General Discussion

General Discussion75 odd Damage Vs Catapults

75 odd Damage Vs Catapults in General Discussion

    Does Anyone feel that getting catapult last hits under tower feels completely RNG, based on the Towers Damage rolls?

    A tower will 3 hit a wagon with high damage rolls, usually it requires 2 hits from a player and 2 hits from the tower, except theres that awkward damage range where if you hit it, the tower will 2 hit it. And if the tower hits it twice, and you hit it once, You'll miss it.

    Does anyone know the Damage ranges for getting this cs?

    Sick of getting CSLUL's.

    Potato Marshal

      Every tower has a 20 damage range, and towers deal siege damage which does 250% damage to units with structural armor-- which includes siege creeps.

      boni top fan

        Lol, its all rng


          I'm sure this used to be easier but yeah, I miss a lot of catapult lasthits and it makes me cry.


            So, the tower does too a cpult between - 250->300 damage. A wagon has 875hp.

            If the tower max's its hits, it is litterally impossible too get. assuming you dont have time too prep the cpult's hp before it reaches the tower.