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Question thread in General Discussion

    Should take a break or spam some hero

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      is this a question?


        Thoughts on never Skilling ulti on meepo and rushing battlefury with max passive then net when u r against a counter like wyvern or smth.



          casual gamer

            spam always


              I want u to explain me why is it good to get ring of aquila on OD. What are benefits and when u should or should not get it. Thanks in forward


                Get it always for laning and disassemble for pike

                Lruce Bee

                  Touché Friend. You're dad's gay


                    disassemble aquila for pike on agi heroes too or go 2x wraith band so u have both aq pike

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      so instead of 2 null u just go aquila?
                      i like that for pushing it sounds good
                      i do it on invoker now too



                        i did it and i lost
                        explain pls



                          you have to understand that getting aquila for laning is so fucking minor it only matters to 8k gameplay. ee and miracle like to get it because anything that gives u an edge matters to win a lane.


                            its not just abt lane, its also abt taking the mid t1 and other towers, its something od isnt good at

                            Lruce Bee

                              remember when ppl built aquila on invoker. and now some pros build aquila on life stealer. its just to control the lane, mess up enemy last hits, for armour + dmg.

                              ♛ King Mulyono from Oslo ♛

                                Can dota 2 run on Linux OS ?


                                  wat kind of plans you talkin about?

                                  i actually have some funny serious question yesterday but seems it's gone when i fallen asleep

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    any plan on going pro in dota?


                                      Aquila in the safelane is almost entirely abt taking the tower imo
                                      In the midlane the messing up last hits with toggles is more applicable tho, but imo not its primary use


                                        I am numb 9 hours ago
                                        so instead of 2 null u just go aquila?

                                        i would go 1 null and then aquila


                                          01 9 hours ago
                                 ur build looks shit

                                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                            Can I get 3 nulls and a blademail?

                                            Oh wait wrong hero


                                              lost dedicated 6 hours ago
                                              any plan on going pro in dota?



                                                Feachairu 6 hours ago
                                                wat kind of plans you talkin about?'

                                                like u dont wanna fight till u have x item, or u want to go rosh when u have x item or when y happens. or u want to split push and not join fights or u want to run at some enemy hero or u want to 5 man stuff like that


                                                  how do you feel about 7.10?
                                                  how do high mmr players, or pro players feel in general about the bi-weekly schedule and coming up with new drafts or strats?
                                                  how do you analyze your replays so you can learn something from it, especially in lower level games?


                                                    how do you feel about 7.10?
                                                    tinker overnerfed
                                                    dw in captains without nerf is crazy that hero is broken as fuck and can be played in like 4 roles

                                                    how do high mmr players, or pro players feel in general about the bi-weekly schedule and coming up with new drafts or strats?
                                                    i like it no more 6 months of same op heroes

                                                    how do you analyze your replays so you can learn something from it, especially in lower level games?
                                                    never really did replay analysis only on scrims. but u just look at what u did wrong and waht u should change


                                             ur build looks shit

                                                      that mystic staff was a hex but then i tried to buyback in desperate attempt to salvage a teamfight but i was too late and i had tp on cd so rip (there seems to be some new bug where if you don't have a tp, it doesn't show cd in sticky)

                                                      why's my build shitty? i saw excalibur going force blink instead of pike first and i got to like it a lot

                                                      you have to understand that getting aquila for laning is so fucking minor it only matters to 8k gameplay. ee and miracle like to get it because anything that gives u an edge matters to win a lane.

                                                      atm i'm practicing active usage of aquila in laning stage, it's good i think but atm it takes way too much of my attention spam so i get ganked without noticing
                                                      i'll get the hang of it eventually though

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        meh i think drums sny is stronger u have no stats with taht build ur just squishy af also they have rot and firestorm to cancel ur blink from astral


                                                          pit of malice

                                                          Story Time

                                                            With lina talent spell amplification, does it make sense to buy aganim on her? (pure damage is not amplified if i am correct)


                                                              it only makes sense to buy agha on lina if u wanna burst someone through magic immune but even then its pretty bad i dont htink u ever buy it tbh


                                                                also spell amp works on pure


                                                                  works on physical too


                                                                    (thats why its called spell amp and not magic amp)


                                                                      Is aether lens meteor hammer viable on monkey king



                                                                        Story Time

                                                                          (thats why its called spell amp and not magic amp)

                                                                          Why does it amplify items? (e.g. dagon?)


                                                                            Is there anything u like on 7.10 patch update ?


                                                                              Hi, so my question is: Why would you pick huskar into 5 stuns enemy matchup? Like, why would you do that?


                                                                                What's the average amount of sheets of toilet paper it takes to clean your booty after a dirty-dumpsky


                                                                                  Is there anything u like on 7.10 patch update ?

                                                                                  not really dont really care about the changes tbh


                                                                                    Favorite hentai?


                                                                                      itadaki seieki ofc



                                                                                          Who's the hottest dota 2 female hero?


                                                                                            luna ofc


                                                                                              and pa arcana

                                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                great picks


                                                                                                  man of culture indeed


                                                                                                    I mean Luna has clearly the largest ass if u think anyone's better than gtfo