETRAIO) ).

                          Already have couple of games to let you analyze, that would be very interesting (i m 4.1k mmr)

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