General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen do you buy Shadow Blade on Sven?

When do you buy Shadow Blade on Sven? in General Discussion

    During games I get confused whether to buy Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger. In what situation should I buy Shadow Blade? Which enemy heroes should I buy Shadow Blade against? Please help.

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      If you're confused, always blink dagger

      I really don't see too much usefulness of sb in sven, maybe a late game silver edge against ench

      But srsly, blink is amazing on sven, why would you want to get sb instead?
      And both would hold you down abit, there are better items to get

      casual gamer

        pickoff in area protected by observer

        especially abtimafe


          Wtaf sb sven what else? Meteor hammer sven??

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          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

            Meteor hammer sven?

            If you think about it 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


              sb sven isnt that bad u mongol
              just situational

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                kill splitpushers


                  What The Actual Fuck are you punks saying? Sven is not an agi core. He is a fucking beast who blinks in a two-shots you.
                  Maybe I'm wrong...who knows! You can find anything in shit brackets


                    He has no other escape mechanisms except of blink dagger. Its so crucial on him


                      ^or top tier brackets
                      there r definitely games ive seen bsj or reso going this item on sven
                      if u think its 100% bad to have sb on a right clicking hero who needs to initiate you dont know what ur talking abt


                        u can go both if u need it too
                        sven isnt abt escaping either, he isnt a hit and run hero like ursa
                        he goes in and he stays in, and preferably kills people before they can react


                          Okay man try it and message me as soon as you get at the same level as them lul


                            its situational item, its good to buy when there is BB, DK, Timber, etc... those heroes that needed to break their passive in late game... if these heroes have a good start its not easy to kill them... another consideration is when enemy is having alot of global presence that could easily cancel your dagger (eg. zeus, np, puck’s orb, tinker, etc...), it can be use as secondary escape and sometimes it hurts economically on enemy supports, investing sentry wards.


                              I still believe the common blink into heavy right click build is better than the pick-off agi core style build on sven


                                Never that's it never, blink is always better for a sven and even then there are a lot better items than a silver edge for sven.

                                Cheesy Wenis

                                  If you see an enemy Enchantress or Bristleback getting tons of kills, buy a Shadow Blade. Then upgrade it to Silver Edge.

                                  It shuts down their passives.

                                  Rogue Knight

                                    It's kinda situational but it gives him much more stats plus upgrading it to Silver edge gives him more... Hard passives such as their survivabilites can easily removes their tankiness in teamfights ...


                                      sb into silver edge for break is super situational
                                      but using it to get past wards to kill targets that need to be removed is the far FAR more important part
                                      it scares any support out of relatively contested territory, because they cant reliably see you coming to kill them
                                      its the same reason sb is good on arc warden, it gives map control through pick offs

                                      im not saying sb is better than blink, blink is far more reliable and thus common, but sven sometimes needs sb.
                                      its not bad to get both too
                                      its just an item u get in specific scenarios for a specific purpose
                                      u can find high mmr players who will build it every now and then

                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                        SB Sven is not bad. But go blink dagger with shadow blade, since Sven always dive inside a tower.

                                        SB can be use as a escape tool when you dag in. Attack speed and damage bonus are underrated too.

                                        CK, Juggernaut, and even a fookin Morphling can SB.

                                        Noisy Miner

                                          Having 72% win rate with Sven, guess I can answer this. (Normal skill)
                                          I prefer shadow blade when I've had a good early game and blink if defensive. Building both ain't bad either

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                                            Blink is the only way. Cleave ignores passive so who needs break anyways?


                                              Ye SB on sven is not that bad tho. Grants him aspd and you could upgrade it to SE if enemy have annoying passive like bristle or enchant. Friend of mine build SE against bristle and it was a stomp

                                              Lruce Bee

                                                Rarely do you need break against bb as sven.


                                                  never ever buy shadow blade on sven

                                                  Lruce Bee


                                                    Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                      Always but shadow blade on Sven.

                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                        I know raj is an annoying piece of shit but he's not wrong

                                                        Idk why do you people say shits like "yo u 2k dont talk about builds lol" as long as his arguments are reasonable and has been compared to top meta

                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                          dont get me wrong I dislike his "talks like a professor then say plz fix if rong i know im bad right!!" style as much as u do

                                                          Fuka suginai o nīchan

                                                            If there is a bristle at the enemy team and no ally Hero is able to build an SB or has a Ability to counter his passive then you actually can buy it, but not rly INSTEAD of an Blink.


                                                     (MidOrMeepo YT: Ranked Adventures #2-Toxic Players)
                                                              I can imagine several people on this forum would react similar to the Pudge in this video if a Sven went Shadow Blade instead of Blink Dagger

                                                              Lruce Bee

                                                                The type of scenario where you'd have to face a choice between shadowblade or blink, is unlikely to exist in anything below 5k.

                                                                Meaning you can just build either shadowblade or blink, every game, and it wouldn't matter. Blink is better for sven.


                                                                  Got me.


                                                                    imho always get the shadowblade in trash brackets when there is no other invis hero or sb carrier on your team (force the enemy to waste rescources on you or get punished for not doing it). else its always the blink... i mean even when enemy has a bb or dk or timber, then you can just blink stun the low armor heroes next to them and cleave them away

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