General Discussion

General Discussionim stucked in 2.8 k mmr

im stucked in 2.8 k mmr in General Discussion

    how could i finally reach Legend 1 (3300) ? im main Support, and i have to say that the most of the games that i lose is because i get bad cores.

    ( Pls dont write something like "git gud", "destroy the enemy ancient" or this stuff xd )

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      I'm in the same boat as you sir I lost over 300 mmr. People seem to be allergic to pos 5 and proceed to do horrible as a core

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Odds are you aren't supporting your cores as well as you think.


          understand the game

          execute your gameplay regarding to your understanding, strategy wise and in the best mechanical way you can deliver

          the game starts at picking phase (synergy, strategically, counter picks)

          playing calm, not tilting or blaming (playing with a positive attitude is extremly underestimated)

          dota is a team game, play togehter, communicate if necessary, if not via voice or chat, at least ping

          there are millions of things which count or which you can improve to climb

          Ofc your cores are bad. If you lose they are bad, but if you win your cores are bad too. Your supports are bad. You are bad. What are you talking about? Stop lying to yourself. If anyone would be good at the game he wouldnt be playing anywhere near 2k mmr.

          People at 3k mmr are bad , so are people at 4k. 5k mmr gamers stil make huge mistakes, have lack of understanding in some areas or are not as good mechanically. It always depends on your perspective. For a Top100 player 6k mmr players are complete trash.

          Some games are hard to win and others feel very easy. If you are better then 2,8k then you would climb, but you are not, so stop blaming it on your cores.

          Its simple: play better and you will get higher mmr

          Player 123655765

            Same here, everytime I get near to 3k I always get ladder anxiety.


              because i get bad cores.

              there. useful advice for you right here. this right here is clearly the root of the problem. your attitude. git gud

              Usain Bolt

                sooo. Here Iam smurfing in the Legend bracket rofl. messing around and experimenting shit. sooo here goes

                First of all.

                It seems you are not supporting your cores well. You seem to use a lot of rubick. RUBICK in laning stage is a big meh.

                I dont want to make this long. Just try dis one out.

                Pick heroes such as. Undying, Bat (pos4), Shadow shaman (TRADE HITS with the enemy, Fucking shaman has very high base damage)
                Try this heroes out. AND HARRASS THE SHIT OUT OF THE ENEMY LANE.

                2nd. IF YOU THINK YOU ARENT doing anything in your lane aside from draining xp from your core. GTFO.
                go to the other lanes and shit out of them. Legend players does not rotate shit. rofl

                one more. dunno if this is real for you, but i've seen a lot of support do this.



                pick regen items. like 6 tangoes on bat. 1 mango. and spam the shit out of that sticky shit.
                same with Undying. spam harrass and kill

                one more thing. legend players specially supports seems like they dunno how to support. take dis as an advantage, when they are pulling. when they pull. and you see no creeps on their t1 tower. dive. SPAM skills. and fortify your creeps. UGGHHH

                Just do this. and you'll be fine.

                Usain Bolt

                  Dont play PASSIVELY. Think of something to do to improve your lane, like i said. harras harras harras. if you ran out of regen items go suicide in the neuts and do the same thing.

                  Usain Bolt

                    and GOODLUCK


                      I think most people suck at supporting (in pubs) because they don’t know how to follow constructively. The cores have all the exp and money so you have to play according to their plan. Forget about pro pos 5s calling the shots or everyone getting an equal vote. You can make suggestions as a support but ultimately your actions need to be what your cores think they should be.

                      Embrace your inner beta.


                        no. 1 reason for losing lane is bad supports in this bracket.



                          I think its hard to balance ganking and laning. If im winning the lane cause of our dual lane is stronger than the opponents, leaving the lane seems wrong. I never leave the safelane unless they given up on the lane and my carry can solo. From the offlane i only gank if i find a haste or invis rune.

                          Also my support picks been, AA lich(before rework) warlock and now dazzle and some ogre. Only one of them have a reliable stun. That also narrows my options for ganking since i cant set up for a kill.


                            ^ depends on the hero you are using. you cant roam gank on every support.

                            And if you are winning your lane, why leave the lane. leave the lane when your core can solo.

