General Discussion

General DiscussionDota+ rewards are kind of unmotivatibg

Dota+ rewards are kind of unmotivatibg in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    The quests are fun and all but....not that many sets available, and more importantly, i don't see any real point in relics. The chatwheel is gorgeous, but I have a lot of shards sitting around, I don't have anything I'd like to spend it on. Anyone else feel that way?

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      it just started, they will adding some interesting quest in future i guess

      chicken spook,,,,



          Any sets apart from exclusive ones are pretty meh, also the bugs are anoying as fuck i wasnt able to claim my weekly quest, and now i loged in and its claimed automaticly and i honestly forgot how many shards i had and i cant tell for sure is it added up, also at the end of the game animation that you level up etc is slow and cant be skiped and it bugs so you have to restart game to see scorebored.

          Im not really thrilled by this new feature, its okay but not "WOW its a must have" but value is fine judging it costs only 3 euros per month.

          Edit: Another anoying thing, from all 6 exclusive sets, only 3 heroes are playable in this Meta so thats also a bit discouraging, for me atleast.

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