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General DiscussionGifting Battle Passes for Legit Tips on How to Get Divine

Gifting Battle Passes for Legit Tips on How to Get Divine in General Discussion
Solo Leveling

    No Joke


      Im just going to share my strategy when i reached rank 3k to 2k, only play core when no one is fighting over it, also play one unranked match before you start your grind for the day, honestly it helps you relax for your upcoming games. Or you can just stick to one role, and mark the lane at the start of the game, people usually give you the role that you want.

      Solo Leveling

        Add me


          Play Techies kappa


            Cant add rn, since its 12 am in my time, but if you want, we can play pt mmr later


              dont need bp + im 2k scrub but STOP playing sf magic dmg... its retarted.. right click better


                now where is my BP


                  Not divine myself but close. The stategy I personally use to gain mmr is being versatile in your hero pool, make sure you allow your teammates to be in comfortable positions and heroes and pick heroes which synergise well with them. When you get into your game make sure to be confident in your teammates and let them feel confident in themselves. If you dont do this, they will likely flame, not play well or not communicate at all. If you are wanting your teammates to do specific things in the game, e.g buy specific items, focus specific heroes, or farm/fight more often, make sure you suggest rather than telling them, prompting more of a conversation about the decisions being made and what benefits the team the most.


                    Limit your roles and hero pool and you will eventually gain MMR


                      Spam Huskar and you will climb ez


                        I'm not a divine but my friends who are divine give say things like
                        1) Play what you are comfortable with. because ofcourse if you play something you don't know by heart you may not give you 100%.
                        2) Watch your replays. here you will know what you did wrong and what to expect next time.
                        3) Have a positive mental attitude. Trying to keep good team composure will help your team from crumbling
                        4) If 3 doesn't work because in my region it does not most of the time. You can mute players whom are blaming but still chat if you have anything to say. If you let them tear your confidence down. Your lane is lost.
                        5) Play your comfort role. If you are comfortable with carry then ask for it. If its a pos 4 which is my fav put your trust in the lanes and always gank when available
                        6)Watch pro plays


                          huskar/skywrath mage mid = ez mmr


                            Lemme have that 10$ and I'll tell valve to increase ur mmr by 999


                              And if any one here gets the BP do notify... Lemme see if this guy is real of words.


                                Oh yeah he u asked 'legit' tip here it is:-
                                Play till u get divine


                                  watch my replays and learn,now giff me battle pass ty

                                  Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                                    lol ppl are ready to sux vegane and lick ducks for BP . xd


                                      i just got one from him,thank you thank you thank you


                                        if u can manage to be a player who leads the Team to run around with 5 men and takes objectives together Towers, Rosh etc. and motivate the Team and also being a positive force if it comes to mistakes ur Win Chance will improve drastically.


                                          These people yelling huskar ez mmr speak the truth.


                                            Dunno, i believe that if possible you should always try to play with your best heroes if your team is starting the game and have good comunication, if not i think it's more efficient to pick the best suport to counter your enemies early game and stick to your carry and defend him(if a suport that focus on passive harrassment and cure) or kill them in lane until they get too afraid to stop hugging their tower so you can leave your carry to free farm(but pay attention still, always tp ready) so you can gank mid or top(better if your team is trying 3 lane with this suport role). Can use any hero that get's really strong with another person with disable when you go to gank or if he gets really gank ready at lvl 6. But dunno if it's good to do that with a mid hero that focus on gank, i think that if you go mid it's better to do that only after you win the lane and already destroyed the tower so someone will always be visible mid so they don't lose tier 2 mid fast(assuming you won your lane).


                                              I saw your profile, i would say that you focus mid or carry. So you should see your 3/4 best heroes in these positions and so you can have some variety and focus on using them while you go up the ladder. This way you will get better with them while you get ranks because if you don't this will only get harder. (Well my tip is just a variation from the strategy from Sir Action Slacks, he focused on omni only but i think you can do that in other lanes too, but needs a lot of willpower to go on while playing only one hero so much i think.)