                            but if you really are doing nothing in the lane. staying in the lane leeching exp from your carry is a big no no. i usually ask them to go top and make the enemy carry suffer as well. instead of him. stayinig beside me doing absolutely NOTHING.

                            You being there doing nothing. and you being not there is the same thing. well its worse since you are drainingg xp


                              dont alwaays play ranked ffs, play unranked and other game modes dude, chill after a game ranked/unranked.


                                i am stuck in your mom


                                  destroy the enemy ancient


                                    Whoa kotato chill down man


                                      Also support in this bracket all trash anyway


                                        Im post 4 and 5 main.. agree with ur stat bout bad core..

                                        Im legend 1 now, just play post 4 and pick pudge or techies *dont play defensive techies..

                                        Just gank with pudge or destroy tower with tech.. u can kill at lv 5 with ur 2nd lv 1..


                                          yeAH jUsT pIcK pUdKA brO


                                            Pudge is a fucking auto report every single game


                                              If you think your cores are bad and you can do better, then just do it yourself.

                                              My friend who played pos 5 asked the same question to me. We played party together so he got high party mmr with low solo. I told him to just pick core even if his team doesnt have support. He ranked up nice and easy.
                                              Because clearly he's a better player compared to his team.
                                              Supports in 2-3k are overrated imo, you can just buy your own cour and ward if no one did.

                                              But this only work if you're indeed a better player compared to all your teammates and enemies.


                                                After this post, i played 6 Shadow Shaman matches and won all of them.

                                                Big diference between Rubick as 5 ans and shaman.

                                                I hope to keep improving



                                                  The other key to supporting is to quickly figure out who the best player on your team is (apart from yourself of course) and dedicate yourself to making him a raid-boss. I.e. ward where he farms, protect him in fights etc.

                                                  A lot of pubs is actually about figuring out the strengths/weaknesses/strategies of five strangers as quickly as possible (which actually goes some way to explaining why meta > cheese in pubs)


                                                    I think i'm exactly in your situation, even worse because my MMR is lower. I like supporting but it's complicated when your carry doesn't follow anyone and goes afk farm jungle.
                                                    one example of my last games.

                                                    Our mid matchup :

                                                    Pudge VS Lifestealer. yeah it's real.
                                                    At minute 1 you know you will lose the game.

                                                    I should stop playing support. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                                                      See, that's your problem. You think the carry should 'follow anyone' but he's the guy with the farm and is thus more than 1/5th of the team. If you don't follow the game plan of the carry you will lose almost guaranteed.

                                                      if they want to afk farm you need to make space for them and make wherever he chooses to farm as safe as possible.

                                                      Complaining about your afk carry when you have just chosen to take a 4v5 fight and lost it is really silly.

                                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                                        Play around what your core does.

                                                        Also playing solo queue as a pos 5 is a recipe for disaster. Learn how to play pos 1/2 and carry your games instead of relying on unreliable randoms.


                                                          Complaining about your afk carry when you have just chosen to take a 4v5 fight and lost it is really sill

                                                          I'm not complaining for that. I'm just saying it's stupid to wait in the jungle when you have 3 or more late carries on the enemy team. Anyway I know I can't blame carries in my bracket, 80% of them dont know how to last hit nor push when needed.

                                                          It's just sad when you like playing support.


                                                            those sort of games you just shrug and tell yourself you did your job for 30mins and click PLAY DOTA.

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              It's just sad when you like playing support.

                                                              i went from crusader to archon with picking pos 4 ns and sb :)
                                                              its not sth impossible :)


                                                                I truly believe that it is just the opposite in the lower bracket.
                                                                The core role is relatively simple: farm, choose your fights, split push, gather with the team on power spikes).
                                                                Where the support role actually requires much more thinking and decision making. Also, the list of jobs is also extensive: pull, stack, harras, push, defend, gang, rotate, ward, deward, smoke etc. All of that is relatively easy mechanically, but to know when to do what is crucial and I would say hard.
                                                                As mainly core player (at least recently) I can say that my games are made by the supports. My performance is directly dependent on them. Especially on mid, having support ward you defensively, come to the rescue when you get ganged or gang with you can make mid lane so much more successful. But it is even more crucial on the safe lane.